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Police report says Brett Kavanaugh was in a barfight in 1985

Deus X
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Nobody can answer my simple question. I have posted it repeatedly, but it has been avoided like the plague. Please give me the three lies the judge has made which disqualifies him for the Supreme Court. I may be a jerk because I have principles and I am tenacious in the defense of those principles, but I do not run away from simple questions.




1. The meaning of devils triangle and boofing
2.  The fact that he had a drinking problem. A letter surfaced yesterday from HIM as a teenager describing himself as a loud, obnoxious drunk.
3. The fact that he did not know about Ms Ramirez complaints against him until he read them in the paper. He sent texts to friends  in an attempt to get them to support his story BEFORE the complaint became public. He lied to the court about this. It's on the record.

That's 3.
Two of them are refuted in writing. And by the way, even the judge on Fox says his contacting his friends for help before the allegation was made (proving he knew it was coming) was probably illegal.

What do you want Seaoat? A fox news contributor says he's probably violated his oath as a judge.


2seaoat wrote:Nobody can answer my simple question.  I have posted it repeatedly, but it has been avoided like the plague.  Please give me the three lies the judge has made which disqualifies him for the Supreme Court.  I may be a jerk because I have principles and I am tenacious in the defense of those principles, but I do not run away from simple questions.

Golly gee, Mr. Tenacious, you must've missed the following list of lies posted by FT in Post #66 on the "Oh Seaoat, you there?" thread, several of which back up bigdog's shorter list. Suggest you actually READ THEM:

1. He lied about Devil's Triangle. A Devil's Triangle is two different kinds of sexual acts, involving either a threesome or three types of sexual intercourse with one woman in one night. It is not a drinking game. He lied about this several times and his classmates have called him out.

2. He lied about "bouf," which refers to anal intercourse, and not flatulence. He doubled down on this lie several times during testimony.

3. He lied about "Renata Alumnius." That referred to him going on a date with the purported class "slut." It was not about being her friend (and she recently said she was horrified by his yearbook references.) His testimony directly contradicts a poem about Renata written by one of his close friends found in the same yearbook he refers to himself as a Renata Alumnius, portraying Renata as a cheap and sleazy date.

4. He lied that the "Beach Week Ralph Club," which refers to vomiting from drinking at a traditional beach week (which all the schools around here have--we all know the expression). He lied and said it referred to his weak stomach.

5. He lied under oath about not watching Ford's testimony. Today. Witnesses saw him watching it. The Wall Street Journal reported he was watching it with others in the Senate's Dirksen Office Building. There are many press stories on this.

6. He lied about not knowing about stolen emails from the Democratic members of the judicial committee. He knew the emails were stolen and confirmed it in the emails the Judicial Committee republicans tried to suppress. The Washington Post gave him three pinocchios for this lie.

7. He lied about witnesses supporting his claims. They did not support his claims as he characterized their testimony. They generally supplied brief statements through lawyers about not remembering the party. This was no testimony. This was no independent investigation.

8. More specifically, Ford and Kavanaugh's mutual friend Leland Kaiser says while she does not remember that party, but she believes everything her friend Ford said about it. She has stated this to the press and it came up in testimony today.

9. Kavanugh lied about his drinking. He drank a lot in the last year of high school and college (and several witnesses say he drank a lot for years afterwards). Several friends of mine who specialize in alcoholism said he exhibited signs of having drunk before this hearing. He was referred to by his college roommate as a sloppy and belligerent drunk. We saw glimpses of that belligerence today. Dozens of his contemporaries have confirmed how aggressive he becomes with drinking.

10. He lied that never drunk on weekdays in the summer of 1982. In his own calendar, he referred to "skis," which he admitted refer to "brewskis," with Mark and PJ on Thursday July 1 in a calendar entry that matches closely Ford's account. Most of the people in that list were the same mentioned by Ford in her testimony. He drank. On that Thursday night. After working out.

