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Fish House

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1Fish House Empty Fish House 3/8/2014, 4:59 pm



Received a gift certificate to the Fish House. I know the Grits YaYa is supposed to be a signature dish but what else is there that should not be missed. We tend to eat a little more on the fresh side, no frying, etc. Suggestions?

Also, is there more than one type of dining there? Is the deck a different menu than the restaurant.

Thanks. Very Happy

2Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/9/2014, 11:54 am



SheWrites wrote:Received a gift certificate to the Fish House.  I know the Grits YaYa is supposed to be a signature dish but what else is there that should not be missed.  We tend to eat a little more on the fresh side, no frying, etc.  Suggestions?  

Also, is there more than one type of dining there?  Is the deck a different menu than the restaurant.

Thanks.  Very Happy  

As far as I know the menu is the same. I have had the steak a couple of times and it was good....don't remember which one but probably the NY strip.

3Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/9/2014, 4:51 pm



Thanks. We should have gone today with this beautiful weather. More to come though, right?  Very Happy 

4Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/9/2014, 5:05 pm



The sooner the better.

5Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/9/2014, 5:37 pm



You can view the menu at their website:

6Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/10/2014, 8:11 am



Now I'm hungry.  Shocked Razz 

7Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/11/2014, 4:28 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Stick to seafood or sushi at the Fish House and you will be OK.  Avoid any steak.  Low quality and tough.

8Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/11/2014, 4:43 pm



Good to know.

9Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/11/2014, 11:28 pm



I always order seafood there. I have never been disappointed. I don't like sushi, but my sushi-eating friends says their sushi is some of the best in town.

10Fish House Empty Re: Fish House 3/12/2014, 7:39 am




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