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If Hillary is somehow elected and comes after an elimination of gun ownership aka like Australia

Hospital Bob
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Tellthetruth wrote:You really like sticking your head in the sand and ignoring history don't you?

No, I just like having a reasonable attitude about firearms and listening to my fellow Americans who overwhelmingly want a few more gun controls in place which do not in any way constitute confiscation.  Further, I personally cannot live my life seeing a conspiracy of nefarious, "incremental" steps to take away my freedoms and yours at every turn.  It's a dark, dark attitude that I believe will be far more of a force of destruction to this nation than anything any one president, however unqualified or incompetent, can accomplish toward the final ruination of what's left of our national spirit.  You have apparently bought into the darkness and that's your privilege, but you certainly won't win any following from me.



Will one of you right wing gun nuts please show us where any legislation has been proposed at the federal level to ban fire arms ownership or possession? And if you can't, then just admit your trying to blow smoke up everyone's ass!



RealLindaL wrote:
Tellthetruth wrote:You really like sticking your head in the sand and ignoring history don't you?

No, I just like having a reasonable attitude about firearms and listening to my fellow Americans who overwhelmingly want a few more gun controls in place which do not in any way constitute confiscation.  Further, I personally cannot live my life seeing a conspiracy of nefarious, "incremental" steps to take away my freedoms and yours at every turn.  It's a dark, dark attitude that I believe will be far more of a force of destruction to this nation than anything any one president, however unqualified or incompetent, can accomplish toward the final ruination of what's left of our national spirit.  You have apparently bought into the darkness and that's your privilege, but you certainly won't win any following from me.

Well stated! Good post.



Wordslinger wrote:Will one of you right wing gun nuts please show us where any legislation has been proposed at the federal level to ban fire arms ownership or possession?  And if you can't, then just admit your trying to blow smoke up everyone's ass!

National Firearms Act
Brought about by the lawlessness and rise of gangster culture during prohibition, President Franklin D. Roosevelt hoped this act would eliminate automatic-fire weapons like machine guns from America's streets. Other firearms such as short-barreled shotguns and rifles, parts of guns like silencers, as well as other "gadget-type" firearms hidden in canes and such were also targeted. All gun sales and gun manufacturers were slapped with a $200 tax (no small amount for Americans mired in the Great Depression; that would be like a tax of $2,525 today) on each firearm, and all buyers were required to fill out paperwork subject to Treasury Dept. approval.

Federal Firearms Act
Congress aimed this law at those involved in selling and shipping firearms through interstate or foreign commerce channels. Anyone involved in the selling of firearms was required to obtain a Federal Firearms License from the Secretary of Commerce ($1 annual fee). They were also required to record the names and addresses of everyone they sold guns to and were prohibited from selling to those people who were convicted of certain crimes or lacked a permit.

Gun Control Act
The assassination of John F. Kennedy, who was killed by a mail-order gun that belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald, inspired this major revision to federal gun laws. The subsequent assasinations of Martin Luther King and presidential candidate Robert Kennedy fueled its quick passage. License requirements were expanded to include more dealers, and more detailed record keeping was expected of them; handgun sales over state lines were restricted; the list of persons dealers could not sell to grew to include those convicted of felonies (with some exceptions), those found mentally incompetent, drug users and more. The act also defined persons who were banned from possessing firearms.

The key element of this bill outlawed mail order sales of rifles and shotguns; Up until this law, mail order consumers only had to sign a statement that they were over 21 years of age for a handgun (18 for rifle or shotgun); it also detailed more persons who were banned from possessing certain guns, including drug users, and further restricted shotgun and rifles sales.

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms created
Enforcement of the Gun Control Act was given to the Dept. of the Treasury's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service. The organization replaced "tax" with "firearms," nearly doubled in size, and became the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).

Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act
Made it illegal for anyone to manufacture or import armor piercing ammunition, or "cop-killer bullets," which are capable of penetrating bulletproof clothing.

Firearms Owners' Protection Act
Eased restrictions on gun sellers and the sale of some guns. Imposed additional penalties for persons using a firearm during certain crimes and persons with robbery or burglary convictions who are illegally shipping guns.

Crime Control Act
Directed the attorney general to develop a strategy for establishing "drug-free school zones," including criminal penalties for possessing or discharging a firearm in a school zone. Outlawed the assembly of illegal semiautomatic rifles or shotguns from legally imported parts.