11. He lied about Judge not remembering what happened. Six weeks after the incident, probably mid-August 1982, Ford reported seeing Judge at the Potomac Safeway in River Road near where we live. Local newspapers have confirmed that Judge worked there at the time Ford said. No one has refuted her testimony that Judge was "nervous" and had "turned white." The committee is still refusing to interview or depose or subpoena Judge.

12. He lied that "100 kegs or bust" did not indicate a lot of drinking in 1982-3. He was part of a group endeavoring to drink 100 kegs that year, and his best friend became a serious alcoholic and admitted to sexual assault resembling this assault during that period to his girlfriend. His girlfriend was also not deposed by the committee.

13. He lied about Trump in the first line of his first press conference as nominee. He lied about Trump doing more vetting than for any other Supreme Court nominee in modern history. In fact, Trump vetted much much less than other modern President's, admittedly working from short lists provided by two conservative think tanks, which he announced in advance he would limit his choice to. Several books have confirmed that Trump spent little time on the vetting.

14. He lied that he is "open to any investigation." He is not and is actively participating in blocking the testimony of eye witness Mark Judge, his girlfiend, and other participants. Judge is hiding out in a beach house on the eastern shore and Judge being interviewed by the FBI. Kavanaugh is actively involved in strategizing about evidence suppression, at all day strategy meetings with Trump's lawyers.

15. He lied about the nature of Mark's book. He said that both it was part of his therapy and coming clean as an alcoholic and drug addict, and called the book "fictional." It can't be both a testimonial of a recovering alcoholic and fictional at the same time.

16. He refuses to answer the question again and again about whether or not there should be an investigation and whether or not his friend Mark Judge should be questioned, further belying that he is "open to investigation."

17. He is lying about whether he was the "Bart O'Kavanaugh" in Mark Judge's book. He knows the drunken and vomiting "O'Kavanaugh" is him.

18. He is lying about never having forgot anything about the night after a night of drinking. There are several testimonials from classmates to this effect.

19. He is lying that there is a conspiracy against him and that Ford's charges are trumped up and part of that conspiracy. The best evidence of no conspiracy is how his high school classmate Gorsuch--they were one year about apart at Georgetown Prep--was subject to no such conspiracy, in confirmation hearings just months ago. Gorsuch is honorable. Judge is lying.

20. Kavanaugh supporter Whelan helped concoct the story of other men taking credit for assaulting Ford. Whelan has deleted all of his tweets after being challenged on the completely bogus stories he was advancing by his colleagues. The dissembling tweets are gone.

Senator Blumenthal quoted the legal principle "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which is a legal principle that dictates jurors can rule a witness to be false in everything if he says one thing that is not true."


bigdog wrote:1. The meaning of devils triangle and boofing
2.  The fact that he had a drinking problem. A letter surfaced yesterday from HIM as a teenager describing himself as a loud, obnoxious drunk.
3. The fact that he did not know about Ms Ramirez complaints against him until he read them in the paper. He sent texts to friends  in an attempt to get them to support his story BEFORE the complaint became public. He lied to the court about this. It's on the record.

That's 3.
Two of them are refuted in writing. And by the way, even the judge on Fox says his contacting his friends for help before the allegation was made (proving he knew it was coming) was probably illegal.

What do you want Seaoat? A fox news contributor says he's probably violated his oath as a judge.

That last (#3) is absolutely the most damning, but there's plenty more to indicate he seriously lied to the Senate Judicial Committee. Still, I agree with Sal that his temperament, demeanor, and bitter, conspiracy-based partisanship as clearly demonstrated before the committee, should be enough to disqualify this person.

Seaoat, you seem to think none of that is as important as possibly having wronged this man. THAT'S what's wrong -- that you're OK with his having a critical seat on the nation's main judicial body for the rest of this life, potentially inflicting far worse harm to thousands if not millions of citizens for decades to come on many, many issues, because you think he's been the victim of a witch hunt or whatever, when, once more, JUST WHAT HE CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED before the nation of his temperament and partisan attitude are plenty sufficient to say NO WAY to Kavanaugh.

