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Another Obama lie unearthed

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1Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 7:03 am



He said we don't pay ransom

CNN says otherwise

2Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 7:39 am


We did not. We negotiated the transfer of the money without the interest payments where we only had to pay the principal. This was negotiated and finalized as to the amount. There was no ransom. We simply were smart and honest about not releasing it until our people were free.

3Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 7:41 am



Lol... more new speak gymnastics.

4Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 7:50 am


Too funny our forum folks who want to call this ransom also attacked the Iran deal, where one of the criticism was not a quid pro quo release of just cannot make this stuff up. The judgment in the international court included interest.....we only paid principle. This good deal was finalized and publicized in January. The prisoners were recently released and the money transferred..........both parties had very different perspective. From the American perspective you save taxpayers money and reach a settlement. From the Iranian perspective they simply wanted THEIR money back. They were not going to release the prisoners until paid. The President told the truth. The idiocy of calling the same a lie is absolutely consistent with what I have argued since is an intelligence threshold.

5Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 8:00 am



PkrBum wrote:Lol... more new speak gymnastics.

Well, when you start with the premise that the "ransom" was money that belongs to them ...

... and then have the appalling lack of self-awareness to recognize that the basis of this criticism is in the context of Republicans' false accusations of ransom to Iran ...

Another Obama lie unearthed 041

... yeah, I guess the gymnastics of logic are daunting.

6Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 9:57 am



Saul Alinsky wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Lol... more new speak gymnastics.

Well, when you start with the premise that the "ransom" was money that belongs to them ...

... and then have the appalling lack of self-awareness to recognize that the basis of this criticism is in the context of Republicans' false accusations of ransom to Iran ...

Another Obama lie unearthed 041

... yeah, I guess the gymnastics of logic are daunting.

Just call it "Partisan Amnesia." And Reagan was one of PeeDog's heroes, too.

How come they are silent when Republicans make deals with our enemies?

7Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 10:00 am



I'm not... and you know that. One is a current event... while the other is history. Right?

8Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 10:22 am


Now the State Dept admits the money was used as "leverage" - kind of shoots a hole in the original "2 separate events" lie by the administration. Why does a politician find it so hard just to tell the truth?

"Why the new Iran revelation looks so bad for the Obama administration"

9Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 11:21 am



PkrBum wrote:I'm not... and you know that.  One is a current event... while the other is history.  Right?

It should not matter if it is history. One event sets the precedent for the other, right? Except the current deal was above the table and did not subvert any of our laws.

10Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 11:28 am



PkrBum wrote:I'm not... and you know that.  One is a current event... while the other is history.  Right?

It should not matter if it is history. One event sets the precedent for the other, right? Except the current deal was above the table and did not subvert any of our laws.

If now we're switching to the Iran deal in general... it was certainly misrepresented on numerous points. I really don't get why the admin even bothers misrepresenting things... it's not as if he'd be held accountable by his constituents.

11Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 11:32 am


Sorry but it remained two separate events. I would agree with your logic if the Iranians had gained some advantage in the negotiations for the return of the Iranian money by some kind of deal for prisoners. There was no such deal and American taxpayers got to use the accumulated interest when you consider that prime at the time of the retention of Iranian money for the weapons was almost 18%. In actuality the return of principle is a joke. We kept more interest than the original principle.....we basically stole more than the original and the Iranians were piszed they were screwed by President Obama. Also, it was forum members here and the right wing propaganda machine which claimed the Iranian deal should have been a quid pro quo exchange of prisoners.....but now argues that this was in fact the same. Nope Two separate events which Iran who had been royally screwed was not about to release the prisoners until the money arrived. We were sending the money anyway and we simply leveraged our screwing of the Iranians to guarantee the release. Not semantics but two distinct actions.

12Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 11:39 am



PkrBum wrote:... it was certainly misrepresented on numerous points.

No, you're just a transparently partisan hack who would be braying about the naivete of the administration had they made the payment and the Iranians refused to release the prisoners.

The administration properly used the leverage they had at their disposal.

It's called diplomacy.

13Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 12:02 pm



Saul Alinsky wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Lol... more new speak gymnastics.

Well, when you start with the premise that the "ransom" was money that belongs to them ...

... and then have the appalling lack of self-awareness to recognize that the basis of this criticism is in the context of Republicans' false accusations of ransom to Iran ...

Another Obama lie unearthed 041

... yeah, I guess the gymnastics of logic are daunting.

by George Lardner Jr. October 20, 1991

"Oliver L. North, in a new book called "Under Fire," says he is now convinced that Ronald Reagan "knew everything" about the Iran-contra scandal when he was president and that the White House began an elaborate coverup to protect him several weeks before the scandal broke in 1986.

North accused Reagan of being untruthful in his memoirs and said he has no doubt that the former president was not only fully aware of the diversion of Iran arms sales profits to aid the contra rebels in Nicaragua, but also that he approved it "enthusiastically."

