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So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!!

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Not only did he lose the popular vote by more than two and a half million votes but his showing in the electoral college vote is lackluster at best. He is often heard touting his "LANDSLIDE" victory as if it were something really outstanding. Well, let me tell you I pulled up the stats just because I was tired of him making this claim. I wanted to see just how super outstanding it really was.

The margin of victory in this past election was 74 votes: Clinton with 232 and Trump with 306.

Of the 14 elections since 1964 to the present there have been three other elections with margins under three digits each:

2004: Bush v Kerry with a margin of 35 votes
2000: Bush v Gore with a margin of 5 votes
1976: Carter v Ford with a margin of 57 votes

All the other margins were over 110 votes running up to as high as a margin of 512 votes when Reagan beat Mondale in 1984, now that was a landslide!

So the point is the next time you hear him characterize his win as a landslide you may scoff a bit because you will know that it was not anything close to that.

Actually of the 14 elections I looked at this years results rank at number 11!

Admittedly math is not my strong suit so if anyone finds mistakes in my figures I welcome a correction.



It most certainly was a landslide. You can certainly make your feeble attempts to refute the facts but it is futile.

First, NO ONE, except for a handful of folks forecast anything other than a massive victory for the LOSER. She only half-heartedly campaigned and didn't even go to some states Trump flipped from Democrat to Republican. As you know, Hillary had barges of fireworks ready to go for her victory party.

So a victory of SEVENTY-FOUR VOTES is huuuuge. Where did ANYONE forecast that Hillary was going to win by anything less than 100 votes?

Democrats also anticipated possibly taking over the House by picking up at least sixty seats...then it was increasing their seats by 30 and it ended up twelve. Most prognosticators forecast that Democrats would re-take the Senate. Instead, the margin is now 52-48.

Seems to me that Democrats and Progressives should be doing a bit of in-depth self-analysis into why they have lost so much since Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama took office.

Democrats LOST 60 Congressional seats, more than a dozen senators, a dozen governors, and one THOUSAND state legislative seats.

So you can whine and live in denial or...swallow the facts and make some changes. Of course, as one of your illustrious leaders, Nancy Pelosi believes, the voters don't want any changes. Which, I guess is true if your district is nothing other than the heart of San Francisco.

So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! Counties%20voting%20for%20Trump_zpsqtgegkfc


I'm more verbal than mathematical, too, but will take your figures at face value until proven wrong, and only wish that, once the numbers were second-look validated, they could be shared big time with the American public, whom Trump has absolutely no problem trying to dupe at every turn.

One question keeps nagging and nagging at me, and I'm sure I'm not alone. How in the heck are the American people EVER going to be able to believe ANYTHING Trump says, even when it's critical that he have the trust and support of the nation?? We can't believe ANYTHING he says! We just can't!!

It's positively terrifying.



Markle wrote:It most certainly was a landslide.  You can certainly make your feeble attempts to refute the facts but it is futile.

First, NO ONE, except for a handful of folks forecast anything other than a massive victory for the LOSER.  She only half-heartedly campaigned and didn't even go to some states Trump flipped from Democrat to Republican.  As you know, Hillary had barges of fireworks ready to go for her victory party.

So a victory of SEVENTY-FOUR VOTES is huuuuge.  Where did ANYONE forecast that Hillary was going to win by anything less than 100 votes?

Democrats also anticipated possibly taking over the House by picking up at least sixty seats...then it was increasing their seats by 30 and it ended up twelve.  Most prognosticators forecast that Democrats would re-take the Senate.  Instead, the margin is now 52-48.  

Seems to me that Democrats and Progressives should be doing a bit of in-depth self-analysis into why they have lost so much since Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama took office.

Democrats LOST 60 Congressional seats, more than a dozen senators, a dozen governors, and one THOUSAND state legislative seats.

So you can whine and live in denial or...swallow the facts and make some changes.  Of course, as one of your illustrious leaders, Nancy Pelosi believes, the voters don't want any changes.  Which, I guess is true if your district is nothing other than the heart of San Francisco.

