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The New York Times op-ed...

Deus X
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26The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 8:31 am



27The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 8:35 am


ConservaLady wrote:
Deus X wrote:Uh oh.

Exactly.  Yes.  "Uh oh" is right.  

Truth just walked into the room!  

Loony lying liberals go absolutely apoplectic when that happens.


Don't think much of yourself, do you? Like a flea with an erection floating on his back down the river yelling "Raise the drawbridge!"

Anyway, thanks for taking time away from blissfully glorying in the stench of your own dung to share that completely-hilarious bit of cult propaganda. I gotta admit I enjoyed seeing Betty Biblequote post the word "goddamn" for once. Very Happy The Easter Bunny's gonna get you for that one!

The fact that you probably actually believe that stuff just makes it even funnier. Smile Provided you actually do and aren't just a parody account, which I really have to think you are due to the level of...

28The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 9:04 am


Our economy is booming for the first time in a freakin’ decade,

Truth most certainly did not walk into the room. President Obama had greater GDP numbers on four months than Trump, and the best part since Kennedy Trump comes in fourth place in GDP which is mediocre through six months to today's date......not the lie he tells that his is the best, it simply is not and it is exactly those lies which want to ignore the truth.......the man is unfit for the office of the Presidency and eventually he will be wearing an orange jump suit as his lawyer suggested. Unemployment numbers are easy to achieve......cut off or restrict legal immigration, have 10k babyboomers retiring per day, and you have labor shortages and an overheated economy where 100 billion in tax cuts for the one percent, and 65 billion more in immediate defense spending as the great genius of Trump's economic policy is to borrow a trillion and spend it on an already improving economy, and suddenly do not care about debt..........tell the truth

29The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 9:37 am



4/48... YEA TEAM..!!

30The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 9:52 am



2seaoat wrote:Our economy is booming for the first time in a freakin’ decade,

Truth most certainly did not walk into the room.  President Obama had greater GDP numbers on four months than Trump, and the best part since Kennedy Trump comes in fourth place in GDP which is mediocre through  six months to today's date......not the lie he tells that his is the best, it simply is not and it is exactly those lies which want to ignore the truth.......the man is unfit for the office of the Presidency and eventually he will be wearing an orange jump suit as his lawyer suggested.   Unemployment numbers are easy to achieve......cut off or restrict legal immigration, have 10k babyboomers retiring per day, and you have labor shortages and an overheated economy where 100 billion in tax cuts for the one percent, and 65 billion more in immediate defense spending as the great genius of Trump's economic policy is to borrow a trillion and spend it on an already improving economy, and suddenly do not care about debt..........tell the truth

cheers cheers cheers

31The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 11:21 am



U.S. Trade Deficit Jumps To 5-Month High Despite Trump’s Tariffs

Deficits with China and the European Union hit records, according to the latest federal statistics.

By Mary Papenfuss

America’s trade deficit hit a five-month high despite steep tariffs enacted by President Donald Trump on imports, according to the latest federal statistics released by the Commerce Department.

The deficit in goods with China and the European Union set records.

The deficit for goods and services jumped 9.5 percent — the largest leap in three years — to $50.1 billion from June to July, according to the most recent figures. That put the trade deficit for the first seven months of this year, compared to the same period last year, up $22 billion, a 7 percent increase. The total trade deficit through July was $337 billion, putting it on track to be the highest annual deficit in 10 years.

The trade deficit in goods with China surged 10 percent to a record $36.8 billion. It hit a record $17.6 billion — up 50 percent — with the EU in July. Imports were boosted by computers, oil and vehicles

The trade war, or rather the threat of it, helped boost the U.S. economy in the second quarter as nations stocked up on some goods, such as soybeans, before tariffs and retaliatory tariffs were enacted. That’s why many U.S. economists believe the GDP may have peaked then at 4.2 percent. Some now believe that the trade war will hurt the American economy, and the GDP will begin to sink, Bloomberg reported.

Though Trump has characterized trade deficits as “robbing” the American “piggy bank,” the deficit is the result in part of a strong U.S. economy that simply isn’t producing enough to meet domestic demand.

“The core story here is that strong domestic demand is sucking in imports. The trade deficit likely will be flat-to-higher over the next couple of months,” Ian Shepherdson, chief economist at Pantheon Economics, wrote in a research report, according to The Associated Press.

The Trump administration has a proposed replacement for the North American Free Trade Agreement worked out with Mexico. Trump’s representatives, however, are still in tough negotiations with Canada since the president claimed Bloomberg leaked off-the-record comments that he plans to make no concessions to the Canadians. Talks with China are continuing to falter.

Last week, at an industry conference in Kansas City, a Chinese official said the country no longer needs American soybeans, which are now taxed with 25 percent retaliatory tariffs.

