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Priceless words from our new President ... a quote for the ages

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“I did try and fuck her. She was married.

I moved on her like a bitch,

But I couldn’t get there.

And she was married.

You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful.

I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss.

I don’t even wait.

You can do anything…

Grab them by the pussy.

You can do anything.”

The President of the United States of America. No wonder the republicans and all the deplorables love him! What character. What grace. What dignity. What wit. What honesty ... What the fuck?!



What was the date on that?

What about Bill, he actually did it in the Oval Office while conducting presidential business on the phone. And the Dems didn't give a shit.....even when he lied to the Grand jury and was impeached. 




Joanimaroni wrote:What was the date on that?

Don't know. I saw that someone had posted a poster of Trump's words all over New York's east side and copied the words from the online piece.

If you want to know when Trump said them, google trump and grab them by the pussy



You conservatives always try to justify a wrong or disgusting thing by showing someone on the democrat side did the same. Please explain your logic. Something wrong is okay if someone else did it? Why, pray tell, are you attempting to defend the Pussy Grabber with the dead rat on his head?

What disgusted me about Clinton was his stupidity in getting caught.  I have nothing against any man who has an affair as long as it stays his business.  

Trump's statement speaks for itself.  This no-class bastard is a real sexual abuser.  How in hell can you defend such a disgusting lowlife?  Please, I really want an answer!

The date of Trump's statement was 2005  go here:


This was from the Access Hollywood tape, which we all saw and heard, yes? (I didn't check your link tonight.)



RealLindaL wrote:This was from the Access Hollywood tape, which we all saw and heard, yes? (I didn't check your link tonight.)

Yes. So, on top of being a traitor and altering American foreign policy to suit Putin and help Russia, this bastard is also a sexual abuser. And consider: There are still millions of Trumpsters who continue to adore him.

It's good to know your enemies!


I am less concerned about something he said in the past unless it was about trying to bypass rules. He is now trying to downplay the CBO rating budget impact of legislation, when the person running it is a Republican.....this idea I can do whatever I want and rules and refs do not matter.......just because he is a sad sexual abuser and serial marrying fool, it just an indication that he has that silver spoon stuck so far up his asz that he thinks rules do not apply to him, and when the CBO rates his Trumpcare not to his liking......well now we know his track record. Defending this immoral man is sad.



Do you have any proof he actually did this....Indisputable proof?



2seaoat wrote:I am less concerned about something he said in the past

Me too.

I'm more concerned about what he said on Tuesday ...

"This will be a plan where you can choose your doctor, and this will be a plan where you can choose your plan. And you know what the plan is. This is the plan. It’s a complicated process, but actually it’s very simple, it’s called good health care."

What an abject moron!


What an abject moron!

It is clear that this is not an act. The President of the United States and the emperors new clothes are naked. He is an abject moron. I wanted to give him a chance. I wanted him to act presidential. However, when so many have been hurt by his total lack of experience in government and his intellectual gaps, it is time to announce those new clothes, and the illusion that he was going to make America great again......utter fantasy.

I am uncertain of who you are directing proof. I will provide you a link if your proof request is directed at my allegations.



2seaoat wrote:What an abject moron!

It is clear that this is not an act.  The President of the United States and the emperors new clothes are naked.  He is an abject moron.  I wanted to give him a chance.  I wanted him to act presidential.  However, when so many have been hurt by his total lack of experience in government and his intellectual gaps, it is time to announce those new clothes, and the illusion that he was going to make America great again......utter fantasy.

I am uncertain of who you are directing proof.  I will provide you a link if your proof request is directed at my allegations.

Okay, I'm now a lot closer to being totally freaked out by this new president and his administration! How much real long term damage can they do and how long will it take them to do it? Not relying on the CBO to score their new bill is unheard of. Providing their own alternate facts from the OMB? OMG! This is how tyranny begins...for real.

When former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called for the abolition of CBO back in January, most observers probably chuckled at the old bomb-thrower insisting that an objective assessment of GOP plans would screw everything up. Now that’s rapidly becoming the conventional wisdom. Keep in mind that Republicans, after taking control of both congressional chambers in 2014, hired CBO’s current director, George W. Bush administration veteran Keith Hall. It’s safe to say that Hall hardly resembles Gingrich’s description of CBO as a “left-wing, corrupt, bureaucratic defender of big government and liberalism.”

So what’s the solution? Republicans seem to have found an alternative source of authoritative-sounding numbers that is more ideologically reliable: the Office of Management and Budget, which is directly under the control of the president.

Republicans are going so far as releasing their own estimates. The Office of Management and Budget, part of the Trump White House, is expected to issue its own estimates of the plan, according to several Republican senators.



2seaoat wrote:What an abject moron!

It is clear that this is not an act.  The President of the United States and the emperors new clothes are naked.  He is an abject moron.  I wanted to give him a chance.  I wanted him to act presidential.  However, when so many have been hurt by his total lack of experience in government and his intellectual gaps, it is time to announce those new clothes, and the illusion that he was going to make America great again......utter fantasy.

I am uncertain of who you are directing proof.  I will provide you a link if your proof request is directed at my allegations.

Welcome aboard the "Jesus! What the fuck have we done electing this madman?" train to oblivion!



Wordslinger wrote:You conservatives always try to justify a wrong or disgusting thing by showing someone on the democrat side did the same.  Please explain your logic.  Something wrong is okay if someone else did it?  Why, pray tell, are you attempting to defend the Pussy Grabber with the dead rat on his head?

What disgusted me about Clinton was his stupidity in getting caught.  I have nothing against any man who has an affair as long as it stays his business.  

Trump's statement speaks for itself.  This no-class bastard is a real sexual abuser.  How in hell can you defend such a disgusting lowlife?  Please, I really want an answer!

The date of Trump's statement was 2005  go here:

Priceless words from our new President ... a quote for the ages Obama_11

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