Bring us another conservative if you must, but this one is WRONG for the USA.s


What do you want Seaoat? A fox news contributor says he's probably violated his oath as a judge.

Oh dear God, turn your tv off and use your brain.....somebody made a declaration about their opinion.....on Fox.......therefore it is deemed relevant and insightful.....ludicrous.

1. The meaning of devils triangle and boofing
So the judge's definition makes it a lie.....too funny. Perjury I think has been used by others.....Nope. You got NOTHING.

2. The fact that he had a drinking problem. A letter surfaced yesterday from HIM as a teenager describing himself as a loud, obnoxious drunk.

This does not even make sense. You state a conclusion that he had a drinking problem, yet you failed to show me a lie........really, is this all you have. I mean it is embarrassing.

The fact that he did not know about Ms Ramirez complaints against him until he read them in the paper. He sent texts to friends in an attempt to get them to support his story BEFORE the complaint became public. He lied to the court about this. It's on the record.
Ok this is much better, so show me which newspaper he read, the date and time he read that newspaper, and then the actual texts which are dated, and then I will ask you, how are you certain those dates are correct. However, you do not have any of that information, but this certainly does not meet the perjury standard, and at worst he was mistaken as to date.

You would be laughed out of a court of law, and a motion to dismiss would be granted. However, this is a hearing, so anybody on the internet can make up chit without a scintilla of proof or foundation for such outrageous claims.

He will easily be confirmed, and people will be angry with me for weeks, but really, the stupidest thing about the Democrats approach is that there are at least two crazy justices who can be appointed, and my bet it will be Amy Coney Barrett, who will fundamentally change the court and make no bones about it. Brett was a much more a traditional conservative......she will bring God to every decision. When folks do not read court cases, do not know how the process ultimately works, and think that this personal attack against a distinguished justices and think he is not qualified because they have a different name for a drinking becomes amusing to me.



EmeraldGhost wrote:

Yep, that's it. And the speaker looks a LOT like my ex. The frat house was off campus, with a pool and right next door to a drive-in movie. Of course, we watched movies for free over the fence...b/c, of course we did. And my ex got temporarily thrown out of the fraternity for smoking weed, which prompted a meeting of the Panhellenic Council, which I attended.



Police report says Brett Kavanaugh was in a barfight in 1985 - Page 3 Doha8h10

Rapeaholic judges, another can't-miss idea from the people who brought you babies in concentration camps. - Jeff Tiedrich

Jeez - I wonder what’s scarier, being sexually assaulted or being a privileged white American male between the ages of 15 and 30.- Ken Oli

I just hope that somebody asks this question: “Judge Kavanaugh, you have a 13-year-old daughter. In two years, when she comes to you and says, ‘Daddy, I’m going to a party with some boys from Georgetown Prep,’ what advice will you give to her?” - Rick Wise

Kavanaugh Blames 1985 Bar Fight on Violent UB40 Lyrics - Andy Borowitz

So Kavanaugh threw his beer in a person’s face. At least it wasn’t his penis this time. - Andy Borowitz

"Hello, you have reached FBI's Kavanaugh Investigation Tip Line. Please listen carefully to our menu options. Press 1 to go f*ck yourself. Press 2 to hear these menu options again." - Jeff Tiedrich



Police report says Brett Kavanaugh was in a barfight in 1985 - Page 3 Grabien-466077-800x430

Look at her face.


I just hope that somebody asks this question: “Judge Kavanaugh, you have a 13-year-old daughter. In two years, when she comes to you and says, ‘Daddy, I’m going to a party with some boys from Georgetown Prep,’ what advice will you give to her?” - Rick Wise

Exactly, Dr. Ford testified that she did this all summer, swimming at the country club, an then going to social gatherings where there was drinking. She admitted drinking, and gave that old one beer answer. Where was a question of Dr. Ford from Amy did she ever black out.....I mean it apparently seemed relevant to test his credibility and memory, but the same question was not asked of a 15 year old who admitted spending her summer going to drinking parties at 15, and drinking the night of the alleged incident.

