I never made an argument to forgive student loans. I have made continual arguments for more budget support for post high school state schools. In the Chicagoland area you see these private universities in commercial buildings where they are raping young people with totally worthless paper, while committing them to indentured servitude.
I lost over two million dollars of real money when the FDIC closed a bank which I had commercial loans with which fully secure and I was paying each payment on time. Another bank took over and determined to sell all commercial loans and liquidate the loans. At the time it was impossible to find another Bank during the Tarp melt down. Two years of making payments and playing the game with 15k appraisals which were absurd. In the end, the property had to be a short sale, which was totally unnecessary if the FDIC had simply crammed down all loans to FMV and adjusted the payments. It would have saved the nation billions, all loans would be secured, and my monthly payments would have went from 6k to 3k, and the government would have received almost 80% of their capital back in ten years. Instead, they lost 80% of the principal, enriched a few successor banks. In my situation I had a management agreement which the bank approved to repurchase the business in three years, and within one year we owned it again and the new bank who when they took over the former bank could care less because they guaranteed the bank losses, rather than the government looking out for honest people who did nothing wrong and were current on their loans as appraised values crashed. We now own one of those business interests with 600k less debt, and not a dime owed to anyone which is cash flowing, and which would have been paying back the FDIC if it was not for the corruption of the banks and Wall Street. We still unnecessarily lost two million, but we have slowly worked back on that loss which we were only one of many at that bank. I saw grown men cry as they lost 4 million and never missed a payment and had successful business operations, only to see the government take a three million hit when if they simply funded loans for ten years at the new appraised value and lower interest rate the losses would have mostly been paid back.
Forgiving student loans is bone chilling stupid. We need to pass laws which allow discharge in part of student loans prospectively and we need to bring the cost of state colleges down, with a ceiling per year of student loans at low interest, and after that folks can charge whatever the market can bear, but the loans can be discharged in bankruptcy. This is not difficult. It is not the fuzzy thinking of Bernie where the answer lies. I love Bernie, but he never found a credible bipartisan funding path for his fantasy.
I lost over two million dollars of real money when the FDIC closed a bank which I had commercial loans with which fully secure and I was paying each payment on time. Another bank took over and determined to sell all commercial loans and liquidate the loans. At the time it was impossible to find another Bank during the Tarp melt down. Two years of making payments and playing the game with 15k appraisals which were absurd. In the end, the property had to be a short sale, which was totally unnecessary if the FDIC had simply crammed down all loans to FMV and adjusted the payments. It would have saved the nation billions, all loans would be secured, and my monthly payments would have went from 6k to 3k, and the government would have received almost 80% of their capital back in ten years. Instead, they lost 80% of the principal, enriched a few successor banks. In my situation I had a management agreement which the bank approved to repurchase the business in three years, and within one year we owned it again and the new bank who when they took over the former bank could care less because they guaranteed the bank losses, rather than the government looking out for honest people who did nothing wrong and were current on their loans as appraised values crashed. We now own one of those business interests with 600k less debt, and not a dime owed to anyone which is cash flowing, and which would have been paying back the FDIC if it was not for the corruption of the banks and Wall Street. We still unnecessarily lost two million, but we have slowly worked back on that loss which we were only one of many at that bank. I saw grown men cry as they lost 4 million and never missed a payment and had successful business operations, only to see the government take a three million hit when if they simply funded loans for ten years at the new appraised value and lower interest rate the losses would have mostly been paid back.
Forgiving student loans is bone chilling stupid. We need to pass laws which allow discharge in part of student loans prospectively and we need to bring the cost of state colleges down, with a ceiling per year of student loans at low interest, and after that folks can charge whatever the market can bear, but the loans can be discharged in bankruptcy. This is not difficult. It is not the fuzzy thinking of Bernie where the answer lies. I love Bernie, but he never found a credible bipartisan funding path for his fantasy.