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58% of Republicans support Comey firing and 9% of Democrats support the same

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How can this nation be free and independent when a foreign nation can so easily manipulate our democracy by possibly and yet proven use of methodologies which flood the internet with false news and lies which are eaten up by folks who pretty much put their economic self interest, the interest of our nation, and the future of this democracy as secondary to raw racism and the need to make America great again which is the belief that an autocratic government is ok if it can return us to the time of white privilege. It is not by accident that a totalitarian Putin has backed fascist in Europe, and has encouraged Alt right movement here in America to rot the core of our democratic institutions. These threats are real, and the racial fears in America which I have been attacked for talking about on the PNJ and here is driving those 58%. Scared and fearful is no way to go through life. Americans have always been courageous, but now are led by as Bill Maher says a "a winey little bitch".



Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.



PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you have any actual ideas or principles of your own, or is it always "Hillary! Obama! Obama! Hillary!" with you?

Your stupid comments only point out the fundamental flaw in conservative "reasoning": their inability to accept that life is change. They are trying to drive down the road by only watching the rearview mirror.

What do you actually believe in? Can you express it or do you just "feel" it like most of your imbecile cohorts?

You also pose a ridiculous hypothesis, no one can possible KNOW what Dems would have supported if Hillary fired Comey because HILLARY LOST THE ELECTION AND TRUMP FIRED COMEY! You sound like a junior high kid speculating on an idiotic Star Trek plot point.

Grow the fuck up. At least TRY to live in the present, try to BE HERE NOW!



2seaoat wrote:How can this nation be free and independent when a foreign nation can so easily manipulate our democracy by possibly and yet proven use of methodologies which flood the internet with false news and lies which are eaten up by folks who pretty much put their economic self interest, the interest of our nation, and the future of this democracy as secondary to raw racism and the need to make America great again which is the belief that an autocratic government is ok if it can return us to the time of white privilege.  

Huh? Yo, seaoat, try to calm down.

Gently and slowly, in with the good air, out with the bad air. That's it, just breathe and feel the healing calm overtake you.

Now, calmly and intelligently, try to compose a sentence THAT MAKES FUCKING SENSE!



PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.




Del must've slept through the Obama terms when literally every issue was blamed on bush2.

They can dish it out... but can't take it. Typical snowflakes.



PkrBum wrote:Del must've slept through the Obama terms when literally every issue was blamed on bush2.

They can dish it out... but can't take it. Typical snowflakes.

If Democrats are snowflakes, Republicans are yellow snow and tarballs.


PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you even know why Dems are outraged at Comey's firing? This should not be that hard to figure out? They don't really care about Comey. It's because Trump tried to stop the Russian investigation by firing him. Do you get that Pkr. or are you just that dumb?



Vikingwoman wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you even know why Dems are outraged at Comey's firing? This should not be that hard to figure out? They don't really care about Comey. It's because Trump tried to stop the Russian investigation by firing him. Do you get that Pkr. or are you just that dumb?

Do you think that comey was actually investigating? He's a figurehead... and ill suited at best.

You can run with the talkingpoint all you like... but that doesn't make it valid.




Vikingwoman wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you even know why Dems are outraged at Comey's firing? This should not be that hard to figure out? They don't really care about Comey. It's because Trump tried to stop the Russian investigation by firing him. Do you get that Pkr. or are you just that dumb?

Whether Comey is there or not has no bearing on whether an "active" investigation starts, continues, or stops.



PkrBum wrote:Del must've slept through the Obama terms when literally every issue was blamed on bush2.

They can dish it out... but can't take it. Typical snowflakes.

You sound just like a little kid screeching "He started it!"

Grow up.



If anybody obstructed justice it was comey, lynch, Hillary, bill, and Obama.



PkrBum wrote:If anybody obstructed justice it was comey, lynch, Hillary, bill, and Obama.

Here we go again!


You're like a brain-damaged parrot that's learned two or three words and repeats them over and over obsessively.



del.capslock wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you have any actual ideas or principles of your own, or is it always "Hillary! Obama! Obama! Hillary!" with you?

Your stupid comments only point out the fundamental flaw in conservative "reasoning": their inability to accept that life is change. They are trying to drive down the road by only watching the rearview mirror.

What do you actually believe in? Can you express it or do you just "feel" it like most of your imbecile cohorts?

You also pose a ridiculous hypothesis, no one can possible KNOW what Dems would have supported if Hillary fired Comey because HILLARY LOST THE ELECTION AND TRUMP FIRED COMEY! You sound like a junior high kid speculating on an idiotic Star Trek plot point.

Grow the fuck up. At least TRY to live in the present, try to BE HERE NOW!
Obama lived off using Bush as a scapegoat for 8 years. Get over it.



Waiting wrote:

Obama lived off using Bush as a scapegoat for 8 years. Get over it.

Cite examples, you lying hillbilly dimwit!



del.capslock wrote:
Waiting wrote:

Obama lived off using Bush as a scapegoat for 8 years. Get over it.

Cite examples, you lying hillbilly dimwit!