All utterly irrelevant not because people are denying an alleged victim a voice, but because due process requires that only evidence with probative value is admitted......and memories simply fade with time. Again, if there was a certified juvenile conviction for assault, it would not be admissible and would have already been expunged. You see America does have common sense when judging what folks do as children in high school, but heck all those standards get thrown out when there is a political smear job on a proven jurist who some folks do like his decisions.....funny thing, I did not hear one senator who grilled the jurist on the flaws of his written decisions, where there are many.......nope.....not enough time to tell him that he was a gang rapist in high school.....really. goofy time.


Look at her face.

I have seen that look. " Why did you think these barbarians would spare our family Brett......your ideals mean nothing......your principles mean nothing, and we are getting destroyed. Plus, I am not coaching that damn girl's basketball team because you actually were naive enough to think in America you would be given due process by barbarians......"



10. He lied that never drunk on weekdays in the summer of 1982. In his own calendar, he referred to "skis," which he admitted refer to "brewskis," with Mark and PJ on Thursday July 1 in a calendar entry that matches closely Ford's account. Most of the people in that list were the same mentioned by Ford in her testimony. He drank. On that Thursday night. After working out.

Was he in summer school?


RealLindaL wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Nobody can answer my simple question.  I have posted it repeatedly, but it has been avoided like the plague.  Please give me the three lies the judge has made which disqualifies him for the Supreme Court.  I may be a jerk because I have principles and I am tenacious in the defense of those principles, but I do not run away from simple questions.

Golly gee, Mr. Tenacious, you must've missed the following list of lies posted by FT in Post #66 on the "Oh Seaoat, you there?" thread, several of which back up bigdog's shorter list.  Suggest you actually READ THEM:

1. He lied about Devil's Triangle. A Devil's Triangle is two different kinds of sexual acts, involving either a threesome or three types of sexual intercourse with one woman in one night. It is not a drinking game. He lied about this several times and his classmates have called him out.

2. He lied about "bouf," which refers to anal intercourse, and not flatulence. He doubled down on this lie several times during testimony.

3. He lied about "Renata Alumnius." That referred to him going on a date with the purported class "slut." It was not about being her friend (and she recently said she was horrified by his yearbook references.) His testimony directly contradicts a poem about Renata written by one of his close friends found in the same yearbook he refers to himself as a Renata Alumnius, portraying Renata as a cheap and sleazy date.

4. He lied that the "Beach Week Ralph Club," which refers to vomiting from drinking at a traditional beach week (which all the schools around here have--we all know the expression). He lied and said it referred to his weak stomach.

5. He lied under oath about not watching Ford's testimony. Today. Witnesses saw him watching it. The Wall Street Journal reported he was watching it with others in the Senate's Dirksen Office Building. There are many press stories on this.

6. He lied about not knowing about stolen emails from the Democratic members of the judicial committee. He knew the emails were stolen and confirmed it in the emails the Judicial Committee republicans tried to suppress. The Washington Post gave him three pinocchios for this lie.

7. He lied about witnesses supporting his claims. They did not support his claims as he characterized their testimony. They generally supplied brief statements through lawyers about not remembering the party. This was no testimony. This was no independent investigation.

8. More specifically, Ford and Kavanaugh's mutual friend Leland Kaiser says while she does not remember that party, but she believes everything her friend Ford said about it. She has stated this to the press and it came up in testimony today.

9. Kavanugh lied about his drinking. He drank a lot in the last year of high school and college (and several witnesses say he drank a lot for years afterwards). Several friends of mine who specialize in alcoholism said he exhibited signs of having drunk before this hearing. He was referred to by his college roommate as a sloppy and belligerent drunk. We saw glimpses of that belligerence today. Dozens of his contemporaries have confirmed how aggressive he becomes with drinking.

