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So this fella Tillerson called tRump a F'n Moron...

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I've always had hopes for Tillerson. Very funny indeed!

BTW... Tillerson is correct! Laughing


I didn't have hopes for anyone in Trump's cabinet when he first appointed them, but Tillerson and Mad Dog have been very helpful so far, IMO. I guess with that many cabinet members, he couldn't possibly get them all wrong.

I think those two may be the only ones who have kept us from being at war with North Korea already.

Last edited by bigdog on 10/4/2017, 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total



bigdog wrote:I didn't have hopes for anyone in Trump's cabinet when he first appointed them, but Tillerson and Mad Dog have been very helpful so far, IMO. I guess with that many cabinet members, he couldn't possibly get them all wrong.

I think those two may be the only ones who have kept us from being at war with North Korea alrady.




panhandler wrote:
bigdog wrote:I didn't have hopes for anyone in Trump's cabinet when he first appointed them, but Tillerson and Mad Dog have been very helpful so far, IMO. I guess with that many cabinet members, he couldn't possibly get them all wrong.

I think those two may be the only ones who have kept us from being at war with North Korea alrady.


cheers cheers cheers for Tillerson.



Trump's tweets of yesteryear often come back to haunt him and this is hands down the best one yet


Trump is a F'ing Moron. He was his entire life, but daddy's silver spoon was stuck up his A so far that he actually probably had a real hard time in grade school, and my wife has a theory that as he got in middle school he was probably being picked on as most bullies were victims before they victimized, and the military school got him out of the grade school environment where everybody had figured that he was a moron, and from that point on he has been trying to convince people how smart he is. He is not. Rex was the head of the boy scouts for a awhile, and the speech he gave was beyond made most people scratch their head and say.......this guy is a moron.


Oh, I will NOT give a bully like Trump the benefit of thinking he was probably picked on first.
I don't think most bullies are the result of being picked on themselves.

I'm not a psychiatrist, that's true, but I've had a lot of experience with kids and it doesn't work that way. Most bullies are spoiled brats used to no discipline at home. They've never been taught that there are negative results for their negative actions, and a lot of them have parents who don't give a damn if their kids are bullies because after all, their kids are so superior to everybody else anyway.

I've heard from several sources that Trump was sent to military school because the regular school system did not want him. They could not handle his bullying of other students. This guy was born a jerk to a jerk of a parent and never needed to really know anything until the last year or so.
He gets NO sympathy from me and I don't need to find an excuse for why he is the way he is. Our actions are not always the result of our childhood experiences. Not if we are actually grown ups.


Here we go.

Trump's elementary school music teacher said that even as a child Trump was a "little shit."
This little monster would have never survived if he'd belonged to my parents back then. Dad's belt would have been worn out on his ass. People didn't phone HRS and report things in the 50's. They assumed that parents needed to make their kids behave. They had "reform" schools back then too. If a parent couldn't get their kids under control, that's where they were sent. Not off to some military academy full of other spoiled little rich shits. No parents should ever tolerate this kind of behavior. Throwing rocks at a child in a playpen is psychotic.
Trump's never had to pay for any of his actions and the Repugs in Congress won't ever impeach him either. It's just disgusting.

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