In an excerpt published in this week's editions of Time magazine, North suggested that the notorious "diversion" was itself a "diversion," made public to draw attention away from "what else the President and his top advisers had known about and approved."

The former White House aide offers no hard evidence to support his assertions about Reagan, but instead tries to build a circumstantial case, including details about previously undisclosed attempts to get him to exonerate the president.

Reagan's office in California did not respond to phone calls yesterday. In a story appearing with the excerpt, Time quoted a spokesperson as saying the former president was traveling abroad last week and was "unavailable for comment."

Saying that he sometimes feels betrayed, North, 48, wrote that he is still "very glad" Reagan was president for two terms, but added that Reagan could have ended "years of suffering for me and my family -- by granting a pardon or shutting down the office of special prosecutor.

"Is that betrayal?" North wrote. "Well, it sure as hell wasn't supportive."..."

14Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 12:22 pm




15Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 5:41 pm



2seaoat wrote:We did not.   We negotiated the transfer of the money without the interest payments where we only had to pay the principal.   This was negotiated and finalized as to the amount.   There was no ransom.   We simply were smart and honest about not releasing it until our people were free.

Another Obama lie unearthed LOL_zpsrc5py0ql

WASHINGTON — The State Department admitted Thursday that the United States handed over $400 million in cash to Iran only after Tehran released four American hostages — two weeks after President Obama insisted the payment was not a “ransom.”

State Department spokesman John Kirby was asked at a press briefing: “In basic English, you’re saying you wouldn’t give them $400 million in cash until the prisoners were released, correct?”

“That’s correct,” he replied.

In an Aug. 4 press conference, Obama said the opposite.

“We do not pay ransom. We didn’t here, and we won’t in the future,” the president told reporters, speaking of the January payment and hostage release.

16Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 7:23 pm


If we had reached a contractual agreement where Iran waived interest due on the money, and his settlement was done six months ago.   How is our not releasing their money until the prisoners were free a ransom?

Ransom is the practice of holding a prisoner or item to extort money

the exertion of force by means of a lever or an object used in the manner of a lever.

We held their money for the ransom that they would not get their money unless they waived the interest due on the money(this actually exceeded the principal).  They agreed to our ransom negotiated six months prior.  We then leveraged that money to our advantage not releasing the same until the prisoners were exchanged......any other interpretation is silly because the ransom of lost interest was paid and agreed six months earlier.

17Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 7:53 pm



Lol... more leftist new speak:

"How is our not releasing their money until the prisoners were free a ransom?"

Believe me... there isn't an explanation on earth that can crack their group think loop.

18Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 8:35 pm


I stand corrected. The world court award over four billion, on the accrued interest on the Iranian money, but the negotiated settlement was 1.2 billion or the compromised claim saving America almost 3 billion dollars, and this home run was done six months prior to the exchange, and we double downed on our ransom from the Iranians and insisted they give us the prisoners before we release their money.......and Trump wants to tell us this was bad.....from the guy who is supposed to be the master of the deal.......home run President Obama. It is getting tougher and tougher for Republicans to win anything.

19Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 9:20 pm



The point here (check the title dorkapotomus) is the lie. It wasn't even required here like to shove mandates down our throat... or sneak provisions into a deal... or obstruct disclosure of truth before an election... or cover up a gun running scheme to foreign criminals. It's just a glimpse into the real nature of this administration and into what we can expect should hillary take over.  I know you can bend over backwards and kiss your own ass for your dear leaders... so don't waste our time equivocating ad nauseum.  It is what it is... and it's not good... period.

20Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 10:44 pm



PkrBum wrote:1986

So what? It affected me. I had a 2-year-old and a 4-year-old in 1986. How hard is it for you to understand what Reagan did to the economy? What continues to be done in the name of your precious "free market". It's hogwash.

21Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 10:52 pm



There's no free market. There's only a pretence of private ownership anymore. Reagan played a minor role in the big picture. While you bemoan talkingpoint history we've had your dream potus for the last seven+ years. What has that result been for the poor? The working poor? The middle class?

Be neutral and honest.

Lol... just kidding on that last part... I wouldn't want your head to explode.

22Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 11:05 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
Saul Alinsky wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Lol... more new speak gymnastics.

Well, when you start with the premise that the "ransom" was money that belongs to them ...

... and then have the appalling lack of self-awareness to recognize that the basis of this criticism is in the context of Republicans' false accusations of ransom to Iran ...

Another Obama lie unearthed 041

... yeah, I guess the gymnastics of logic are daunting.

by George Lardner Jr. October 20, 1991

"Oliver L. North, in a new book called "Under Fire," says he is now convinced that Ronald Reagan "knew everything" about the Iran-contra scandal when he was president and that the White House began an elaborate coverup to protect him several weeks before the scandal broke in 1986.

North accused Reagan of being untruthful in his memoirs and said he has no doubt that the former president was not only fully aware of the diversion of Iran arms sales profits to aid the contra rebels in Nicaragua, but also that he approved it "enthusiastically."