10. He lied that never drunk on weekdays in the summer of 1982. In his own calendar, he referred to "skis," which he admitted refer to "brewskis," with Mark and PJ on Thursday July 1 in a calendar entry that matches closely Ford's account. Most of the people in that list were the same mentioned by Ford in her testimony. He drank. On that Thursday night. After working out.

11. He lied about Judge not remembering what happened. Six weeks after the incident, probably mid-August 1982, Ford reported seeing Judge at the Potomac Safeway in River Road near where we live. Local newspapers have confirmed that Judge worked there at the time Ford said. No one has refuted her testimony that Judge was "nervous" and had "turned white." The committee is still refusing to interview or depose or subpoena Judge.

12. He lied that "100 kegs or bust" did not indicate a lot of drinking in 1982-3. He was part of a group endeavoring to drink 100 kegs that year, and his best friend became a serious alcoholic and admitted to sexual assault resembling this assault during that period to his girlfriend. His girlfriend was also not deposed by the committee.

13. He lied about Trump in the first line of his first press conference as nominee. He lied about Trump doing more vetting than for any other Supreme Court nominee in modern history. In fact, Trump vetted much much less than other modern President's, admittedly working from short lists provided by two conservative think tanks, which he announced in advance he would limit his choice to. Several books have confirmed that Trump spent little time on the vetting.

14. He lied that he is "open to any investigation." He is not and is actively participating in blocking the testimony of eye witness Mark Judge, his girlfiend, and other participants. Judge is hiding out in a beach house on the eastern shore and Judge being interviewed by the FBI. Kavanaugh is actively involved in strategizing about evidence suppression, at all day strategy meetings with Trump's lawyers.

15. He lied about the nature of Mark's book. He said that both it was part of his therapy and coming clean as an alcoholic and drug addict, and called the book "fictional." It can't be both a testimonial of a recovering alcoholic and fictional at the same time.

16. He refuses to answer the question again and again about whether or not there should be an investigation and whether or not his friend Mark Judge should be questioned, further belying that he is "open to investigation."

17. He is lying about whether he was the "Bart O'Kavanaugh" in Mark Judge's book. He knows the drunken and vomiting "O'Kavanaugh" is him.

18. He is lying about never having forgot anything about the night after a night of drinking. There are several testimonials from classmates to this effect.

19. He is lying that there is a conspiracy against him and that Ford's charges are trumped up and part of that conspiracy. The best evidence of no conspiracy is how his high school classmate Gorsuch--they were one year about apart at Georgetown Prep--was subject to no such conspiracy, in confirmation hearings just months ago. Gorsuch is honorable. Judge is lying.

20. Kavanaugh supporter Whelan helped concoct the story of other men taking credit for assaulting Ford. Whelan has deleted all of his tweets after being challenged on the completely bogus stories he was advancing by his colleagues. The dissembling tweets are gone.

Senator Blumenthal quoted the legal principle "Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which is a legal principle that dictates jurors can rule a witness to be false in everything if he says one thing that is not true."

Hey, Seaoat, just in case you missed it, you just got your ass fitted with a chinstrap and handed back to you. You wanted three, Linda gave you twenty.

If you wanna keep liking this guy then keep liking him, but don't pretend he's good. Did you even watch his testimony? The guy was a sniveling tantrum-throwing ass. He doesn't have the temperament to be judging anybody. He's full of conspiracy theories and embittered horseshit, his judgement is way off and he doesn't appear to be even trying. If you want to back that, fine, but don't pretend it's due to any sort of logic.


If you want to back that, fine, but don't pretend it's due to any sort of logic.

