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Obama: Yeah I screwed over my party

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At least he admits it. What he had going that was too busy to help out Democrats, I have no clue unless it was a golf game or vacation scheduled by Michelle.



Obama seeded the judicial system with activist judges that will taint decisions for decades.

So he's got that legacy going for him. Congratulations comrades.



PkrBum wrote:Obama seeded the judicial system with activist judges that will taint decisions for decades.

So he's got that legacy going for him. Congratulations comrades.

There are 100 Federal Judgeships open and ready to be filled by President Donald Trump.

Progressives were so pleased with themselves when they changed the rules to make it far easier for them to cram through laws. NOW they're on the receiving end of those same rule changes.



It would surprise me if the pubs expanded the rule to include the scotus.

Why wouldn't they? The left doesn't give a damn about rules... or standards... or ethics in general.

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