"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights."
Beautiful words, wonderful, loving and brotherly thought ... only it was pure propaganda then, and now.
The men who wrote and approved the Declaration of Independence thought all men (not women) were equal --- if they were white, Christian, and owned property.
The disgusting truth is, that the leaders who approved and constructed the Declaration of Independence owned black slaves, and accepted human ownership as being perfectly acceptable -- and in accordance with Christian biblical dogma.
No doubt there are those on this forum who will oppose what I've written above, not because of any flaws in its truth and accuracy, but because my words disrespect the very foundational essence of our land. If I was a good American, they say, I would simply pretend lies are truth.
If we're to be seen as good Americans, we need to pretend to be honorable, honest, charitable and caring people.
Consider: Today's America -- the one that started with reverential concern for the equality of some of its people -- began as a sham and remains so.
How very appropriate that Donald R. Trump and his gang of hucksters, hatemongers, and pirates, is now our Dear Leader.
"Give him a chance," they urge. "He's just been elected to the Presidency, give him and his advisors and assistants the good will they deserve and they will try and make America great. For sure.
The Declaration of Independence was signed just 240 years ago. How very appropriate that our latest president is Donald R. Trump. We've come full circle -- from a group of men who pretended that equality was a national virtue, to a President who wants to create and implement the registering and tracking all the Muslims in America.
And on Saturday, November 19, 2016, in the country where lies are truth, that's the way it is.
Let's just pretend, as we always have, that America is great.
Beautiful words, wonderful, loving and brotherly thought ... only it was pure propaganda then, and now.
The men who wrote and approved the Declaration of Independence thought all men (not women) were equal --- if they were white, Christian, and owned property.
The disgusting truth is, that the leaders who approved and constructed the Declaration of Independence owned black slaves, and accepted human ownership as being perfectly acceptable -- and in accordance with Christian biblical dogma.
No doubt there are those on this forum who will oppose what I've written above, not because of any flaws in its truth and accuracy, but because my words disrespect the very foundational essence of our land. If I was a good American, they say, I would simply pretend lies are truth.
If we're to be seen as good Americans, we need to pretend to be honorable, honest, charitable and caring people.
Consider: Today's America -- the one that started with reverential concern for the equality of some of its people -- began as a sham and remains so.
How very appropriate that Donald R. Trump and his gang of hucksters, hatemongers, and pirates, is now our Dear Leader.
"Give him a chance," they urge. "He's just been elected to the Presidency, give him and his advisors and assistants the good will they deserve and they will try and make America great. For sure.
The Declaration of Independence was signed just 240 years ago. How very appropriate that our latest president is Donald R. Trump. We've come full circle -- from a group of men who pretended that equality was a national virtue, to a President who wants to create and implement the registering and tracking all the Muslims in America.
And on Saturday, November 19, 2016, in the country where lies are truth, that's the way it is.
Let's just pretend, as we always have, that America is great.