In an excerpt published in this week's editions of Time magazine, North suggested that the notorious "diversion" was itself a "diversion," made public to draw attention away from "what else the President and his top advisers had known about and approved."

The former White House aide offers no hard evidence to support his assertions about Reagan, but instead tries to build a circumstantial case, including details about previously undisclosed attempts to get him to exonerate the president.

Reagan's office in California did not respond to phone calls yesterday. In a story appearing with the excerpt, Time quoted a spokesperson as saying the former president was traveling abroad last week and was "unavailable for comment."

Saying that he sometimes feels betrayed, North, 48, wrote that he is still "very glad" Reagan was president for two terms, but added that Reagan could have ended "years of suffering for me and my family -- by granting a pardon or shutting down the office of special prosecutor.

"Is that betrayal?" North wrote. "Well, it sure as hell wasn't supportive."..."

Piss poor analogy. Iran contra was a weapons sales deal not for ransom of hostages previously released, but to cut Congress out of the loop on funding anticommunist forces in Nicaragua who were trying to overthrow the Sandinistas.
Good try tards, but you can't even pick the wrong shiny ball to perseverate upon

23Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 11:19 pm



PkrBum wrote:There's no free market. There's only a pretence of private ownership anymore. Reagan played a minor role in the big picture. While you bemoan talkingpoint history we've had your dream potus for the last seven+ years.  What has that result been for the poor? The working poor? The middle class?

Be neutral and honest.

Lol... just kidding on that last part... I wouldn't want your head to explode.

The fact that he was able to stabilize the economy after Bush is a miracle. I'm so proud of President Obama. And again, you don't seem to have absorbed any of your business school education. How do you have such a basic lack of understanding when it comes to economics?

24Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/19/2016, 11:22 pm



Tellthetruth wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
Saul Alinsky wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Lol... more new speak gymnastics.

Well, when you start with the premise that the "ransom" was money that belongs to them ...

... and then have the appalling lack of self-awareness to recognize that the basis of this criticism is in the context of Republicans' false accusations of ransom to Iran ...

Another Obama lie unearthed 041

... yeah, I guess the gymnastics of logic are daunting.

by George Lardner Jr. October 20, 1991

"Oliver L. North, in a new book called "Under Fire," says he is now convinced that Ronald Reagan "knew everything" about the Iran-contra scandal when he was president and that the White House began an elaborate coverup to protect him several weeks before the scandal broke in 1986.

North accused Reagan of being untruthful in his memoirs and said he has no doubt that the former president was not only fully aware of the diversion of Iran arms sales profits to aid the contra rebels in Nicaragua, but also that he approved it "enthusiastically."

In an excerpt published in this week's editions of Time magazine, North suggested that the notorious "diversion" was itself a "diversion," made public to draw attention away from "what else the President and his top advisers had known about and approved."

The former White House aide offers no hard evidence to support his assertions about Reagan, but instead tries to build a circumstantial case, including details about previously undisclosed attempts to get him to exonerate the president.

Reagan's office in California did not respond to phone calls yesterday. In a story appearing with the excerpt, Time quoted a spokesperson as saying the former president was traveling abroad last week and was "unavailable for comment."

Saying that he sometimes feels betrayed, North, 48, wrote that he is still "very glad" Reagan was president for two terms, but added that Reagan could have ended "years of suffering for me and my family -- by granting a pardon or shutting down the office of special prosecutor.

"Is that betrayal?" North wrote. "Well, it sure as hell wasn't supportive."..."

Piss poor analogy. Iran contra was a weapons sales deal not  for ransom of hostages previously released, but to cut Congress out of the loop on funding anticommunist forces in Nicaragua who were trying to overthrow the Sandinistas.
Good try tards, but you can't even pick the wrong shiny ball to perseverate upon

It is pathetic that you can't see the criminality of Iran/Contra and the completely bankrupt policies of Ronald Reagan, both foreign and domestic.

25Another Obama lie unearthed Empty Re: Another Obama lie unearthed 8/20/2016, 7:15 am



Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:There's no free market. There's only a pretence of private ownership anymore. Reagan played a minor role in the big picture. While you bemoan talkingpoint history we've had your dream potus for the last seven+ years.  What has that result been for the poor? The working poor? The middle class?

Be neutral and honest.

Lol... just kidding on that last part... I wouldn't want your head to explode.

The fact that he was able to stabilize the economy after Bush is a miracle.  I'm so proud of President Obama.  And again, you don't seem to have absorbed any of your business school education.  How do you have such a basic lack of understanding when it comes to economics?

He stabilized it by throwing a gazillion dollars at it... and it's still sputtering along.  Unless of course  you're a wealthy investor taking advantage of the stock market bubble. The "funny" part is that they'll pull out before the crash and it'll be the middle class crushed again.  Is that your economic justice?

Btw... I didn't go to "business school" for voodoo economic theory. I wanted to learn real science.

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