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Time to take a break

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1Time to take a break Empty Time to take a break 11/23/2012, 2:28 pm



Just been too much going on to be fun. Think I will take some time off. Take care See all you you later......................

2Time to take a break Empty Re: Time to take a break 11/23/2012, 2:42 pm



hallmarkgrad wrote:Just been too much going on to be fun. Think I will take some time off. Take care See all you you later......................

Yeah me too...I got to clean up after turkeyday and enjoy this weather...later shutins....

3Time to take a break Empty Re: Time to take a break 11/23/2012, 3:57 pm



I wish we would have coordinated our hiatuses (is that the correct plural form? Ehh, who cares?) I'll certainly miss you all's posts.

Crying or Very sad

Maybe I'll go back on hiatus...

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