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1Food Empty Food 11/26/2018, 1:58 pm


It is my last challenge. Finding something which is tasty and can fool the histamines which cause my sinus to let loose and choke me. So every day my wife and I are thinking about new foods I can try. We just did two frozen lobster tails from walmart which completely fooled the histamine drop. I just had a spicy soup which fooled it. However, if I were to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, I would get maybe one or two bites and begin choking on the flem.

I am looking for simple snack which might be tasty and exotic. Sushi works but we are in rural Illinois and getting california rolls at wal mart is stupid. I do love the ginger and have tried it with other bland things to fool my body. looking for treats you can bake, microwave, or broil and if they have some calories........the better.

I am going to have to go easy on heavy cheese consumption for obvious reasons, and we have been doing fresh fruit, but I am all ears to any fruit salad.

2Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 2:32 pm



How about plain Greek yogurt with sweetener, berries and sliced almonds. I use raspberries and blackberries and chia seeds. It is like a parfait.

3Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 2:51 pm



Does the ensure go down ok? I recommended 3or4 a day if you can tolerate them.

4Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 4:26 pm


Best Fruit Salad

Fruit.  I use apples, grapes, pineapple, blueberries.
Some folks just use apples.

1 frozen king size snickers, or 2 regular. Smash well with a hammer. Add to fruit.

Cover all with whipped cream, and let set an hour or so, so the snickers thaws and blends in.

Enjoy  Smile

Oh! And bananas

5Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 4:27 pm


The ensure has not worked. I can get a half glass down with a shake, but then I start gagging. I have instead been drinking egg nog which has fooled it so far, but I came close to gagging last time. The challenge is eating small amounts all day so that the body does not reject the food. I am no taking in enough calories to stop the wasting, but any food I get in buys me a little time. I am thinking of some tasty appetizers I have had at parties, but where do you find those in the middle of nowhere. I will probably need to pick up some on the internet. Small amounts. It is encouraging with the boys here the improved good feelings. My grandson said he wants a castle for his home when he grows up, my wife wanted to challenge him, so she goes a castle has a lot of bathrooms, and who is going to keep them all clean. He looks at my wife and without batting an eye said the queen will clean...........damn every minute matters.

6Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 5:21 pm


All KINDS of tasty appetizers are available in the frozen food section of any decent sized grocery store. You don't have one of those anywhere near?

As for the kid's "queen will clean" comment, UGH. Get after him, Sea!

7Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 5:36 pm



balud wrote:Best Fruit Salad

Fruit.  I use apples, grapes, pineapple, blueberries.
Some folks just use apples.

1 frozen king size snickers, or 2 regular. Smash well with a hammer. Add to fruit.

Cover all with whipped cream, and let set an hour or so, so the snickers thaws and blends in.

Enjoy  Smile

Oh! And bananas


8Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 8:34 pm



RealLindaL wrote:All KINDS of tasty appetizers are available in the frozen food section of any decent sized grocery store.  You don't have one of those anywhere near?

As for the kid's "queen will clean" comment, UGH.  Get after him, Sea!

Wait until the kid's a little older and takes an interest in current events. Then he will reply that one of the kings many wives can clean his golden throne. Laughing

9Food Empty Re: Food 11/26/2018, 11:42 pm



Seaoat try high protein fruit smoothies.

10Food Empty Re: Food 11/27/2018, 2:20 am


RealLindaL wrote:All KINDS of tasty appetizers are available in the frozen food section of any decent sized grocery store.  You don't have one of those anywhere near?

Sea, just went back and read where you had a couple of frozen lobster tails from Wal-Mart. So you do have a Wal-Mart grocery nearby? Then seriously, various cocktail party-type hors d'oeuvres should be available in their freezer section.

Can also suggest yummy canned tropical fruit - Dole makes one or more versions - usually with papaya, pineapple, bananas, etc. (Since you said any fruit salad...) Though am wondering if the pineapple might be too acid for you.

11Food Empty Re: Food 11/27/2018, 2:52 pm


The ideas have been helpful. Blueberries have now created a craving which is good. We have been cutting fresh melons but if they are not flavorful, I can maybe get two bites. If they are flavorful, I will eat the whole thing. Raisins have been good.

The boys made it to school and the palative care hospice nurse met with us as we are deciding when to go from palative to full hospice which will require a hospital bed. I continue to lose weight and until I reverse the same, I am simply going to be gone.

12Food Empty Re: Food 11/27/2018, 6:01 pm


One thing I keep on hand for when my sinuses get bad is Campbell's chicken noodle soup. The simple kind, nothing "Chunky" -- just the plain ol' small can that you add another can of water to. Only I only use half a can of water, and I give it a healthy splash of Tabasco or some other pepper sauce (the hotter the better... I like insanely hot ghost-pepper level stuff, but whatever's in your comfort zone).