The Chinese — who purchased 60 percent of U.S. soybean exports last year — are boosting domestic production, developing other international markets and relying on alternative products, according to the official.

U.S. farmers fear the trade war could largely decimate their soybean markets even after the trade war is over because their international customers will have new relationships with other suppliers in other nations. nth-high-despite-trump-tariffs_us_5b91b33ce4b0162f472b79dd?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=__TheMorningEmail__090718&utm_content=__TheMorningEmail__090718+CID_6ddddd99b5dbd946762384052839c0e9&utm_source=Email%20marketing%20software&utm_term=HuffPost&ncid=newsltushpmgnews__TheMorningEmail__090718


Expect more of the same. Tariffs in general and tax breaks to a small minority will continue to eat away at the main street economy...count on it. The "boost" was correctly identified by Seaoat as trade partners buying ahead of the imposition of tariffs. The tax breaks to the wealthy will NOT stimulate growth.

32The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 2:37 pm



Motion to rename Space Force “Lodestar Galactica”.

33The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 4:17 pm



And yet none of you loony lying leftist lobotomized liberals can refute the points made in the article I posted as to the fact nothing in this cowardly op-ed alleges Trump has done anything illegal.

I'm sorry for you all Hillary didn't get her coronation (well, no - not really LOL!)
But there will be no impeachment. There will be no indictment. Trump will be reelected in 2020. Count on it !!!

34The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 4:25 pm



Flashback: Obama prosecuted staff leakers, gave lie-detector tests, ‘paranoid’

Should President Trump need a model to use to track down leakers inside his administration like the “anonymous” insider who challenged his authority in a New York Times op-ed, he need go no further back than the Obama administration that prosecuted leakers and shutout the media.

According to reports at the time from even New York Times journalists, no administration was tougher on leakers and punishing to the media than Obama’s, a saga reinforced by reporters who have called Trump’s team more forthcoming.

Criticism of Obama’s attacks on the media and leakers did not just come in tweets and TV appearances by journalists but in an official report from the Committee to Protect Journalists, authored by former Washington Post Executive Editor Leonard Downie Jr.

“This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered,” said David E. Sanger, veteran chief Washington correspondent of The New York Times, in the report.

USA Today said of the report, it “portrays an administration gripped by strict policies about information flow and paranoid about leaks across all executive branch departments.”

It detailed prosecutions and even the use of lie-detectors on staffers. Some have encouraged Trump to use lie-detector tests on his staff, something he has so far ignored.

While Trump has ripped leakers and the anonymous Times writer of being cowards and traitors, it was Obama who took the war to a higher level by targeting staff and reporters while also cutting out the media to promote its story via social media.

“The administration’s war on leaks and other efforts to control information are the most aggressive I’ve seen since the Nixon administration, when I was one of the editors involved in the Washington Post’s investigation of Watergate. The 30 experienced Washington journalists at a variety of news organizations whom I interviewed for this report could not remember any precedent,” wrote Downie in the report that was criticized by Obama officials.

The campaign was so aggressive it even had a name, said the report: “The Insider Threat Program.”

Said the 2013 report, “The Insider Threat Program being implemented throughout the Obama administration to stop leaks—first detailed by the McClatchy newspapers’ Washington bureau in late June—has already ‘created internal surveillance, heightened a degree of paranoia in government and made people conscious of contacts with the public, advocates, and the press,’ said a prominent transparency advocate, Steven Aftergood, director of the Government Secrecy Project at the Federation of American Scientists in Washington.”

Employees at some 16 intelligence agencies faced questions about leaking during lie-detector tests.

“And the new inspector general for the intelligence community, with jurisdiction over all its agencies, would investigate leak cases that had not produced prosecutions by the Justice Department to determine what alternative action should be taken,” added the report.

35The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 5:05 pm


ConservaLady wrote:And yet none of you loony lying leftist lobotomized liberals can refute the points made in the article I posted as to the fact nothing in this cowardly op-ed  alleges Trump has done anything illegal.  

I'm sorry for you all Hillary didn't get her coronation (well, no - not really LOL!)
But there will be no impeachment.  There will be no indictment.  Trump will be reelected in 2020.  Count on it !!!

I refute you all the time, shit-factory. In fact, I destroy you, as does everyone else here who bothers giving you their time. And every time we do it, you disappear and hide from it, like the coward that all your breed are. You get to pull that trick two or three times before people figure out "Okay, this is just a troll to get us to waste time digging up links for some moron who's going to ignore it." Other than maybe entertaining onlookers by mocking you -- which admittedly is kinda fun and that's why I'm doing it right now -- there's really no reason to engage you at all. You aren't legitimate.

