I am a Republican. I think forgiving student loans is stupid. I have many answers for student loans. Limit Student loans to 15k a year with low interest loans. After the first 15k let a student get student loans which can be discharged in Bankruptcy and do not have low interest rates. I paid every dime of my education by working as my mother was widowed when I was 10. I walked in my Freshman year in college and paid all my room and board for the year, and tuition with one check which I earned. I paid the second year, and graduated with a BA in 2.5 years owing not one dime to anybody. My daughter who is in the SA office has a fellow young attorney who has 200k in student loans as it financed her lifestyle for seven years while getting her ba and law degree. I have zero sympathy for these folks. You go to a junior college, or like I did after I graduated early, I worked for nine months to pay for my graduate school, and post graduate studies.
I cleaned bathrooms, read water meters, bartended, worked as a machinist, worked in a warehouse, dishwashing, landscaped, and worked on automobile car lots all through high school to pay for my college, and I learned just as much working and saving as I did in the classroom. Fuzzy thinking gets monsters like President Trump who just like Bernie want to GIVE something away to his voters. Total BS. Bernie voters who wanted something for nothing put Trump in office as wealthy people are now getting something for nothing.......I want folks elected who ask what will you do for this country, not looking to get something for nothing.