So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! Counties%20voting%20for%20Trump_zpsqtgegkfc

So let me get this straight...basically coming in 11th in the rankings of the last 14 races qualifies as a landslide in your book? Perfect. Please show me where I mentioned any races except for the one for president. Yes, Democrats took a beating in the House and Senate etc. and I assure you we/they are analyzing this outcome in great detail but trying to make Trump's 74 electoral votes seem Huuuuge is just not in line with reality. Let's see, you are trying to inflate his win by saying it is so much bigger than anyone had expected? That's an interesting idea but doesn't change his 11th place out of 14 elections. lol!



RealLindaL wrote:I'm more verbal than mathematical, too, but will take your figures at face value until proven wrong, and only wish that, once the numbers were second-look validated, they could be shared big time with the American public, whom Trump has absolutely no problem trying to dupe at every turn.

One question keeps nagging and nagging at me, and I'm sure I'm not alone.   How in the heck are the American people EVER going to be able to believe ANYTHING Trump says, even when it's critical that he have the trust and support of the nation??   We can't believe ANYTHING he says!  We just can't!!  

It's positively terrifying.    

Yet you voted for hillary... lol. A remarkable lack of self-awareness.



RealLindaL wrote:I'm more verbal than mathematical, too, but will take your figures at face value until proven wrong, and only wish that, once the numbers were second-look validated, they could be shared big time with the American public, whom Trump has absolutely no problem trying to dupe at every turn.

One question keeps nagging and nagging at me, and I'm sure I'm not alone.   How in the heck are the American people EVER going to be able to believe ANYTHING Trump says, even when it's critical that he have the trust and support of the nation??   We can't believe ANYTHING he says!  We just can't!!  

It's positively terrifying.    

Follow my link to the chart I used. I assure you I did nothing more than count and subtract the little number from the big number LOL!I should have included the 1960 election too but nothing before that since Alaska and Hawaii were brought into the Union in 1959 and that would change the numbers needed to win. For the 1960 election the difference between Kennedy and Nixon was 84 points so that reduces this "landslide" down to 12th place.

Your question about what we can believe from him is valid indeed since he has taken opposite positions on many things. That is a credibility problem that I think he cultivates since it keeps everyone guessing and adds to the drama. Unfortunately he is no longer the host of a reality show.


PkrBum wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:I'm more verbal than mathematical, too, but will take your figures at face value until proven wrong, and only wish that, once the numbers were second-look validated, they could be shared big time with the American public, whom Trump has absolutely no problem trying to dupe at every turn.

One question keeps nagging and nagging at me, and I'm sure I'm not alone.   How in the heck are the American people EVER going to be able to believe ANYTHING Trump says, even when it's critical that he have the trust and support of the nation??   We can't believe ANYTHING he says!  We just can't!!  

It's positively terrifying.    

Yet you voted for hillary... lol. A remarkable lack of self-awareness.

Oh, go lol yourself, and I'm plenty "self aware," sir.  I said all along, including on this forum, that I had always had trust issues with Hillary.  But that was NOTHING compared with this apparent pathological liar who can't seem to help prevaricating about virtually EVERYTHING -- things both big and small, monumental and entirely inconsequential.  Pkr, I never felt with Hillary that I couldn't believe ONE WORD of what came out of her mouth.   I do feel that way about Trump and I'm far, far from alone.  

When he was just a blustering, inflating showman on TV he was interesting, but no threat.  Now that he's about to take the helm of a nuclear-armed nation, while still a conspiracy theorist, a hair-trigger revenge seeker, and a constant, unfettered, apparently incurable liar, he is positively terrifying, and I'm not kidding.  This is not a simple fear of economic consequences, my friend.   This is fear for our very survival, and I'm NOT exaggerating.





New definition of "Landslide" in Trump-World, coming in 12th in a field of 15. What next?


A game winning hit which drives a run in is a winner whether it was a blooper or a liner off the wall. Yes, Donald Trump is the biggest loser of the popular vote in American history, and did not even get close to half the vote in this country.......but he won. What is funny is when somebody tries to describe a blooper as a line drive off the wall......grins and giggles. Of course to compound the problem is that Hillary Clinton was Bill Buckner, and it was not even so much a blooper but one big error which won the game. Of course somebody calling an error a liner off the wall would be laughed out of a sports bar as a drunk idiot, but our senile idiocy continues on this forum as if the fact that Donald Trump won is not enough.......he had to hit a liner off the wall and would we buy him another beer.



