It might implode with the loss of Neko, T, and now Bob, but implode because of Trump.........I will be amused for two years which I predicted he would tire and resign to run his expanded and enriched businesses. It used to be other nations never made ethical government decisions, but were ruled by pure power, but the South Korean people had the courage to impeach corruption, yet again I am hopeful for fair entitlement reform, regulatory review, and improvements to health care, and trade policy, all things which were promised and actually could help America. Unlike your eight year hissy fit with President Obama, I am still very optimistic in entitlement improvements. Whether they are fair is the question........medicare and social security have been very successful over the years, but the numbers have to be adjusted like Reagan and Tip did in the early can be done, but this forum imploding.......everything ends, but ending because of you have made me smile again.