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Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret channel with Kremlin

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I'm seriously getting very weary of the administration or people speaking for them claiming that they are just new kids on the block and don't understand the finer points of political protocol. If any Democrat had done any one of the numerous things the Trump clan is being investigated for doing the entire territory of DC would be in flames.

Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in December that Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and adviser, asked him about setting up a communications channel between the transition team and the Kremlin using Russian facilities in the United States, an apparent move to shield pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring, according to U.S. officials briefed on intelligence reports.


Evil people have infiltrated this government. The former congressman from Georgia who keeps going on CNN Jack somebody who rationalizes every putrid move this administration has done. This is rotten to the core. Collusion is the least of the problems. Treason These Russian bastards are aiding the Taliban to kill our soldiers. We did it to them. They are doing it to us, but NEVER did the Russians who were the Soviets ever try to rationalize and make chit up about what America was doing, yet when getting tax cuts for the rich Trumps all other objectives, your realize why our founding fathers fought a revolution against the wealth and exploitation of the British Oligarchy. Racial hatred has trumped patriotism, and folks would rather get in bed with folks who are killing our soldiers, than to face a tax increase or the thought that equal protection under the law is something they want. Traitors all.


I know that politics has become "team sports" to a ridiculous degree, but I can't believe that anybody's still defending Trump and his team at this point. Does brainwashing and animosity between the parties really run so deep that people are willing to sell out their country to a foreign power before they'll admit they made a mistake?

I don't want to go Godwin here, but it really is pertinent so, screw it -- I've been watching documentaries on the rise of Hitler, and the parallels to the current environment in this country are chilling. It needs to be rejected... its not just "ah, you don't like letting the other party have a turn" or whatever. Someone dangerously incompetent, and under the control of people hostile to what this country is based on, has been elected.



Jack Kingston is one of many Goebbels clones on the right.



Oh, please, the two of you! This administration isn't six-months old and it's already in chaos. It's being investigated by the FBI and two or three congressional committees--who can keep track?--and the media is after it like a pack of ravenous wolves chasing a gimpy moose through the muskeg.

What we're watching  is the success of our particular form of government. We should be celebrating the durability of our institutions not wringing our hands and gnashing our teeth like a bunch of silly old women.

We're watching an acid test of our ability to govern ourselves, in real time and full living color. This is the most glorious affirmation of the resilience of the American experiment.

Somebody get me a cheeseburger!



del.capslock wrote:Oh, please, the two of you! This administration isn't six-months old and it's already in chaos. It's being investigated by the FBI and two or three congressional committees--who can keep track?--and the media is after it like a pack of ravenous wolves chasing a gimpy moose through the muskeg.

What we're watching  is the success of our particular form of government. We should be celebrating the durability of our institutions not wringing our hands and gnashing our teeth like a bunch of silly old women.

We're watching an acid test of our ability to govern ourselves, in real time and full living color. This is the most glorious affirmation of the resilience of the American experiment.

Somebody get me a cheeseburger!

His best song.



Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret channel with Kremlin Jared_10


Oh, we're beating it, so far... I think this plot will be defeated. Our system is still working. But the fact that America's slipped enough to even let it get started at such a high level is alarming.

Trump's just a cheap Gambino-wanna crook, he can be thrown out in disgrace. The real problem is all those idiots who were gullible and brainwashed enough to elect such a thing. They're not just going to magically de-idiot-ize. They're going to try again to elect something just as bad... and that's a harder problem to solve.



Telstar wrote:Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret channel with Kremlin Jared_10

I'm getting hard just looking at him! Ain't he got a pretty mouth?
Squeal like a pig, Jared.


So far America's not having a whole lot of luck with Jareds. First Jared from Subway turns out to be a short-eyes and now this...



If it winds up being the dopey son-in-law who brings this whole circus tent down, I'm going to laugh for days and days and days. @rexhuppke

Old Jared doesn't look like he's cut out for prison life I'm thinking first comes the rolling and then comes the singing.



The Washington Post, "FAKE NEWS", has been kicking trumps azz the same way they did Nixon's.

A free Press isn't the enemy of Americans

It's the enemy of tyrants

By design. @stonekettel

Remember when you get to court just have your lawyer yell FAKE NEWS at the judge.



The letter of the day is "S".  As in Espionage.  Smile



One Trump adviser leaving Russian contacts off his disclosure form is happenstance.

Twice is a coincidence

Three times, it's enemy action



polecat wrote:One Trump adviser leaving Russian contacts off his disclosure form is happenstance.

Twice is a coincidence

Three times, it's enemy action

He knows all about enemy action. You can bet he's having lunch at the White House too.
Russian ambassador told Moscow that Kushner wanted secret channel with Kremlin Goldfi10



PkrBum wrote:

If the claims from this guy are true then it is good that all this "fake news" is being looked into by congressional committees, the intelligence community and the special prosecutor.

Some of this guy's rant is agreeable like him mentioning the Post supporting the lies of the Bush administration back in the days of the WMD false claims. He also references Chomsky, interesting.

The contract with the CIA is supposedly for data storage, which doesn't make much sense given the huge data storage facility in Utah. This guy is all over the map but he is supported by Sputnik News and Infowars etc. so we need to take him with a huge grain of salt.

Regardless of his claims against the WaPo there are plenty of news outlets digging around in business connections, bank loans, money laundering and who knows what else to keep us all focused on the "political power for fun and profit" group of wana-be international big shots that now occupy the WH.

Every last sordid detail will come out eventually. It is only a matter of time.  



"I wonder if they mean 'Russian Ambassador' when they ask me to list all my foreign contacts on this security clearance form... nah."



Just for fun, imagine if Republicans discovered Hillary Clinton had set up a secret comms channel with Russia using Russian equipment



PkrBum wrote:

PkrBum found lying to his readers .... what else is new?



"Rumors are circulating that the UFO expert and representative for the Billy Meier UFO contacts, “Michael Horn”, is really a clever, CG-I created mini-me of billionaire Jeff Bezos, owner of Amazon and the Washington Post.

"The theory is that Bezos has long known the truth about the Meier case, its evidence and prophetically accurate information. With events foretold by Meier now occurring and threatening to alter the world as we know it – keep an eye on the volcano at Campi Flegri – sources say that Bezos needed to find a way to warn the world without risking his own reputation…or life."



It has to be true... anonymous sources confirm it.



PkrBum wrote:

It has to be true... anonymous sources confirm it.



polecat wrote:"I wonder if they mean 'Russian Ambassador' when they ask me to list all my foreign contacts on this security clearance form... nah."

lol! lol!



PkrBum wrote:

It has to be true... anonymous sources confirm it.

What would you call Deep Throat?
And what did he accomplish?

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