Another thing I do, which isn't necessarily good for you but might be better than nothing, is ramen noodles. I also add heat to those, unless I get the kind that they sell at the Asian food store. There's one brand that doesn't even have a name in English, just a black label with a fire-breathing chicken on it. When you make it it's a frightening color of red... and it's hot as all goddamnit. Really, some of the hottest stuff I've ever eaten, and I tend to go weapons-grade with peppers. That'd clear your sinuses, for sure.

Mostly what seems to be good about them, though, is the heat and the liquid -- any hot liquid should be worth a try. If you can stand the taste of it, yerba mate green tea might help. I hate all kinds of tea, especially green, but I will choke that stuff down sometime if my stomach's acting up. Seems to soothe it pretty quickly.

Anyway, good luck!

13Food Empty Re: Food 11/27/2018, 6:21 pm



Ya... teas are good medicine. Might help that reflex you've described.

14Food Empty Re: Food 11/28/2018, 2:47 am


zsomething wrote: That'd clear your sinuses, for sure.

Zsomething, Seaoat can clarify this if he will, but I don't think "clearing" his sinuses is the problem. The problem, as he described it, is his sinuses "let loose" and he chokes on the mucus, phlegm and stuff they produce. I don't think he needs anything to further stimulate his sinuses, but I could be wrong.

Sea? Correct me?

Sure found your post interesting, tho, z -- and it left me wondering, as I often do, at how some folks just love to burn themselves to holy heck on hot sauces and seasonings. Seems especially a southern thing - maybe the Cajun influence? Hardly a restaurant here doesn't have a full complement of burn-y hot sauces at the table. Each to their own!

So, Seaoat, are you about ready to say you're sorry you asked about food? lol

15Food Empty Re: Food 12/6/2018, 8:36 pm


I had the most incredible claim chowder bowl of soup in the quad cities.....and almost ate the whole bowl. A mushroom appetizer which was delicious, but just could eat one. We will now spend a few days looking for cool restaurants within walking distance of the hospital. Food is survival.

16Food Empty Re: Food 12/7/2018, 2:54 am


Clam chowder sounds wonderful -- used to love it but developed an allergy to mollusks in early adolescence and am afraid to ever try them again.

I think it's admirable that you're making such an effort to eat and to actually enjoy it when possible. You're so right that food is survival and it's encouraging that you're able to take in a fair amount of certain things. Keep reporting on what works for you!

It blows my mind a little to think that you and my d.i.l. might be ships passing in the night (OK, the day) on the streets of Chicago, since, last I knew, she was usually walking to and from work at Northwestern (in all but the most inclement weather). Hey, it could happen, though neither of you will ever know, of course.

17Food Empty Re: Food 12/7/2018, 6:00 am


It is amazing what is available within a mile of the hospital. The best part is the parking is really really really expensive and you can as a patient basically park for eight hours for eleven bucks. We have taken the food google map and are excited as we will arrive early on Tuesday and have lunch and then again we can eat that night. So we will park before check in and go to lunch with check in at four pm. I am thinking prime rib. I will only be able to eat two bites before the hystamines flood my mouth and throat with mucus, but that little bit of meat will buy us more time. For dinner we are thinking of a popular Japanese BBQ place which my wife will pick up and bring to the room. The weakness is incredible and the body's battle with the wasting is quite impressive. The PRRT in my current condition is simply a death sentence, but I am quite comfortable after spending last night reading all the European data on the procedure that I have a very low chance of success in buying more time as high hormone levels are the clearest indicator of life extension and I hold by a large margin the record high hormone level at Northwestern......I should already be dead but now get to experience a mouthful of lawry's world famous prime pain no gain.

18Food Empty Re: Food 12/7/2018, 12:26 pm



2seaoat wrote:It is amazing what is available within a mile of the hospital.  The best part is the parking is really really really expensive and you can as a patient basically park for eight hours for eleven bucks.  We have taken the food google map and are excited as we will arrive early on Tuesday and have lunch and then again we can eat that night.  So we will park before check in and go to lunch with check in at four pm.  I am thinking prime rib.  I will only be able to eat two bites before the hystamines flood my mouth and throat with mucus, but that little bit of meat will buy us more time.  For dinner we are thinking of a popular Japanese BBQ place which my wife will pick up and bring to the room.  The weakness is incredible and the body's battle with the wasting is quite impressive.  The PRRT in my current condition is simply a death sentence, but I am quite comfortable after spending last night reading all the European data on the procedure that I have a very low chance of success in buying more time as high hormone levels are the clearest indicator of life extension and I hold by a large margin the record high hormone level at Northwestern......I should already be dead but now get to experience a mouthful of lawry's world famous prime pain no gain.

You're an amazing man Mr. Oats but then everyone here knows that, I just felt the need to express it!

19Food Empty Re: Food 12/7/2018, 5:13 pm



Ditto... enjoy your food!

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