When you're willfully ignorant... examples aren't going to help.


gatorfan wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you even know why Dems are outraged at Comey's firing? This should not be that hard to figure out? They don't really care about Comey. It's because Trump tried to stop the Russian investigation by firing him. Do you get that Pkr. or are you just that dumb?

Whether Comey is there or not has no bearing on whether an "active" investigation starts, continues, or stops.

Jesus, you've missed the point. I know that,everybody should know that but Trump didn't. Did he not say he fired Comey because of the Russia thing?



PkrBum wrote:

When you're willfully ignorant... examples aren't going to help.

I'm not ignorant about this:

"Barack Obama is the first president in more than five decades to win at least 51 percent of the national popular vote twice, according to a revised vote count in New York eight weeks after the Nov. 6 election."

Trump couldn't even manage that ONCE and all you can bleat is "OBAMA! OBAMA!"

Trump's base is rapidly fading away, his administration is in chaos and we're only four months into it.

Nothing, NOTHING, that happened in Obama's presidency comes anywhere even close to this catastrophe.

Last edited by del.capslock on 5/15/2017, 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


PkrBum wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you even know why Dems are outraged at Comey's firing? This should not be that hard to figure out? They don't really care about Comey. It's because Trump tried to stop the Russian investigation by firing him. Do you get that Pkr. or are you just that dumb?

Do you think that comey was actually investigating? He's a figurehead... and ill suited at best.

You  can run with the talkingpoint all you like... but that doesn't make it valid.

Well, if he wasn't investigating then he sure fooled Trump. Do you actually believe this shit you spew out or are you just like Kellyanne Conway and do it for the cause?



Vikingwoman wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Were Hillary potus and had fired comey... 99% of dems would've supported it. You know that's true.

Your outrage is manufactured... thank you for your cooperation comrade.

Do you even know why Dems are outraged at Comey's firing? This should not be that hard to figure out? They don't really care about Comey. It's because Trump tried to stop the Russian investigation by firing him. Do you get that Pkr. or are you just that dumb?

Do you think that comey was actually investigating? He's a figurehead... and ill suited at best.

You  can run with the talkingpoint all you like... but that doesn't make it valid.

Well, if he wasn't investigating then he sure fooled Trump. Do you actually believe this shit you spew out or are you just like Kellyanne Conway and do it for the cause?

What you're parroting is cnn or msnbc crapola... or worse yet one of flatex's links.

NBC: Holt asked Trump if he was "angry with Mr. Comey because of his Russia investigation."

"I just want somebody that's competent," Trump responded. "I am a big fan of the FBI, I love the FBI."

Trump said he never tried to pressure Comey into dropping the FBI probe of the Trump campaign and insisted, "I want to find out if there was a problem in the election having to do with Russia."

"As far as I'm concerned, I want that thing to be absolutely done properly," Trump said. "Maybe I'll expand that, you know, lengthen the time (of the Russia probe) because it should be over with, in my opinion, should have been over with a long time ago. 'Cause all it is, is an excuse but I said to myself, I might even lengthen out the investigation, but I have to do the right thing for the American people."

Trump added of the investigation, "I want that to be so strong and so good. And I want it to happen."

Asked by Holt if by firing Comey he was trying to send a "lay off" message to his successor, Trump said, "I'm not."

"If Russia did anything, I want to know that," he said.


As usual, the sock takes this thread off course. A majority of Republicans share the opinion with President Trump that the FBI director should be fired. I disagree with Gator to an extent. The idea that a law enforcement agency is autonomous of leadership is an idea I am seeing bantered about by many of the talking heads. I find that argument to be specious because an FBI director has a ten year term, and the new director will in fact have influence on the investigation. It defies logic to say otherwise. However, I will concede that professionals who find violations of the law are not going to be silenced and in fact will continue with due diligence in their investigation. However, I think the new FBI director can chill the investigation, and that appointment will require caution as to the intent. We have already seen with Sessions, that he almost immediately stepped around his promises to Congress. The FBI director does matter, and for Republicans who were bubbly over Comey this past Fall to now say that he should be fired.....partisanship is destroying this country.


Mr Trump told NBC: "When I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won."

This is what he said before he said that.



If it's true that trump colluded with Russians... I'd act as executioner myself. The fact is... there are no condemning facts... none... nada... zip. To quote your quote: "When I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it's an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won."

If there was a there... there... it would've been pounced on by the Obama cartel... count on it.

Again tho for the dense... if something solid is found implicating trump i want him executed... period.

Good luck with that pipe dream comrades... lol.



2seaoat wrote:partisanship is destroying this country.

This is such a ridiculous comment that it doesn't even deserve refutation. Obviously, you are completely ignorant of the history of this nation.

[Refutation, nation... Hey, there might be a country song in there. I digress...]

Two quick example off the top of my head are: 1) The period before the Civil fucking War, you imbecile and 2) The Hayes/Tilden controversy in 1872.

Your simplistic, blanket statements belie your paucity of real knowledge and diminish what little value your comments contain.

This country is going to be fine. All we're seeing is the prescient genius of our Founding Fathers at work.

Oh, ye of little faith...

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