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A proposition...

Damaged Eagle
boards of FL
19 posters

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Future of the forum

A proposition... I_vote_lcap48%A proposition... I_vote_rcap 48% [ 16 ]
A proposition... I_vote_lcap52%A proposition... I_vote_rcap 52% [ 17 ]
Total Votes : 33

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1A proposition... Empty A proposition... 4/9/2016, 10:07 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

So now we have seen what the forum looks like in the absence of myself, Sal, and viking; and it looks bleak.

So now we have a choice. Would you rather have myself, Sal, and viking return? Or you would rather continue to be bombarded with all caps "LIBERALS ARE EVIL!!" threads from Markle?

This is a boolean decision. You're either going to have the Markle version of the forum, or the Boards version of the forum.

Make your decision. In case any of you are less than perceptive, voting for me means I will permanently ban Markle and return to posting as I have in the past. Voting for Markle means I will continue to not post here and the forum will continue to be as it has for the last month. These are the only two options. It's one or the other. I will not entertain arguments such as the planned parenthood videos any longer. Do you want real engagement, or bullshit optics?

Let me note that this is a real forum decision. If you vote Markle, I'm going to give Joani admin rights. I'm going to divest myself entirely from this forum so that you all can continue to have access to Markle's input.

2A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 10:09 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

And let me state that while I have ridiculed PkrBum in the past for staging a forum election, this one is real. I will honestly continue to stay away from the forum if you vote Markle. And Markle will in fact be banned if you vote me. This one is real.

3A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 10:12 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Voting will end next Friday at 4:30 PM.

4A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 10:28 am



Pull up your big boy pants. Put him on ignore if you can't tolerate his ideas. Censorship is for nazis.

5A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 10:33 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:Pull up your big boy pants. Put him on ignore if you can't tolerate his ideas. Censorship is for nazis.

PkrBum, I assume that you have an email address.  I assume that your email address has a spam folder.  I hope that you possess the cognitive abilities to differentiate censorship from a spam folder.   Are you a nazi because you don't read every email that offers you a way of increasing your penis size or refinancing your home?

If we were to compare Markle's input versus my input here, whose input more closely resembles what gets relegated to your spam folder?  Why don't you put on your big boy pants and make a decision?

6A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:00 am



I mostly just read here. So, I'm sure no one cares my opinion, but I voted for markle because this is one of the most childish threads/ polls, that I have seen on any forum up to this point. Truly pathetic.

I have 2 folks on ignore here, neither of whom is markle or boards.

If you don't like someones point of view, don't read 'em. It's easy.
Even when quoted, it really is possible not to read it.

Try it, maybe?

7A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:02 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

tealeaf wrote:I mostly just read here. So, I'm sure no one cares my opinion, but I voted for markle because this is one of the most childish threads/ polls, that I have seen on any forum up to this point. Truly pathetic.

I have 2 folks on ignore here, neither of whom is markle or boards.

If you don't like someones point of view, don't read 'em. It's easy.
Even when quoted, it really is possible not to read it.

Try it, maybe?

But herein lies the issue. Your vote will determine the type of content that you will derive from this forum. Do you want thoughtful discussion or spam? You just voted for spam.

8A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:03 am



Right . . .

9A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:29 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

"LIBRULS R DUM!!!!11" or "BLS Employment Situation: 5.0%"

The choice is yours.

10A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:43 am



I think no one should leave.

And this forum is no different in content, at all, from my local one here, and any number of others around our country. I read several.
They are all the same . . . unless heavily moderated.

11A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:49 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

tealeaf wrote:I think no one should leave.

And this forum is no different in content, at all, from my local one here, and any number of others around our country. I read several.
They are all the same . . . unless heavily moderated.

"...unless heavily moderated."

You're making this claim within a thread on a forum in which the moderation is so light that it is up for a vote. You realize that, right?

12A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:55 am



A rigid vote of intolerance to exclude and censor one member or another. I vote for you to grow up.

13A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 11:58 am



Why can't we all just accept each other for who we are and take it for what it is? Viking has already returned, Boards, in case you didn't notice. PaceDog is also back, posting as new poster 'What?'. We need to get Boards and Sal back as well.

Markle spins propaganda, and puts great effort into it, even though much of it could be written by a pimply-faced high school student. A very important election is looming in November, and I have a feeling someone is going to be left holding the bag. I want to see the looks of Markle's and PaceDog's faces the day after the election.

14A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 12:06 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

PkrBum wrote:A rigid vote of intolerance to exclude and censor one member or another. I vote for you to grow up.

I'm 36. I'm approaching a point in my life where most people stop learning. I'm approaching a point in my life where most people stop formulating their worldview and instead entrench themselves into one worldview and defend it for the rest of their lives.

That said, the worldview that I am entrenching myself in is not consistent with the bullshit narrative that is being propagated by Markle. I see no need for spam. The best course of action that I can see is to offer you all a choice at this point. You all are already entrenched. You all have already decided the type of content that you want for the rest of your life. It is not fair that an ideologue like myself moderate this forum. This is precisely why I am giving you all the option to dictate how this forum moves forward.

15A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 12:14 pm



boards of FL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:A rigid vote of intolerance to exclude and censor one member or another. I vote for you to grow up.