Nobody's should be expected to bother wasting their time refuting things that are absolutely ridiculous and help you feel like you're participating in an adult conversation when all you're really doing is being a particularly ugly clown. The last time I saw that much make-believing a trolley led us into it, but if you want to believe all that bullshit, go-right-a-fucking-head. Logic and reason won't deter you from thinking it, anyway, because logic and reason aren't what brought you to anything you "believe." You're like a child, thinking you can taunt your way into things. But I don't think anyone here would value your respect even if we earned it, because we see what you do believe, and... sorry, but I'd feel like I did something wrong if you liked me. It'd be like having a fly tell you you smelled good, or someone in a plaid leisure suit tell you they like the way you dress. You aren't the kind of person I want as anything but an adversary. I look at the other side, see people like you over there, spouting your idiocy, and think, "Yep, I definitely made the right choice, not joining them."

If you really want your silly crap debunked, read the whole forum -- we've been disproving all the kind of stuff you cut-and-pasted months before you even posted it. Or, if you want to keep believing it, you can do that, too. You don't matter one way or another, in any way, shape, or form.

36The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 5:22 pm


nothing in this cowardly op-ed alleges Trump has done anything illegal.

You completely lack conceptual high level thinking.  First, why would a member of the administration admit knowledge of a crime being committed.  They could be deemed an accessory after the fact, or part of a criminal conspiracy.  Second, the author raises questions of mental capacity of a President.  There is consensus that this author is a coward, but if in fact he believes the President is in "Crazytown", then he may feel that he must buffer crazy.  That is not how our founding fathers wanted checks and balances to work.  However, the fact remains the NYT would not run the story if this person was not real, and Woodward's book confirms what is already known by anybody who has a high school education.   Mr. Trump is a f'ing moron, and if the defense sec. has to explain things at a fifth grade level......this country is in crisis. President Trump lacks the experience, intelligence, and capacity to be President of the United States and the crisis is that folks not elected are making policy decisions which they deem sane over Sophia's choice to choose crazytown and watch this nation be harmed, or resist.

37The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 7:16 pm

Deus X

Deus X

In roughly 50 years of paying close attention to politics, I have never heard anyone bring up the 25th Amendment in reference to a President's capacity to discharge his duties as Chief Executive.

"Unprecedented" doesn't even BEGIN to describe how off-the-charts weird this Presidency is.

38The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 8:29 pm


It has to be the VP. Nobody in the world says "lodestar" except him. My dad was a ship's navigator all during World War II and he could take a ship across the ocean without any kind of modern electronics at all. He could navigate by the stars. He died when I was 28, but I never in my life heard him use the word lodestar.
Mike Pence did it. Nobody set him up. He's trying to scare the Republicans in Congress into an impeachment.

39The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/7/2018, 9:13 pm

Deus X

Deus X

40The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/8/2018, 1:59 am


bigdog wrote:It has to be the VP. Nobody in the world says "lodestar" except him.

Apparently not true, according to MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, whose guess is DNI Dan Coats, partially because he, too, uses the term "lodestar."

Coats, like Pence, has denied being the author, but maybe anyone in that White House would-- I mean, after all, the boss does it every day.

41The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/8/2018, 2:50 am


ConservaLady wrote:Nolte: Woodward Book, Anonymous NYTimes Op-Ed Reveal Trump’s Done Nothing Wrong

Trump has done nothing wrong.
Remember that…

As the corrupt media fabricate a “fitness for office” crisis, remember…

Trump has done nothing wrong.

Even those hiding behind anonymity, even those hiding behind those hiding behind anonymity, no one has made a single allegation that Trump has done anything wrong.

All this ginned up media hysteria, all this Never Trump nonsense about the 25th Amendment, all this #Resistance adulation over a glory-seeking narcissist hiding behind the skirts of the New York Times — where is this narcissist’s allegation of wrongdoing?

Go back and read the piece — there’s no allegation of wrongdoing on Trump’s part, just a coward, a preener, a saboteur with no respect for the Constitution, no respect for our electoral system, and even less respect for the American people who voted to put Trump in charge as opposed to an unelected cabal of Deep Staters.

All this hand-wringing, all this frenzy, all this invented concern over chaos in the White House, over this unprecedented moment in presidential history, what is it really about…?

No, ask yourself that.

Stop for a moment.

Take a breath.

Close your eyes.

Turn off Chuck Todd.

Put away the iPhone.

And ask yourself, what is this concocted five-alarm Constitutional crisis built on?

If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that it is built on only one thing… Grade-A, 100 percent horseshit.

Even if everything Woodward’s anonymous sources say is true… So what?

Even if everything the New York Times narcissist says is true… So what?

Look at what these failures and liars and grifters are trying to con you with… Because it has nothing to do with illegality, nothing to do with substance, and everything to do with style.

The corrupt establishment is colluding to head fake America into freaking out over Trump’s style while Trump delivers and delivers and delivers on the substance, on things that actually  matter.

