Rachel had an interesting segment in last night's show. It showed how Bush won the Presidency with 30 and 35% of the Hispanic vote, but then had experts look at the current voting demographics and the Hispanic vote as a percentage of the American vote has grown, and the requirement to win now is in Bush comparable Hispanic vote going to take 47% of the vote. The traditional Republican Party who votes for trade, business, less government, less regulation, and a smart military, has been replaced by Dixiecrats who rally white people to hate blacks, hispanics, and Muslims driven by non college white men. The demographics are the new reality and therein lies the contradiction of why a Dixiecrat takeover of the Republican Party has doomed it to the historical trash heap. Jeb Bush or Kasich could have walked away with this election. Both have conservative values which appeal to traditional Hispanic family values......yet the Dixiecrats want to make America great again where brown and black people to not have a place at the table......RIP my beloved Republican Party.
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