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Proof of Hillary having lied about forwarding classified emails to non secure receivers

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Proof of Hillary having lied about forwarding classified emails to non secure receivers  Jerome-Corsi



Head in sand and up your keester as usual



Tellthetruth wrote:Head in sand and up your keester as usual

KMA, idiot.



It's impossible as your head is stuck there.


Hillary will not go to prison because she has committed no crime and the FBI has clearly said the same. It is amazing after listening to the editorial board of the Washington Post talking about the idiocy of the email so called controversy......nothing just like your birther controversy......nothing. You spent months guaranteeing that President Obama was going to be impeached, like Pace represents does not. You need to travel and actually see how intelligent people live. They do not waste a moment on your birther and email propaganda. Now your hero and his agents are saying that the whole birther thing was bogus and President Obama is legitimate......when are you going to learn?



2seaoat wrote:Hillary will not go to prison because she has committed no crime and the FBI has clearly said the same.  It is amazing after listening to the editorial board of the Washington Post talking about the idiocy of the email so called controversy......nothing just like your birther controversy......nothing.   You spent months guaranteeing that President Obama was going to be impeached, like Pace represents does not.  You need to travel and actually see how intelligent people live.   They do not waste a moment on your birther and email propaganda.   Now your hero and his agents are saying that the whole birther thing was bogus and President Obama is legitimate......when are you going to learn?
She committed no crime in front of the FBI because she was not Under oath in that testimony. For the Benghazi hearings she was. That's the difference moron



2seaoat wrote:They do not waste a moment on your birther and email propaganda.

PeeDog was so certain that President Obama was not qualified to serve as POTUS because he allegedly had not been born in America. He staked his reputation on this.

Fast forward to 2016--I brought up to PeeDog that Ted Cruz DEFINITELY was not born in America, and was therefore--using PeeDogs own political logic--not qualified to run tor POTUS. PeeDog's response was "Deal with it!!"

PeeDog apparently does not care about double standards and hypocrisy when it comes to his politics.......

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