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Imposed, on an interim basis, a five-day waiting period and background check before a licensed gun importer, manufacturer or dealer can sell or deliver a handgun to an unlicensed individual.

Required a new National Instant Criminal Background Check System, run by the FBI, be ready to replace the waiting period by Nov. 30, 1998. The new background check system will apply to all firearms and will allow checks to be done over the phone or electronically with results returned immediately in most cases.

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Commonly referred to as the "Assault Weapons Ban," this bill banned the manufacture, possession, and importation of new semiautomatic assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices (or magazines) for civilian use.

Criteria for semiautomatic assault weapons that fall under the ban are provided as well as a list of 19 specific firearms.

Prohibits juveniles from possessing or selling handguns and directs the attorney general to evaluate proposed and existing state juvenile gun laws.

President Obama Proposes Sweeping Changes to Gun Control
In response to recent massacres, including the killing of 20 first graders in Newtown, Conn., and 12 moviegoers in Aurora, Colo., President Barack Obama introduces proposals to tighten gun-control laws. His plan includes universal background checks for gun sales, the reinstatement and strengthening of the assault weapons ban, limiting ammunition magazines to a 10-round capacity, and other measures.

Colorado Recalls Pro-Gun Control State Senators
On Sept. 10, voters threw out of office Democrats John Morse and Angela Giron for their support of recently enacted gun-control laws that mandate background checks on private gun sales and limit magazine clips to 15 rounds. The election drew national attention not only for the ouster of the officials but also for the influx of money on both sides, from the National Rifle Association and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, a gun-control advocate.



PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Will one of you right wing gun nuts please show us where any legislation has been proposed at the federal level to ban fire arms ownership or possession?  And if you can't, then just admit your trying to blow smoke up everyone's ass!

National Firearms Act
Brought about by the lawlessness and rise of gangster culture during prohibition, President Franklin D. Roosevelt hoped this act would eliminate automatic-fire weapons like machine guns from America's streets. Other firearms such as short-barreled shotguns and rifles, parts of guns like silencers, as well as other "gadget-type" firearms hidden in canes and such were also targeted. All gun sales and gun manufacturers were slapped with a $200 tax (no small amount for Americans mired in the Great Depression; that would be like a tax of $2,525 today) on each firearm, and all buyers were required to fill out paperwork subject to Treasury Dept. approval.

Federal Firearms Act
Congress aimed this law at those involved in selling and shipping firearms through interstate or foreign commerce channels. Anyone involved in the selling of firearms was required to obtain a Federal Firearms License from the Secretary of Commerce ($1 annual fee). They were also required to record the names and addresses of everyone they sold guns to and were prohibited from selling to those people who were convicted of certain crimes or lacked a permit.

Gun Control Act
The assassination of John F. Kennedy, who was killed by a mail-order gun that belonged to Lee Harvey Oswald, inspired this major revision to federal gun laws. The subsequent assasinations of Martin Luther King and presidential candidate Robert Kennedy fueled its quick passage. License requirements were expanded to include more dealers, and more detailed record keeping was expected of them; handgun sales over state lines were restricted; the list of persons dealers could not sell to grew to include those convicted of felonies (with some exceptions), those found mentally incompetent, drug users and more. The act also defined persons who were banned from possessing firearms.

The key element of this bill outlawed mail order sales of rifles and shotguns; Up until this law, mail order consumers only had to sign a statement that they were over 21 years of age for a handgun (18 for rifle or shotgun); it also detailed more persons who were banned from possessing certain guns, including drug users, and further restricted shotgun and rifles sales.

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms created
Enforcement of the Gun Control Act was given to the Dept. of the Treasury's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Division of the Internal Revenue Service. The organization replaced "tax" with "firearms," nearly doubled in size, and became the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).

Law Enforcement Officers Protection Act
Made it illegal for anyone to manufacture or import armor piercing ammunition, or "cop-killer bullets," which are capable of penetrating bulletproof clothing.

Firearms Owners' Protection Act
Eased restrictions on gun sellers and the sale of some guns. Imposed additional penalties for persons using a firearm during certain crimes and persons with robbery or burglary convictions who are illegally shipping guns.

