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In Escambia County, the crime rate jumped 12.3 percent, with an increase in every major crime category except robberies

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Overall crime was up in Escambia and Santa Rosa counties during the first six months of 2012, according to a report just released by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.
In Escambia County, the crime rate jumped 12.3 percent, with an increase in every major crime category except robberies. In Santa Rosa County, the crime rate was up 5.9 percent, with a increase in all categories except burglaries.
Here are the latest numbers from the FDLE’s Semi-Annual Crime in Florida Report:
Overall Crime: Increased from 7,679 to 8,620 (+12.3%)
Murder: Increased from 3 to 9
Forcible Rape: Increased from 83 t0 98
Robbery: Decreased from 264 to 242
Aggravated Assault: Increased from 665 to 894
Burglary: Increased from 1,590 to 1,798
Larceny: Increased from 4,752 to 5,222
Motor Vehicle Theft: Increased from 322 to 357
Percent Cleared: Increased from 25.2 to 26.8
Overall Crime Increased from 256 to 271 (+5.9%)
Murder: No change, 0 to 0
Robbery: Increased from 0 to 2
Aggravated Assault: Increased from 2 to 11
Burglary: Decreased from 64 to 49
Larceny: Increased from 187 to 202
Motor Vehicle Theft: Increased from 3 to 7
Percent Cleared: Dropped from 25.4 to 17.3

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Back on the PNJ forum whenever we got upset about another home invasion or carjacking or murder or rape, there was always one poster who would immediately post to quote statistics about the falling crime rate to let us know we were just imagining things.
I hope that person is reading this thread.



Crime always increases with a bad economy.

people become desperate and even a soewhat decent person will do things they normally might not.

sad times we live in.



Whenever I see the hooker roundups I wonder why the cops don't follow them to their drug dealers.. I guess that would be too much work for them..

boards of FL

boards of FL

Bob wrote:Back on the PNJ forum whenever we got upset about another home invasion or carjacking or murder or rape, there was always one poster who would immediately post to quote statistics about the falling crime rate to let us know we were just imagining things.
I hope that person is reading this thread.

That was me, and I was posting these same numbers. You didn't agree with them then though because they didn't show an increase in crime.



I consider myself to be a liberal person but when it comes down to crime I am as tough as the toughest. I still maintain that any crime committed with a firearm should be a Capital Crime ,ie, punishable by death. And then have the death sentence carried out if guilt is established. We reward criminals by locking them up in a prison that is often more comfortable than their previous existence, where they can learn how to be a more successful criminal when they are freed. This is utterly stupid. The most heinous crime committed by the most horrific of murderers sometime will take twenty years of lawyers appeals before the sentence of death is fulfilled.


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