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Architects say Wall nearly impossible to build

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There's no logical reason why... at this stage of technology... that we can't secure our borders. That the govt hasn't done so already is a better question. We get our junk touched to fly... border patrol can set up checkpoints 100 miles from the border... our information is gathered w no due process... our rights and liberties are under constant attack... all while our border is unsecured. Who can defend this?



ppaca wrote:



PkrBum wrote:There's no logical reason why... at this stage of technology... that we can't secure our borders. That the govt hasn't done so already is a better question. We get our junk touched to fly... border patrol can set up checkpoints 100 miles from the border... our information is gathered w no due process... our rights and liberties are under constant attack... all while our border is unsecured. Who can defend this?


If we have no borders, we have no country.



Markle wrote:
PkrBum wrote:There's no logical reason why... at this stage of technology... that we can't secure our borders. That the govt hasn't done so already is a better question. We get our junk touched to fly... border patrol can set up checkpoints 100 miles from the border... our information is gathered w no due process... our rights and liberties are under constant attack... all while our border is unsecured. Who can defend this?


If we have no borders, we have no country.

Want the Trumpster wall built . . . . . not gonna ever happen!


It is amusing to listen to fools. Having crossed the Canadian border repeatedly in a canoe, twenty five miles away from any authority in the wilderness, it is good to know that this undefended border negates our country. You cannot handicap stupidity, nor do I care to even bother anymore.

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