Crime Control Act
Directed the attorney general to develop a strategy for establishing "drug-free school zones," including criminal penalties for possessing or discharging a firearm in a school zone. Outlawed the assembly of illegal semiautomatic rifles or shotguns from legally imported parts.

Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act
Imposed, on an interim basis, a five-day waiting period and background check before a licensed gun importer, manufacturer or dealer can sell or deliver a handgun to an unlicensed individual.

Required a new National Instant Criminal Background Check System, run by the FBI, be ready to replace the waiting period by Nov. 30, 1998. The new background check system will apply to all firearms and will allow checks to be done over the phone or electronically with results returned immediately in most cases.

Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act
Commonly referred to as the "Assault Weapons Ban," this bill banned the manufacture, possession, and importation of new semiautomatic assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices (or magazines) for civilian use.

Criteria for semiautomatic assault weapons that fall under the ban are provided as well as a list of 19 specific firearms.

Prohibits juveniles from possessing or selling handguns and directs the attorney general to evaluate proposed and existing state juvenile gun laws.

President Obama Proposes Sweeping Changes to Gun Control
In response to recent massacres, including the killing of 20 first graders in Newtown, Conn., and 12 moviegoers in Aurora, Colo., President Barack Obama introduces proposals to tighten gun-control laws. His plan includes universal background checks for gun sales, the reinstatement and strengthening of the assault weapons ban, limiting ammunition magazines to a 10-round capacity, and other measures.

Colorado Recalls Pro-Gun Control State Senators
On Sept. 10, voters threw out of office Democrats John Morse and Angela Giron for their support of recently enacted gun-control laws that mandate background checks on private gun sales and limit magazine clips to 15 rounds. The election drew national attention not only for the ouster of the officials but also for the influx of money on both sides, from the National Rifle Association and New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, a gun-control advocate.

All of the actions you cite were sensible and acceptable by the broad majority of American gun owners. None advocated barring firearms ownership for all our citizens. None.



I'm not saying there aren't good intentions... the point is one is built upon another. There's also an ultimate goal.

Why do you think the left opposes any "common sense" restrictions to abortion?

It can't be that hard to see the way things work... no matter which side you support.



PkrBum wrote:I'm not saying there aren't good intentions... the point is one is built upon another. There's also an ultimate goal.

Why do you think the left opposes any "common sense" restrictions to abortion?

It can't be that hard to see the way things work... no matter which side you support.

There are already common sense restrictions to the law under Rowe v. Wade. But your party, driven by what might still be called the "Christian Coalition", can't seem to abide by the law, even sometimes in cases of incest or rape. Childbirth is hard enough, and it's hard to lose a fetus even in the early months. I'm not a proponent of abortion; I'm simply for the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy, within legal limits and safely, when the situation warrants it.



Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:I'm not saying there aren't good intentions... the point is one is built upon another. There's also an ultimate goal.

Why do you think the left opposes any "common sense" restrictions to abortion?

It can't be that hard to see the way things work... no matter which side you support.

There are already common sense restrictions to the law under Rowe v. Wade.  But your party, driven by what might still be called the "Christian Coalition", can't seem to abide by the law, even sometimes in cases of incest or rape.  Childbirth is hard enough, and it's hard to lose a fetus even in the early months.  I'm not a proponent of abortion; I'm simply for the right of a woman to terminate a pregnancy, within legal limits and safely, when the situation warrants it.  

I'm not against it being the women's choice. I don't like it... but people believe differently than I do... and I have to respect that. But some of the things I point to aren't way out there... a reasonable time limit... the public funding... repeat procedures... etc. All of which are vehemently opposed as eating away at the "right".

I see parallels... there are similar arguments used where the players assume the opposite roles.


Wordslinger wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:
Tellthetruth wrote:You really like sticking your head in the sand and ignoring history don't you?

No, I just like having a reasonable attitude about firearms and listening to my fellow Americans who overwhelmingly want a few more gun controls in place which do not in any way constitute confiscation.  Further, I personally cannot live my life seeing a conspiracy of nefarious, "incremental" steps to take away my freedoms and yours at every turn.  It's a dark, dark attitude that I believe will be far more of a force of destruction to this nation than anything any one president, however unqualified or incompetent, can accomplish toward the final ruination of what's left of our national spirit.  You have apparently bought into the darkness and that's your privilege, but you certainly won't win any following from me.

Well stated! Good post.

Thank you.

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