I guess I must admit defeat because my computer does not type braille. People are blinded by political bias. I never wanted President Trump. I dread his appointments to the Supreme Court because most on the list are off the wall. This candidate was NOT off the wall. His decision were reasoned and brilliant in some regards. The judge was not given a fair hearing and there was no semblance of due process. It was a kangaroo court. It will be held up there with the McCarthy hearings as a failure of due process in America, because the victors write history, and most certainly the Republicans are going to do much better at the midterms now than before this Kangaroo court.......This reminds me of the fire department which was trying to save a parrot from a tree. Every time they got close the bird would squeal.....Fk off., and flew to another branch.....they would get off.....and flew to another only question is who taught you to say fk off?


2seaoat wrote:

 The judge was not given a fair hearing and there was no semblance of due process.  It was a kangaroo court.

A kangaroo court's more like this:

Police report says Brett Kavanaugh was in a barfight in 1985 - Page 3 TrumpLynchMob

That's an ad Trump took out demanding the "Central Park 5" be killed off.

Only problem is, after spending years in jail, it turned out they weren't guilty. DNA evidence and a confession from the real rapist cleared them. When told they weren't guilty, Trump basically said, "I don't believe it, kill them anyway."

This is the same Trump who was whining about poooooor Kavanaugh and saying it's an unsafe world for our boys because of false accusations.

Yeah, he oughtta know.

It will be held up there with the McCarthy hearings as a failure of due process in America, because the victors write history, and most certainly the Republicans are going to do much better at the midterms now than before this Kangaroo court.......

Guess we'll see. So far it looks like Trump's alienating women voters even more than he already had... and they're one of the biggest voting blocks. You know when he's having to come to Mississippi to fill a crowd, he's screwed.

This reminds me of the fire department which was trying to save a parrot from a tree.  Every time they got close the bird would squeal.....Fk off., and flew to another branch.....they would get off.....and flew to another only question is who taught you to say fk off?

I think maybe there's part of the joke missing. But, here's a similar one:

A church had been saving up for an organist but couldn't afford one, so finally the preacher came in one morning and said, "I'm afraid we're never going to be able to buy an organ, so for now I've decided to hire a piccolo player." And he brings out a kinda odd-looking young guy with a piccolo.

So, church starts, and when they get to the first song, the piccolo player starts playing along... and he's awful. Just squeaky, squeally, fingernails-on-a-blackboard, rats-copulating-in-a-bucket noises.

The congregation soldiers along and gets through the song. Then there's another... and another... and the piccolo player's still just murdering every song, can't find a note with a GPS, this guy.

So a voice from the back of the church yells out, "The piccolo player is a motherfucker!"

The preacher stops the service and yells, "Who said that? Who said that?"

Nobody says anything.

The preacher says, "We're not leaving until I find out who said that!"

Finally, a kid in the back raises his hand and says, "Preacher, I'm not the one who called the piccolo player a motherfucker. I'm not sitting next to the person who called the piccolo player a motherfucker. I'm not even sitting next to the person who's sitting next to the person who called the piccolo player a motherfucker. But what I wanna know is... who called that motherfucker a piccolo player?"

Kinda how I see Kavanaugh. After the terrible judgement and bias-to-the-point-of-derangement he's exhibited... who called that motherfucker a judge?


zsomething wrote:That's an ad Trump took out demanding the "Central Park 5" be killed off.  

Only problem is, after spending years in jail, it turned out they weren't guilty.  DNA evidence and a confession from the real rapist cleared them.   When told they weren't guilty, Trump basically said, "I don't believe it, kill them anyway."

This is the same Trump who was whining about poooooor Kavanaugh and saying it's an unsafe world for our boys because of false accusations.

Yeah, he oughtta know.

SPOT ON, zs.



RealLindaL wrote:
zsomething wrote:That's an ad Trump took out demanding the "Central Park 5" be killed off.  

Only problem is, after spending years in jail, it turned out they weren't guilty.  DNA evidence and a confession from the real rapist cleared them.   When told they weren't guilty, Trump basically said, "I don't believe it, kill them anyway."