So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! Bcbe6615-c889-4b73-a0ae-d37c592dda69_zps128jy4vn



Rank order of electoral college votes for the last 15 elections, the last 56 years.

Date, Winner, loser and margin:

1) 1984 Reagan 525, Mondale 13:           512
2) 1972 Nixon 520, McGovern 17:           520
3) 1980 Reagan 489, Carter 49:              440
4) 1964 Johnson 486, Goldwater 52:       434
5) 1988 Bush 286, Dukakis 111:             315
6) 1996 Clinton 379, Dole 159:               220
7) 1992 Clinton 370, Bush 168:              202
Cool 2008 Obama 365, McCain 173            192
9) 2012 Obama 332, Romney 206           126
10) 1968 Nixon 301, Humphrey 191        110
11) 1960 Kennedy 303, Nixon 219            84
12) 2016 Trump 306, Clinton 232         74
13) 1976 Carter 297, Ford 240                  57
14) 2000 Bush 286, Kerry 251,                 35
15) 2000 Bush 271, Gore 266                    5



So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! 16112710



polecat wrote:So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! 16112710

So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! HystericallyLaughingmanandboy



Liberals are still having butthurt a month later lol



Hillary lost a rigged election .... Read by herself and her minions may they rest in peace



othershoe1030 wrote:Rank order of electoral college votes for the last 15 elections, the last 56 years.

Date, Winner, loser and margin:

1) 1984 Reagan 525, Mondale 13:           512
2) 1972 Nixon 520, McGovern 17:           520
3) 1980 Reagan 489, Carter 49:              440
4) 1964 Johnson 486, Goldwater 52:       434
5) 1988 Bush 286, Dukakis 111:             315
6) 1996 Clinton 379, Dole 159:               220
7) 1992 Clinton 370, Bush 168:              202
Cool 2008 Obama 365, McCain 173            192
9) 2012 Obama 332, Romney 206           126
10) 1968 Nixon 301, Humphrey 191        110
11) 1960 Kennedy 303, Nixon 219            84
12) 2016 Trump 306, Clinton 232         74
13) 1976 Carter 297, Ford 240                  57
14) 2000 Bush 286, Kerry 251,                 35
15) 2000 Bush 271, Gore 266                    5

Why did you delete the other 200 years?



Markle wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:Rank order of electoral college votes for the last 15 elections, the last 56 years.

Date, Winner, loser and margin:

1) 1984 Reagan 525, Mondale 13:           512
2) 1972 Nixon 520, McGovern 17:           503
3) 1980 Reagan 489, Carter 49:              440
4) 1964 Johnson 486, Goldwater 52:       434
5) 1988 Bush 286, Dukakis 111:             315
6) 1996 Clinton 379, Dole 159:               220
7) 1992 Clinton 370, Bush 168:              202
Cool 2008 Obama 365, McCain 173            192
9) 2012 Obama 332, Romney 206           126
10) 1968 Nixon 301, Humphrey 191        110
11) 1960 Kennedy 303, Nixon 219            84
12) 2016 Trump 306, Clinton 232         74
13) 1976 Carter 297, Ford 240                  57
14) 2000 Bush 286, Kerry 251,                 35
15) 2000 Bush 271, Gore 266                    5

Why did you delete the other 200 years?

Because Alaska and Hawaii were made part of the Union in 1959, as I pointed out earlier, and the electoral vote changed at that time to include them. Feel free to add the rest of the record if you wish. It still won't turn a 74 vote lead into a "landslide" but then I guess the very term "landslide" in this context is subjective. Still, 12th out of 15 is not impressive any way you look at it.



othershoe1030 wrote:
Markle wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:Rank order of electoral college votes for the last 15 elections, the last 56 years.

