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Trump Allies Target Journalists Over Coverage Deemed Hostile to White House

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(from the NYT:)

Kenneth P. Vogel and Jeremy W. Peters 1 day ago

WASHINGTON — "A loose network of conservative operatives allied with the White House is pursuing what they say will be an aggressive operation to discredit news organizations deemed hostile to President Trump by publicizing damaging information about journalists.

Trump Allies Target Journalists Over Coverage Deemed Hostile to White House $
© Sylvain Gaboury/Patrick McMullan, via Getty Images Arthur Schwartz, right, a conservative consultant who is a friend and informal adviser to the president’s eldest son, and Richard Grenell, the American ambassador to Germany.

It is the latest step in a long-running effort by Mr. Trump and his allies to undercut the influence of legitimate news reporting. Four people familiar with the operation described how it works, asserting that it has compiled dossiers of potentially embarrassing social media posts and other public statements by hundreds of people who work at some of the country’s most prominent news organizations.

The group has already released information about journalists at CNN, The Washington Post and The New York Times — three outlets that have aggressively investigated Mr. Trump — in response to reporting or commentary that the White House’s allies consider unfair to Mr. Trump and his team or harmful to his re-election prospects..."



This putrid administration is like a plague of termites steadily eating away at our democratic institutions. This is an attack on the free press, thus attempting to discredit facts as presented to us by investigative reporters. The judiciary has been under an assault by Moscow Mitch as he approves inept right leaning judges far and wide. Barr rules the DOJ, books a Christmas party to the tune of $30,000 at the Trump property in D.C. and who will effectively object/indict or stop this?

Nightmare scenario: voting system is compromised in enough key precincts that the election results in 2020 rendering the election un-certifiable. Uncertainty hangs over the election. We are told to just wait until the election to vote him out. It wouldn't take much to end up with a situation like this, given the resistance by Mitch to withhold money to protect the system.

Free press. Court system. Voting system.  ??? What now?


Yeah, I see the walking Messiah Complex and black-hole-in-the-Big-Mac-universe is now on Twitter claiming that "FOX News doesn't work for us anymore." (He's also claiming he's "the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico," while he's being superfuckencrazy, because, why not?).

This is playing into what I'm pretty sure his plan was when he ran for president in the first place... and now that he's seeing he may be running out of luck, it's turning back into his fallback plan.

Here's what I think he actually intended to do when he ran for president:

He thought he'd lose. That was actually Plan A. He didn't really want the job as president (he doesn't want any responsibility, just attention), which is why he's never really assumed a leadership role. All he does is make speeches and take credit for Obama's economy and spike the football if anything good happens, and lie that the bad things happening are actually good. (This is something you can't resist doing when you know that your base is super-incredibly-ultra-mega-hardcore-stupidashell). When he has to do anything like real presidenting-work, like going to the G-7, he slogs through it with the attitude of a bored toddler who's putting up with a visit to Aunt Sally's because he's been promised a new Tonka truck if he does.

Anyway, I think he wasn't really trying to win, just to become a figurehead to the nastiest, most ignorant and idiotic wing of the Republican party, the church-trained shiny-object-chasin' bigoty brand of conservative who believes conspiracy theories and can't get enough of venom being thrown at a cardboard stereotype of "the left." He was just trying to build a following that he could later do something with. Once Trump -- whose biggest "success" was as a media figure in his fake reality show -- captured this audience, he wanted to start his own "Trump TV," which would be an even-more-idiotic propaganda network like FOX News. He'd claim he only lost to Hillary because of a "conspiracy" and he'd devote his channel to railing against all those conspiracies and "exposing" them, etc. His angry, relishing-the-idea-that-they're-persecuted audience would eat it up, and he'd get the only thing he really values - ratings.

There's been some reporting about this, so it's not just my wacky speculatin':

That's one reason he always talks about "fake news" and has gotten his dullard-cult addicted to his Twitter feed... for now, the Twitter feed is like a version of what his TV channel would be like. He's trying to set himself up as "the only reliable source of information" to his cult.

Lately he's intensifying his "you can't trust the media, only I can tell you the truth" horseshit, even attacking FOX News, and I think it's because he sees he's likely going to lose in 2020 and he's pivoting back to his original plan -- being the next Rupert Murdoch/ Roger Ailes.

And, it'll probably work for him. A lot of his base is proudly ignorant and trusting in what he tells them. Hell, I saw one of Mississippi's stupidest newspaper columnists, Daniel Gardner, in the paper the other day bragging about "me 'n' mah kind don't believe nothin' in the medier, we proudly take the word of Donald J. (the J's fer 'Jesus!') Trump 'n' thar ain't nuthin' y'all kin do to edjumacate us off'n it, neither, so take THAT y'all godless heathen socialists!" (Danny is one of the most woefully inadequate and impaired morons you could ever be unfortunate enough to interact with; I had an e-mail debate with him a few years ago and walloped his idiotic ass so hard that I actually felt a little bad about it and finally just let him have the last word because it felt like I was mugging a confused old woman). Trump's got an audience who wants the kind of nasty-dumb mental comfort-food he's offering, without having to question any of it... like an Archie Bunker with the laugh track cut out so the other Archies can think he's the hero. You can easily make money off a crowd like that.

So, anyhow, my theory is that part of the reason Trump tries to discredit journalism is because he has a plan to replace it. He's just clearing the land to build his own channel on. And now that his presidency is failing, he doesn't even feel like he really needs FOX News anymore. He'll dismiss them as "fake" and just lead his cult over to his new vanity channel, the same way the Nazis who get deplatformed on Twitter and YouTube just lead their idiot followers over to Gab or Bitchute.

