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Jelly fish Bar

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1Jelly fish Bar Empty Jelly fish Bar 10/24/2012, 7:56 pm



THey have a new menu. The blackened fish tacos are the best with the black beans.

I put them up against any Newport Beach Place and they would win.

Great new menu. Sunday brunch is on with a Shiner Bock and fish tacos
on the deck.

Very Happy

2Jelly fish Bar Empty Re: Jelly fish Bar 10/24/2012, 9:23 pm



surfnrg wrote:THey have a new menu. The blackened fish tacos are the best with the black beans.

I put them up against any Newport Beach Place and they would win.

Great new menu. Sunday brunch is on with a Shiner Bock and fish tacos
on the deck.

Very Happy

I'll give it a try. I have never eaten a fish taco (the thought of fish in a taco kinda grosses me out), but if they're that good... who am I to be squeamish?

3Jelly fish Bar Empty Re: Jelly fish Bar 10/25/2012, 11:54 pm



I usually swim or surf Jb Sun am and have "brunch" at the jellyfish.

Shiner bock, fish tacos, no fluff, no champagne....

4Jelly fish Bar Empty Monday 2 fer 10/29/2012, 8:27 pm



On Mondays they have 2 for 1 sushi. Did not know that thought to pass it on.

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