Date, Winner, loser and margin:

1) 1984 Reagan 525, Mondale 13:           512
2) 1972 Nixon 520, McGovern 17:           503
3) 1980 Reagan 489, Carter 49:              440
4) 1964 Johnson 486, Goldwater 52:       434
5) 1988 Bush 286, Dukakis 111:             315
6) 1996 Clinton 379, Dole 159:               220
7) 1992 Clinton 370, Bush 168:              202
Cool 2008 Obama 365, McCain 173            192
9) 2012 Obama 332, Romney 206           126
10) 1968 Nixon 301, Humphrey 191        110
11) 1960 Kennedy 303, Nixon 219            84
12) 2016 Trump 306, Clinton 232         74
13) 1976 Carter 297, Ford 240                  57
14) 2000 Bush 286, Kerry 251,                 35
15) 2000 Bush 271, Gore 266                    5

Why did you delete the other 200 years?

Because Alaska and Hawaii were made part of the Union in 1959, as I pointed out earlier, and the electoral vote changed at that time to include them. Feel free to add the rest of the record if you wish. It still won't turn a 74 vote lead into a "landslide" but then I guess the very term "landslide" in this context is subjective. Still, 12th out of 15 is not impressive any way you look at it.

So, IN FACT, this election is 12th out of 55?


So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! AnimatedLaughterPink



Markle wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:
Markle wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:Rank order of electoral college votes for the last 15 elections, the last 56 years.

Date, Winner, loser and margin:

1) 1984 Reagan 525, Mondale 13:           512
2) 1972 Nixon 520, McGovern 17:           503
3) 1980 Reagan 489, Carter 49:              440
4) 1964 Johnson 486, Goldwater 52:       434
5) 1988 Bush 286, Dukakis 111:             315
6) 1996 Clinton 379, Dole 159:               220
7) 1992 Clinton 370, Bush 168:              202
Cool 2008 Obama 365, McCain 173            192
9) 2012 Obama 332, Romney 206           126
10) 1968 Nixon 301, Humphrey 191        110
11) 1960 Kennedy 303, Nixon 219            84
12) 2016 Trump 306, Clinton 232         74
13) 1976 Carter 297, Ford 240                  57
14) 2000 Bush 286, Kerry 251,                 35
15) 2000 Bush 271, Gore 266                    5

Why did you delete the other 200 years?

Because Alaska and Hawaii were made part of the Union in 1959, as I pointed out earlier, and the electoral vote changed at that time to include them. Feel free to add the rest of the record if you wish. It still won't turn a 74 vote lead into a "landslide" but then I guess the very term "landslide" in this context is subjective. Still, 12th out of 15 is not impressive any way you look at it.

So, IN FACT, this election is 12th out of 55?


So much for The Donald's "LANDSLIDE' win in the election!! AnimatedLaughterPink

No! It was definitely NOT A LANDSLIDE!! Good grief Markle, I thought I was bad at math but you have really outdone yourself with this one.

There have been 58 elections in our history and this last one ranks 46th not 12th!

This chart makes it clear that Trump’s percentage doesn’t rank near the top. In fact, it ranks near the bottom, belonging somewhere between the lowest one-fourth and the lowest one-fifth of all Electoral College victories in history.

"If your share of the electoral vote ranks behind Martin Van Buren's, then you did not win in a landslide," Pitney told PolitiFact.

If you think that comparing elections 200-plus years ago to today is problematic, the math also shows that Trump’s share of the Electoral College vote is low by recent standards.

Since the end of World War II, Trump’s percentage of the Electoral College vote is lower than 12 previous results (1948, 1952, 1956, 1964, 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012). By contrast, Trump’s electoral vote haul was bigger than only five elections in the post-World War II era (1960, 1968, 1976, 2000 and 2004). So Trump ranks in the bottom one-third by this metric.

"If Trump’s election was a landslide, then the word ‘landslide’ has no meaning," said University of Denver political scientist Seth Masket.



You still think this looks like a landslide?  How about a concession that perhaps another term is needed for this victory? How about "adequate"?






othershoe1030 wrote:You still think this looks like a landslide?  How about a concession that perhaps another term is needed for this victory? How about "adequate"?

Considering it's Trump, perhaps skidmark would be a better word then landslide.





I find his incessant apparent need to exaggerate his accomplishments embarrassing and unbecoming for a president. I find it unbecoming a person who has been elevated to the position of President. As one observer said: Stop tweeting, you are embarrassing yourself.

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