Anyway, I expect attacks on journalists to be ramped up. Trump's at war with reality itself. It's not "bias" if there really is nothing much good you can say about something.



zsomething wrote:Yeah, I see the walking Messiah Complex and black-hole-in-the-Big-Mac-universe is now on Twitter claiming that "FOX News doesn't work for us anymore."   (He's also claiming he's "the best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico," while he's being superfuckencrazy, because, why not?).

This is playing into what I'm pretty sure his plan was when he ran for president in the first place... and now that he's seeing he may be running out of luck, it's turning back into his fallback plan.

Here's what I think he actually intended to do when he ran for president:

He thought he'd lose.  That was actually Plan A.  He didn't really want the job as president (he doesn't want any responsibility, just attention), which is why he's never really assumed a leadership role.   All he does is make speeches and take credit for Obama's economy and spike the football if anything good happens, and lie that the bad things happening are actually good.  (This is something you can't resist doing when you know that your base is super-incredibly-ultra-mega-hardcore-stupidashell).  When he has to do anything like real presidenting-work, like going to the G-7, he slogs through it with the attitude of a bored toddler who's putting up with a visit to Aunt Sally's because he's been promised a new Tonka truck if he does.

Anyway, I think he wasn't really trying to win, just to become a figurehead to the nastiest, most ignorant and idiotic wing of the Republican party, the church-trained shiny-object-chasin' bigoty brand of conservative who believes conspiracy theories and can't get enough of venom being thrown at a cardboard stereotype of "the left."  He was just trying to build a following that he could later do something with. Once Trump -- whose biggest "success" was as a media figure in his fake reality show -- captured this audience, he wanted to start his own "Trump TV," which would be an even-more-idiotic propaganda network like FOX News.  He'd claim he only lost to Hillary because of a "conspiracy" and he'd devote his channel to railing against all those conspiracies and "exposing" them, etc.  His angry, relishing-the-idea-that-they're-persecuted audience would eat it up, and he'd get the only thing he really values - ratings.

There's been some reporting about this, so it's not just my wacky speculatin':

That's one reason he always talks about "fake news" and has gotten his dullard-cult addicted to his Twitter feed... for now, the Twitter feed is like a version of what his TV channel would be like.  He's trying to set himself up as "the only reliable source of information" to his cult.

Lately he's intensifying his "you can't trust the media, only I can tell you the truth" horseshit, even attacking FOX News, and I think it's because he sees he's likely going to lose in 2020 and he's pivoting back to his original plan -- being the next Rupert Murdoch/ Roger Ailes.  

And, it'll probably work for him.   A lot of his base is proudly ignorant and trusting in what he tells them.  Hell, I saw one of Mississippi's stupidest newspaper columnists, Daniel Gardner, in the paper the other day bragging about "me 'n' mah kind don't believe nothin' in the medier, we proudly take the word of Donald J. (the J's fer 'Jesus!') Trump 'n' thar ain't nuthin' y'all kin do to edjumacate us off'n it, neither, so take THAT y'all godless heathen socialists!"   (Danny is one of the most woefully inadequate and impaired morons you could ever be unfortunate enough to interact with;  I had an e-mail debate with him a few years ago and walloped his idiotic ass so hard that I actually felt a little bad about it and finally just let him have the last word because it felt like I was mugging a confused old woman).  Trump's got an audience who wants the kind of nasty-dumb mental comfort-food he's offering, without having to question any of it... like an Archie Bunker  with the laugh track cut out so the other Archies can think he's the hero.   You can easily make money off a crowd like that.  

So, anyhow, my theory is that part of the reason Trump tries to discredit journalism is because he has a plan to replace it.   He's just clearing the land to build his own channel on.   And now that his presidency is failing, he doesn't even feel like he really needs FOX News anymore.  He'll dismiss them as "fake" and just lead his cult over to his new vanity channel, the same way the Nazis who get deplatformed on Twitter and YouTube just lead their idiot followers over to Gab or Bitchute.  

Anyway, I expect attacks on journalists to be ramped up.  Trump's at war with reality itself.  It's not "bias" if there really is nothing much good you can say about something.  

I can see how, in his mind, he'd want his own media outlet, but, looking at the bigger picture, surely, his attacks on the press weaken one of the most valuable components of our republic? Or, perhaps his attacks do as much to strengthen our support of the NYT's, Washington Post, etc. I can only hope.





PkrBum wrote:

Posting a link with no comment ...

... what a pussy.

Put a little skin in the game, Benghazi Boy.

You want to make a little wager that Russian oligarch’s finger prints aren’t all over those Deutsche Bank loans, douchebag?

I didn’t think so.



You've disbanded from objective observation. Let it go. You're not fooling anyone. You're a classic useful idiot.



PkrBum wrote:You've disbanded from objective observation. Let it go. You're not fooling anyone. You're a classic useful idiot.

Trump Allies Target Journalists Over Coverage Deemed Hostile to White House Source12



Sal wrote:

Put a little skin in the game, Benghazi Boy.

You want to make a little wager that Russian oligarch’s finger prints aren’t all over those Deutsche Bank loans, douchebag?

PkrBum wrote:You've disbanded from objective observation. Let it go. You're not fooling anyone. You're a classic useful idiot.

I didn’t think so ....

.... what a pussy.

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