I'm 36.  I'm approaching a point in my life where most people stop learning.  I'm approaching a point in my life where most people stop formulating their worldview and instead entrench themselves into one worldview and defend it for the rest of their lives.

That said, the worldview that I am entrenching myself in is not consistent with the bullshit narrative that is being propagated by Markle.  I see no need for spam.  The best course of action that I can see is to offer you all a choice at this point.  You all are already entrenched.  You all have already decided the type of content that you want for the rest of your life.  It is not fair that an ideologue like myself moderate this forum.  This is precisely why I am giving you all the option to dictate how this forum moves forward.  

The fact that your worldview is so different from Markles is exactly the reason why you should keep posting and moderating. Who knows how many people read this thing yet never post? If people only see Markle's point of view it would be like they only watched Fox News. Don't censor the forum by dropping out. Are you saying Markle is not an ideologue? Don't give them the keys to the kingdom, keep explaining things the way you see them; we need it, especially in this part of the country.

16A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 12:18 pm



I didn't say this forum is heavily moderated.
I said this forum is just like many others that are not heavily moderated.

And really, people learn and change their entire lives, unless they choose not to. My auntie in Vancouver just recently quit lifelong, off and on, college classes. Because she is going blind, and is nearly 90. I've seen her, my mother, and many others change and grow my entire life of more than 50 years. I continue to grow and change. And I learn more every day, sometimes thru stupid forums  Smile
I'm not sure I understand why you don't..can't..or won't, continue to learn and grow

17A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 12:31 pm



othershoe1030 wrote:The fact that your worldview is so different from Markles is exactly the reason why you should keep posting and moderating. Who knows how many people read this thing yet never post? If people only see Markle's point of view it would be like they only watched Fox News. Don't censor the forum by dropping out. Are you saying Markle is not an ideologue? Don't give them the keys to the kingdom, keep explaining things the way you see them; we need it, especially in this part of the country.


18A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 12:36 pm



Besides, Boards, you know you really want to return to the forum; otherwise you would not have bothered to make this thread....

19A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 12:48 pm


As much as I disdain Markle's worldview, I have to support his right to have it. I would be discounting my own freedoms to restrict his. I think we should continue to argue our differences and let people choose what they want to believe. The direction of the forum should be a matter of diverse opinions left to the reader to discern. Your leaving the forum, Boards would only tilt the scale in the other direction and leave more people to be influenced by the Markles of the world... which would not be good.

20A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 12:53 pm



Vikingwoman wrote:As much as I disdain Markle's worldview, I have to support his right to have it. I would be discounting my own freedoms to restrict his. I think we should continue to argue our differences and let people choose what they want to believe. The direction of the forum should be a matter of diverse opinions left to the reader to discern. Your leaving the forum, Boards would only tilt the scale in the other direction and leave more people to be influenced by the Markles of the world... which would not be good.


Boards, you are being showered with wisdom this morning. You and Sal need to read and listen.

21A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 1:49 pm



Welcome back Boards. I read more than write but I've found it to be pretty dull reading lately. The political page,I mean.

22A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 2:00 pm



I think the women folk are the ones with the wisdom on this Boards. Come on back. You are missed.

23A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 5:01 pm



Pretty pathetic really. Boards was soundly smacked down for his childish move to ban markle before by a fair vote. So now he moves the goalposts and makes us choose between the two. What a dick move... you should be embarrassed.

24A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 5:42 pm



boards of FL wrote:So now we have seen what the forum looks like in the absence of myself, Sal, and viking; and it looks bleak.

So now we have a choice.   Would you rather have myself, Sal, and viking return?   Or you would rather continue to be bombarded with all caps "LIBERALS ARE EVIL!!" threads from Markle?

This is a boolean decision.  You're either going to have the Markle version of the forum, or the Boards version of the forum.

Make your decision.  In case any of you are less than perceptive, voting for me means I will permanently ban Markle and return to posting as I have in the past. Voting for Markle means I will continue to not post here and the forum will continue to be as it has for the last month.  These are the only two options.  It's one or the other.  I will not entertain arguments such as the planned parenthood videos any longer.  Do you want real engagement, or bullshit optics?

Let me note that this is a real forum decision.  If you vote Markle, I'm going to give Joani admin rights.  I'm going to divest myself entirely from this forum so that you all can continue to have access to Markle's input.

Grow up.  I've seen better behavior in a kindergarten playground.

My suggestion, not that you care, would be to turn it over to Joani or ME and continue to post. Except for gross violations, which SOME have done here with no hint of even a slap on the wrist, I would encourage posts with opinions other than mine.

Last edited by Markle on 4/9/2016, 6:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

25A proposition... Empty Re: A proposition... 4/9/2016, 5:45 pm



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Why can't we all just accept each other for who we are and take it for what it is? Viking has already returned, Boards, in case you didn't notice. PaceDog is also back, posting as new poster 'What?'. We need to get Boards and Sal back as well.

Markle spins propaganda, and puts great effort into it, even though much of it could be written by a pimply-faced high school student. A very important election is looming in November, and I have a feeling someone is going to be left holding the bag. I want to see the looks of Markle's and PaceDog's faces the day after the election.

If the Democrats manage to buy the Oval Office, I will humbly accept defeat, as I did the past two elections, and carry on.

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