This is the same Trump who was whining about poooooor Kavanaugh and saying it's an unsafe world for our boys because of false accusations.

Yeah, he oughtta know.

SPOT ON, zs.

Police report says Brett Kavanaugh was in a barfight in 1985 - Page 3 58336e16



Police report says Brett Kavanaugh was in a barfight in 1985 - Page 3 Godfather-meme



Deus X

Deus X

Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens just dissed Kavanaugh--that his behavior in front of the committee caused him to change his mind.

I think you can find it on CSPAN.


Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens just dissed Kavanaugh--that his behavior in front of the committee caused him to change his mind.

I think you can find it on CSPAN.

Yep, he said he was a fine judge, and really liked his dissent in citizen united.....the lemmings just do not understand how moderate this jurist is compared to others on the list, but that would take reading and knowledge.

So certainly being called a gang raper does not get a respectful response to clowns who tried to make this into a political chit storm. I respect Stevens, but if judicial temperament is determined when you get called a gang raper.....outrageous. Good job Brett. An American male who drinks beer and does not allow his family and his good name to be smeared. Now wait and see him perform. He will do a good job. A gang rape syndicate led by a future supreme court justice, and you want him to be polite to those despicable characters.....shame.



Deus X wrote:Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens just dissed Kavanaugh--that his behavior in front of the committee caused him to change his mind.

I think you can find it on CSPAN.

Deus X

Deus X

2seaoat wrote:Retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens just dissed Kavanaugh--that his behavior in front of the committee caused him to change his mind.

I think you can find it on CSPAN.

Yep, he said he was a fine judge, and really liked his dissent in citizen united.....the lemmings just do not understand how moderate this jurist is compared to others on the list, but that would take reading and knowledge.

So certainly being called a gang raper does not get a respectful response to clowns who tried to make this into a political chit storm.  I respect Stevens, but if judicial temperament is determined when you get called a gang raper.....outrageous.   Good job Brett.   An American male who drinks beer and does not allow his family and his good name to be smeared.  Now wait and see  him perform.  He will do a good job.  

Yeah, whatever...   he did mention JUDICIAL TEMPERAMENT, said Kavanaugh doesn't have it and that's what changed his opinion.

You mention "gang rape" a lot, almost to the point of being fixated or obsessed with it. Is there something you want to share with the group, Seaoat? Did you have an unpleasant episode in your youth you'd like to tell us about?


You mention "gang rape" a lot,

You avoid it. If somebody did what they did to the judge, I would wish to do a Burr/Hamilton resolution......we have become such wussies where people can hide behind mere words.....where in some states when you tell someone in Public that they are a gang raper and you do a smack down......guess criminal charges because they understand that cowardly weasles need a good slap down periodically.......when abusive words are not "mere" words. I have not seen a more shameful hearing in my adult life. I hate trump, but I am doing a drastic about face on some things I was going to do in this election based on such cowardly democrats and what they did to this judge. This is hard because I want the house and the senate to go Democratic to act as a check on Trump's power, but what I am seeing in Washington is the same chit I see from corrupt Chicago machine politicians.



There's the old saying I'm sure most of you have heard: "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me, than a frontal lobotomy"  If I ever have to stand before a judge accused of something, I hope he or she is the former rather than the latter! Laughing

To take that thought a step further ... if there's a God, and I ever have to stand before him or her in judgement, I hope s/he's a total stoner.  I mean like a Willie Nelson level stoner!  Laughing

Seriously though ... I don't know if Judge Kavanaugh is or ever was an alkie, but I've known some highly successful absolute geniuses who were lifelong functioning alcoholics.  There's worse things in life to be.  In fact, I think I might dislike Kavanugh more for being Irish and a Catholic than for possibly being an alkie.   Laughing

Which brings me to another brandy induced thought .... how come we got so many doggone Catholics and Jews on the court?   Couldn't we have at least one or two  Buddhists or Methodists or something?  (no Pentecostals though, please! )

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