A known traitor -- a Russian agent who lied his way to the presidency -- is pissed at anyone who recognizes what a terrible sleaze and dreadful threat he is to the United States of America.
Meanwhile, the shameful republican party which has been handed power over the White House, the Congress and soon the Supreme Court, continues its silence as the Pussy Grabber and his gang put in play their plan to destroy all trust by the American people in any branch of their government.
A health plan that steals from the poor to fatten the wallets of the rich. An environmental plan that disembowels every governmental agency dealing with climate problems, protection of rivers and lakes, protection of endangered species, and furthers the bloodsucking interests of major fossil fuel producers.
A tax plan that while increasing costs to the middle and lower classes, hands more power to the oligarchy dedicated to having it ALL.
An educational plan that destroys public education -- including helping poor kids with nutritional challenges and learning problems.
A military buildup which pushes conventional forces -- but ignores the very real threat of cyber warfare -- the same type of warfare the Russians used to invade and control our government. The next big war will begin with all the computers we use to control our airlines in mid-air, that operate our electric power grid and water pumping systems, suddenly shutting down. The financial network will also shut down, effectively decreasing if not preventing all retail sales.
Trump and his rabid ministers are the worst threat our country has faced in the last 150 years.
If you choose to sit back and watch and not actively join in the opposition movement, you're making the worst decision of your life.
Meanwhile, the shameful republican party which has been handed power over the White House, the Congress and soon the Supreme Court, continues its silence as the Pussy Grabber and his gang put in play their plan to destroy all trust by the American people in any branch of their government.
A health plan that steals from the poor to fatten the wallets of the rich. An environmental plan that disembowels every governmental agency dealing with climate problems, protection of rivers and lakes, protection of endangered species, and furthers the bloodsucking interests of major fossil fuel producers.
A tax plan that while increasing costs to the middle and lower classes, hands more power to the oligarchy dedicated to having it ALL.
An educational plan that destroys public education -- including helping poor kids with nutritional challenges and learning problems.
A military buildup which pushes conventional forces -- but ignores the very real threat of cyber warfare -- the same type of warfare the Russians used to invade and control our government. The next big war will begin with all the computers we use to control our airlines in mid-air, that operate our electric power grid and water pumping systems, suddenly shutting down. The financial network will also shut down, effectively decreasing if not preventing all retail sales.
Trump and his rabid ministers are the worst threat our country has faced in the last 150 years.
If you choose to sit back and watch and not actively join in the opposition movement, you're making the worst decision of your life.