Pensacola Discussion Forum
TEOTWAWKI wrote:Subject: Comments On the Debate
"If" Romney keeps this up...Obama is going to vote for him!" --
Michael Moore
"This wasn't a debate. It was more like a
Romney cross country road trip with Obama tied to the roof."
"Quick, someone give Obama a Nobel Prize in
"What this shows is that after four years of being
President, Obama is less prepared to be President than Romney." - o
think we can finally lay to rest who Barack Obama's daddy is. It's now Mitt
Romney." -
"Give Obama this: It's possible he succeeded in lowering
expectations for Biden next week." -
better hope a Kicked Ass is covered under Obamacare." - Dennis Miller
"I can’t
believe I’m saying this, but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter."
- Bill Maher
"Obama is
getting owned, refinanced, and owned again!"
othershoe1030 wrote:A primary season that looked like a vaudeville show, a lackluster candidate that most in his own party aren't terribly excited about, non-stop changes on positions by the surviving candidate, a disastrous trip overseas highlighted by foot in mouth statements at every stop, a wreck of a convention, several weeks of contradictory interviews and a killer behind the scenes video with damaging comments right from the candidates mouth disrespecting nearly have the population of the country he hopes to lead and they want to think that a 90 minute debate will erase all that?
The candidate may be great with an etch-a-sketch but the voters' memories are a bit more stable than that!
Dream on Republicans. You have just over 30 days to hold on to your fantasies and then the votes will come in.
2seaoat wrote:Turn outs at swing states on early voting have been at record levels. The only way this election will be lost by Obama is with Hanky Panky. Mitten the Kitten is known by America.....and as much as many Americans do not like the President or his policies....hell will freeze over before we would vote to the worst presidential candidate in American history. He won the debate.....but he lost the election......when you deny your party platform, you have to count on America being when you can outspend a candidate who was finally exposing the real Mitt Romney 9-1....well you can keep the whoop asz in the can....but when your opponent can review your words from the debate.....that whoop asz is coming out of the can.
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