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Smoked some baby backs yesterday

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1Smoked some baby backs yesterday Empty Smoked some baby backs yesterday 10/7/2012, 12:17 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Decided to smoke some baby backs yesterday while watching the Gators handle LSU. It was a good day.

Smoked some baby backs yesterday Drobz
Smoked some baby backs yesterday R3R5O
Smoked some baby backs yesterday 7elOt
Smoked some baby backs yesterday WxcaR
Smoked some baby backs yesterday 6QEdI



I likes 'em when de bones stick out!!!

Smoked some baby backs yesterday Ribs210

boards of FL

boards of FL

How long did you do those for? I'm just starting to cook ribs and only did my 4 hours. I'm going to try another round this weekend and plan on doing them 5-6.



I like to boil them first, then finish them on the grill..

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