Trump has an erratic management style. So what?  I’m supposed to care he burns people out, dresses them down, demands they do crazy stuff like at long last win one of these endless neocon wars?

So what?

I don’t care how Trump makes his decisions, I care about the end result of those decisions.

All this long con over Trump’s “fitness” is based on is his management style; which is meaningless inside-inside gossip for the stupid and shallow to masturbate over – a hoax, a con, a carnival barker’s sideshow.

How about if we focus on the substance for just a moment…

Our economy is booming for the first time in a freakin’ decade, manufacturing jobs are finally coming back, North Korea has stopped launching missiles, the War on Terror feels like a bad memory, ISIS is no longer lighting people on fire, Putin’s adventurism has been halted, the rule of law is returning to the Supreme Court, someone is finally paying serious attention to the plight of the working class, were out of the Paris Hoax Treaty, the Iran Deal is dead, we’re not funding the Palestinians, we’re not transporting billions in cash to terrorist nations, the media are finally being treated like the Democrat operatives they are, the Obamacare mandate is dead, black and Hispanic unemployment has hit record lows, and, and, and…

Look at that. Look at all of those accomplishments, all the substantive substance above and tell me again why I’m supposed to give even a scintilla of a damn about Trump’s style.

Style over substance, style over substance, style over substance… That is the only thing this stupid maelstrom is all about…

Trump’s enemies in the Deep State, the establishment media, and those Vichy Republicans in Never Trump, cannot touch Trump on substance, on his undeniable accomplishments, so they’re using anonymous sources and their own self-regard to try to gaslight us into believing style IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS.

Okay, let’s talk about Trump’s style, his temperament, his approach to the rule of law, our vaunted institutions, and the First Amendment…

Has Trump bent subordinates over the Resolute Desk to use them as his own personal humidor and then committed perjury? No, that was Bill Clinton’s style.

Has Trump weaponized the IRS against the American people, left four Americans to die in Benghazi, run guns to Mexican drug lords, and spied on the national media? No, that was Barack Obama’s style.

Has Trump politicized a funeral to fuel his petty grudges? No, that’s the McCain style.

Has Trump launched a war of choice with no endgame? No, that was George W. Bush’s style.

Has Trump been caught off guard by no less than the fall of the Soviet Union and 9/11; did he sucker us into an endless war because his intelligence was junk? No, that’s the Deep State’s style.

Has Trump laundered money through a law firm to hire a foreigner to approach the Russians so they can fill a dossier with lies as a means to rig an election? No, that’s Hillary’s style.

Has Trump lied to obtain warrants so he can abuse his power to surveill and spy on a presidential campaign? No, that’s the FBI’s style.

Has Trump called for violence? No, that’s CNN’s style.

Does Trump oversee an institution riddled with rapists? No, that’s Hollywood’s style.

Is Trump in charge of an institution that covers up for and enables sexual predators? No, that’s the establishment media’s style.

Does Trump stand silent as his audience boos rape victims? No, that’s Jake Tapper’s style.

Those guilty of the above want to overturn an election because Trump refuses to take their crap, enjoys cheeseburgers, fires off tweets that haven’t been focus-grouped, wants to kill the monstrous Bashar al-Assad, protects our border, and might have yodeled in a porn star’s gully 13-years-ago.

All I know is this…

For the first time since those passenger planes hit the World Trade Center 17 long years ago, Trump has at long last returned America to peace and prosperity… Something so rare, no one under the age of 30 even remembers what it’s like.

Well, let me tell you, I remember peace and prosperity, I recognize it when I see it, I see it now, and it is glorious and long overdue and hard-earned, and the guy who deserves the most credit for delivering it — all I can say is God bless his style, and goddamn the hysterics trying to gaslight me into caring about anything other than the substance his style delivers.

This is one of those WTF moments when you pause and ask yourself what you just read and try to figure out how someone became so fucked up?

42The New York Times op-ed... - Page 2 Empty Re: The New York Times op-ed... 9/8/2018, 3:14 am


ConservaLady wrote:And yet none of you loony lying leftist lobotomized liberals can refute the points made in the article I posted as to the fact nothing in this cowardly op-ed  alleges Trump has done anything illegal.  

I'm sorry for you all Hillary didn't get her coronation (well, no - not really LOL!)
But there will be no impeachment.  There will be no indictment.  Trump will be reelected in 2020.  Count on it !!!

Au contraire Ms. Dilbert! Just because Trump hasn't been charged yet doesn't mean he hasn't done anything illegal. We all know he has but presidential protocol at this point is preventing that. The points in the article are as dishonest as Trump's tongue. It's amazing what he touts as substance as opposed to what has really been accomplished. Peace and prosperity is not one of them.

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