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In Do-Over Trump Would Still Beat Clinton - Liberal Drive-By Media Flabbergasted

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Stephanopoulos ‘Surprised’ Trump Would Beat Clinton Again, Still Has Strong Support

Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos couldn’t hide his surprise at his own network’s poll results, during Monday’s show. The ABC News/Washington Post poll over the weekend revealed positive numbers for the President, going against the media’s negative narrative that supporters had abandoned Trump.

Not only that, but the poll revealed Trump would win the election again, if it were taken today. A flabbergasted Stephanopoulos admitted he was surprised by the results, in two different segments on today’s show.

In the first report by White House Correspondent Jonathan Karl, ABC led with Trump’s low approval ratings among the general population. But at the end of the report, Karl had to reveal the positive numbers the poll revealed as well:

STEPHANOPOULOS: And, Jon, let's stick with that poll for a second. You point out a lot of the challenges for President Trump in the poll, some of the warn signs for Democrats as well. One of the biggest warnings for Democrats, the surprising result if you re- ran the election today.

KARL: Yeah this is very interesting. If the election were rerun today, with those who voted in 2016,  Donald Trump would beat Hillary Clinton. And George, it's 43/40, meaning he would beat her in the popular vote. Which of course he didn’t do in the real election.

STEPHANOPOULOS: That would be a real flip, Jon Karl, thanks very much.

Later in the show, Stephanopoulos spoke with Joe Kelly, the morning host at 96.5 WDBO in Orlando, an area which heavily voted for Trump.

“You talk to Trump voters every single day,” the anchor began. “I want to start off with that number from our poll. 96% say they’re standing by President Trump right now, they would vote for him again,” he continued.

Stephanopoulos then asked what Trump’s “secret” was to maintaining support, insinuating that no one else could understand why he still had supporters:

“What’s the secret to his staying power with those voters?” he asked, quizzically.

Stephanopoulos followed up by asking the radio host if Trump’s supporters would still support him even though he broke his “promise” to get Mexico to pay for the border wall. Again, would ABC ever ask Obama supporters if they still supported him for breaking promises like, ‘If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?'



Idiot deplorables undeterred by deplorable idiocy ... film at 11.



Sal wrote:Idiot deplorables undeterred by deplorable idiocy ... film at 11.

MRC Newsbusters. Founded in 1987 by Brent Bozell. LOL.



The Media Research Center is an extreme right-wing crazy site. No serious people link to them or take them seriously. Check out the real world, bubble-boy.



del.capslock wrote:The Media Research Center is an extreme right-wing crazy site. No serious people link to them or take them seriously. Check out the real world, bubble-boy.

Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos couldn’t hide his surprise at his own network’s poll results.

That would be ABC.

What? You just don't like the messenger?



VectorMan wrote:
del.capslock wrote:The Media Research Center is an extreme right-wing crazy site. No serious people link to them or take them seriously. Check out the real world, bubble-boy.

Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos couldn’t hide his surprise at his own network’s poll results.

That would be ABC.

What? You just don't like the messenger?

No. I don't like reactionary phonies that post other people's stuff without attribution or even acknowledgement that it wasn't their own.

More right-wing lies and deception.

Imagine that.



del.capslock wrote:
VectorMan wrote:
del.capslock wrote:The Media Research Center is an extreme right-wing crazy site. No serious people link to them or take them seriously. Check out the real world, bubble-boy.

Good Morning America anchor George Stephanopoulos couldn’t hide his surprise at his own network’s poll results.

That would be ABC.

What? You just don't like the messenger?

No. I don't like reactionary phonies that post other people's stuff without attribution or even acknowledgement that it wasn't their own.

More right-wing lies and deception.  

Imagine that.

I'm guessing you don't think there are left-wing lies and deception.

Carry on.



You posted another person's stuff without attribution leaving the reader to assume it was your own. That is fundamentally deceitful and fundamentally typical of right-wing posters. They're too stupid to think up their own shit so they parrot other people's work. That makes you both a liar and thief.

You're a credit to your race, Texasboy.



I don't care one way or the other about the OP's source.

The fact remains that Trump was correct when he said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.".

Trump is an abject moron, who has surrounded himself with abject morons, and was voted into office by abject morons.

We have been overrun by the mole people.



del.capslock wrote:You posted another person's stuff without attribution leaving the reader to assume it was your own. That is fundamentally deceitful and fundamentally typical of right-wing posters. They're too stupid to think up their own shit so they parrot other people's work. That makes you both a liar and thief.

You're a credit to your race, Texasboy.



del.capslock wrote:You posted another person's stuff without attribution leaving the reader to assume it was your own. That is fundamentally deceitful and fundamentally typical of right-wing posters. They're too stupid to think up their own shit so they parrot other people's work. That makes you both a liar and thief.

You're a credit to your race, Texasboy.

Damn. Take it easy dude.

It says in the very beginning where the information comes from. Sorry I didn't leave the link, but someone fixed that.


Let's test that theory and do it for real. I'm willing! I'm sure Donnie's game for it -- that popular vote thing keeps sticking in his craw, anyway, so here's his big chance.



VectorMan wrote:
del.capslock wrote:You posted another person's stuff without attribution leaving the reader to assume it was your own. That is fundamentally deceitful and fundamentally typical of right-wing posters. They're too stupid to think up their own shit so they parrot other people's work. That makes you both a liar and thief.

You're a credit to your race, Texasboy.

Damn. Take it easy dude.

It says in the very beginning where the information comes from. Sorry I didn't leave the link, but someone fixed that.

No problem. I was usually the one who provided links to Markle's spam.



zsomething wrote:Let's test that theory and do it for real.  I'm willing!   I'm sure Donnie's game for it -- that popular vote thing keeps sticking in his craw, anyway, so here's his big chance.

I see what your doing but false #45 says one thing and means another. Laughing


President Trump's approval numbers at this point in a person's presidency are the lowest since Harry Truman was not well liked by America. President Truman proved that poll numbers change, and America will grow to like a President, but if anybody thinks that President Trump could be reelected today, they are mistaken. The approval numbers clearly show that contrary to whatever nonsense ABC was talking about, the historical approval numbers are an objective measure taken over 70 years. President Trump will not win the next election. It is simple. Facts matter.



(CNN) What the focus on Trump's numbers misses is that Democrats aren't in a great place with voters either.

One number in the Post-ABC poll really stood out to me as something that should worry Democrats pondering the party's future: Asked whether the Democratic Party is in touch with the concerns of the average person, just 28% of respondents said it is -- as opposed to 67% who said Democrats are out of touch. Those numbers are worse than the "in touch/out of touch" numbers for either the Republican Party or Trump in that same poll.

More amazing to me is that only 52% of self-identified Democrats said their party was in touch with peoples' concerns, while 44% said it was out of touch. (Also of concern for Democrats: Fewer than 1 in 5 independents -- 18% -- said the Democratic Party was in touch with the average person.)"


The simple fact is that taxes matter. The idea that the Republican Party is for the middle class is a fallacy which can only be hidden by smoke and mirrors. Traditional working people know bull chit. Hillary was talking bull chit and people did not believe her. People knew President Trump was bull chit, but they wanted to upset the status quo. However, once folks see who is being served, they are not stupid. They will vote their economic interest.



Telstar wrote:

No problem. I was usually the one who provided links to Markle's spam.

Did you give him a reach-around?



del.capslock wrote:
Telstar wrote:

No problem. I was usually the one who provided links to Markle's spam.

Did you give him a reach-around?

Only with Pkr's hand.

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