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Hillsborough County Executive Meeting

6 posters

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Good news; the crowd was enormous. The overflow parking lot was full. Veteran members told me that it was easily five times the size of the previously largest attendance. I was sworn in with 50 other applicants.

Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

This man is actively trying to divide this country.



Last edited by Sal on 1/31/2017, 2:20 pm; edited 2 times in total


Read an article earlier and was going to post it but kept getting the error trying to get in here. Session's, Bannon and Miller seem to pulling the strings, more so Session's and we all know he's just about against anything. He put together most of the EO's so far. They're probably going to confirm him Wednesday and there goes personal freedom's and state rights.



Sal wrote:Good news; the crowd was enormous. The overflow parking lot was full. Veteran members told me that it was easily five times the size of the previously largest attendance. I was sworn in with 50 other applicants.

Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

This man is actively trying to divide this country.



Is there any other group that he hasn't attacked yet? I mean it is just a CF from the inauguration speech through this evening. He is really working hard and nearly 'round the clock to pizz off people. Let's see, perhaps farmers haven't gotten in his cross hairs yet unless you count the ones whose land is effected by the Keystone pipeline? Unbelievable, sure it wasn't from the Onion??? Link?



Sal wrote:Good news; the crowd was enormous. The overflow parking lot was full. Veteran members told me that it was easily five times the size of the previously largest attendance. I was sworn in with 50 other applicants.

Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

This man is actively trying to divide this country.



Really, another facebook news post. Do,you have a link?



Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:Good news; the crowd was enormous. The overflow parking lot was full. Veteran members told me that it was easily five times the size of the previously largest attendance. I was sworn in with 50 other applicants.

Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

This man is actively trying to divide this country.



Really, another facebook news post. Do,you have a link?

It's my personal account, dumbass.



Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:Good news; the crowd was enormous. The overflow parking lot was full. Veteran members told me that it was easily five times the size of the previously largest attendance. I was sworn in with 50 other applicants.

Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

This man is actively trying to divide this country.



Really, another facebook news post. Do,you have a link?

It's my personal account, dumbass.

And how did they come by this "advanced word" as you say?



Joanimaroni wrote:
And how did they come by this "advanced word" as you say?

I have no idea.

It was waaaay to crowded to ask her personally afterwards.

I hope she's wrong ...

... believe me, I do.

But from what we've seen so far, I have no grounds to doubt her, especially considering Pence's position.

I truly fear that the peaceful protests we've seen thus far will soon seem like a simpler time.



othershoe1030 wrote:

Is there any other group that he hasn't attacked yet? I mean it is just a CF from the inauguration speech through this evening. He is really working hard and nearly 'round the clock to pizz off people. Let's see, perhaps farmers haven't gotten in his cross hairs yet unless you count the ones whose land is effected by the Keystone pipeline? Unbelievable, sure it wasn't from the Onion??? Link?

Maybe he will shut this place down and why not?



Sal wrote:Good news; the crowd was enormous. The overflow parking lot was full. Veteran members told me that it was easily five times the size of the previously largest attendance. I was sworn in with 50 other applicants.

Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

This man is actively trying to divide this country.



Obummer did all the work dividing it. Trump has to put the pieces back together. You won't last one week in a civil war and that is what your group is pushing.



You'll never see it coming, poser.



LOL, i'm about half a mile ahead of you. I might let you buy some ammo if you repent your ways



Tellthetruth wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:

Is there any other group that he hasn't attacked yet? I mean it is just a CF from the inauguration speech through this evening. He is really working hard and nearly 'round the clock to pizz off people. Let's see, perhaps farmers haven't gotten in his cross hairs yet unless you count the ones whose land is effected by the Keystone pipeline? Unbelievable, sure it wasn't from the Onion??? Link?

Maybe he will shut this place down and why not?

Really? How patriotic.



Just for clarification ...

... these are my personal observations.

I was there.

I did this.

You should too.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Tellthetruth wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:

Is there any other group that he hasn't attacked yet? I mean it is just a CF from the inauguration speech through this evening. He is really working hard and nearly 'round the clock to pizz off people. Let's see, perhaps farmers haven't gotten in his cross hairs yet unless you count the ones whose land is effected by the Keystone pipeline? Unbelievable, sure it wasn't from the Onion??? Link?

Maybe he will shut this place down and why not?

Really? How patriotic.

About as patriotic as you guys trying to shut down Markle and his opinion. I sure hope this place goes night night. There are 12 or so radical liberals here that are seditionist.



"goes night night"??

What are you, like 10?


The legislation would still have to face the law of the land as decided by the Supreme Court. One might need to see what the votes were on equal protection for people with same sex preference. It will take more than replacing the Scalia vote to change the law.



Sal wrote:
Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

It would appear that this person was at least partially misinformed ...

... if this report is correct, I salute the President for his wise decision on this issue, and I stand corrected.


Guest wrote: I sure hope this place goes night night. There are 12 or so radical liberals here that are seditionist.

So if this place is so awful, why don't you just leave?? Many of us will say "night night" to you with pleasure. As for sedition, you obviously don't know the meaning of the word if you apply that to 12 people here. Get real.


Sal wrote:
Sal wrote:
Bad news; the spokesperson for the LGBT group reported that they have received advanced word that at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, Trump will advance an agenda of legally defining marriage as between one man and one woman, taking away adoption rights, and rolling back employment equality.

It would appear that this person was at least partially misinformed ...

... if this report is correct, I salute the President for his wise decision on this issue, and I stand corrected.

Thanks very much for posting and let's hope it's correct. I heard something similar to that report just now on NBC Nightly News, though my attention was only partially on what Holt was saying. Off to listen to the rest more carefully. BBL, LL

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