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Progressives, send your money to JILL STEIN and her efforts to force a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

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Progressives, send your money to JILL STEIN and her efforts to force a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Who knows, you might be able to grab victory from the jaws of defeat.

Jill Stein Now Says Money She Raised for “Recount” May Go Elsewhere

Jim Hoft Nov 25th, 2016 12:04 pm

Okay, my bad. Just joking with you guys. EVEN DEMOCRATS are saying this is little more than a scam.


She is an idiot.......she handed the election to Trump and now wants to pretend she gives a chit about anything but her own self promotion.



Markle wrote:Progressives, send your money to JILL STEIN and her efforts to force a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Who knows, you might be able to grab victory from the jaws of defeat.

Jill Stein Now Says Money She Raised for “Recount” May Go Elsewhere

Jim Hoft Nov 25th, 2016 12:04 pm

Okay, my bad.  Just joking with you guys.  EVEN DEMOCRATS are saying this is little more than a scam.

What's that you say??

Stein is using gullible voters' distrust of democratic institutions to scam them??

Say what you will about Jill Stein, but she's an awfully quick study.

She's obviously already internalized the lesson of the Trump campaign.



Sal wrote:
Markle wrote:Progressives, send your money to JILL STEIN and her efforts to force a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Who knows, you might be able to grab victory from the jaws of defeat.

Jill Stein Now Says Money She Raised for “Recount” May Go Elsewhere

Jim Hoft Nov 25th, 2016 12:04 pm

Okay, my bad.  Just joking with you guys.  EVEN DEMOCRATS are saying this is little more than a scam.

What's that you say??

Stein is using gullible voters' distrust of democratic institutions to scam them??

Say what you will about Jill Stein, but she's an awfully quick study.

She's obviously already internalized the lesson of the Trump campaign.

Progressives, send your money to JILL STEIN and her efforts to force a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. Whats-your-point_zpspqvgqrka



That concept flying high over your pointy little head.



Sal wrote:That concept flying high over your pointy little head.

Appears that you're the one with the communications disability.



Election Fraud Complaint Filed As More People Voted Than Total Voters In 4 Wisconsin Precincts



blah blah blah... the same things were said (from the other side) after Obama won in 2012.



PkrBum wrote:blah blah blah... the same things were said (from the other side) after Obama won in 2012.

A whole lot of things have been said that have no relationship to the truth.



PkrBum wrote:blah blah blah... the same things were said (from the other side) after Obama won in 2012.

You are 100% right!

Time for the whiners to:

Progressives, send your money to JILL STEIN and her efforts to force a recount in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania. 66ec6ed3-66bd-4a59-80c8-0c093d9208bb



Clinton's campaign is not orchestrating the recounts, Stein's is, and there is no evidence that there is any collusion between the campaigns (quite the opposite, actually).

Now that the recounts have been requested however, Clinton has said her campaign lawyers will participate to ensure their integrity, as well they should.

I feel that audits should be done routinely on electronic voting machines, and all of them should be required to leave a paper trail.

They'll either find nothing of consequence which will bolster confidence in the legitimacy of Trump's win, or they'll find something that will lead to reforms and more secure elections.

What's the problem?


The green party, Stein, and the recount is a Republican dream. If anybody thinks any of this is by happen chance.......let me sell you some of that growing swampland.



Sal wrote:Clinton's campaign is not orchestrating the recounts, Stein's is, and there is no evidence that there is any collusion between the campaigns (quite the opposite, actually).

Now that the recounts have been requested however, Clinton has said her campaign lawyers will participate to ensure their integrity, as well they should.

I feel that audits should be done routinely on electronic voting machines, and all of them should be required to leave a paper trail.

They'll either find nothing of consequence which will bolster confidence in the legitimacy of Trump's win, or they'll find something that will lead to reforms and more secure elections.

What's the problem?

It does seem that Trump and his clingons are overreacting. So what if they find that Putin and the Russians were involved in hacking the 2016 election returns. So what if real American's are outraged at the FBI and their role in swaying the 2016 election. So what if Trump still sits on his throne...never mind.


I personally do not care because I tried to do the right thing and vote for what was best for America. Not touching the capital gains and a tax decrease benefits me individually, and I quit giving a chit about what will not negatively impact my personal situation when the folks who will get ground up and spit out did not even bother to vote. Sure my grandkids will suffer the consequences, but as a Republican going out and buying signage against Trump and having people stop at our home and bitch to my wife about the same, was somebody putting America first, but a person in Milwaukee or Detroit who did not vote and is below the poverty line.......if they do not care about their personal future, they sure as hell do not care about America's future, so I am done with feeling sorry about people getting hurt by this election. I will still call balls and strikes, but will take two years before any hope of sanity will return, but then that is assuming anybody cares about America.



Your collectivist redistribution ideology was rejected. It's time for you to be kicked off the govt teat.

Earn your own way ya parasite.



Agitate, agitate, agitate. Will enjoy dumping manure on Trump I and his hillbilly silver spoon klan over the next 4 years, if that long.



In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 27, 2016

Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California - so why isn't the media reporting on this? Serious bias - big problem!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 28, 2016

If millions did vote improperly, that’s even more of a reason to have a recount.

Unless, that is, you have something to hide. And Trump sure is acting like a guy with a guilty conscience.



2seaoat wrote:I personally do not care because I tried to do the right thing and vote for what was best for America.  Not touching the capital gains and a tax decrease benefits me individually, and I quit giving a chit about what will not negatively impact my personal situation when the folks who will get ground up and spit out did not even bother to vote.  Sure my grandkids will suffer the consequences, but as a Republican going out and buying signage against Trump and having people stop at our home and bitch to my wife about the same, was somebody putting America first, but a person in Milwaukee or Detroit who did not vote and is below the poverty line.......if they do not care about their personal future, they sure as hell do not care about America's future, so I am done with feeling sorry about people getting hurt by this election.   I will still call balls and strikes, but will take two years before any hope of sanity will return, but then that is assuming anybody cares about America.

No, you voted for who YOU thought was best for America. Again, your forecasting is wrong.



I bet soros is the money behind this... it wouldn't be the first time that he undermined an election.



She's dropping the Pennsylvania recount... that just leaves 26 in MI and WS... not enough to overturn the election.


Jill Stein was always a Republican shill. The election could not be won unless the republicans peeled off voters to vote for a third party. It worked. She is a common prostitute who put her own financial position before the country. The recount was futile and further drained democratic resources when an important senate race remains in LA. Trojan Horse.



Hillary Clinton will go down in history!

She will be the first presidential candidate in history to LOSE THREE TIMES IN TWO ELECTIONS.


Duh. Hillary lost and yes history will record the same. It will also record that she won the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. Still a loss as the most unpopular President in American history will be taking office none the less. Hopefully, he will be able to bring this nation together and heal the hate and racism which elevated him to office, but that would require the prerequisite of caring about America. We will see.

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