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Clinton is the Nominee ...

Hospital Bob
boards of FL
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51Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 3:25 pm



Bob wrote:

There's just no question about it,  Trump's supporters are confined to the Florida panhandle.  
And Florida panhandle residents are the only people in America who hate muslims,  mexicans and blacks.  And nobody does that in Illinois.


52Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 3:27 pm


Our Republican Senator just said no way to Trump......what did "little" Marco do after being humiliated in the primary......silence.......why.......because when you are in Florida.....the stereotypical Florida man lives there......some stereotypes are wrong.........some are mean spirited.......some are close to being truthful, but Florida man............everybody understands and nothing has to be said.

It is the national joke.

53Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 8:25 am



PkrBum wrote:What do you like best? The welfare expansion? The doubling of the debt? The fascist obamacaid? The military adventurism? The tax dollars to save corps and banks and wall st? The gun running to mexican cartels? The expanding surveillance State? The stagnant wages and shrinking middle class? The anti-business policies that chase off production and those tax dollars? ...etc.

Stick a sock in it, Poindexter ...

54Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 11:55 am



gatorfan wrote:Actually there is a percentage of Sanders who detest HRC for their own reasons and who have said they will vote for Trump. In general Sanders supporters lean more Independent than they do Democrat. I’ve seen some indicators that perhaps 20% of soon to be former Sanders supporters would vote Trump over HRC. An exit poll in WV indicated about half of Sanders supporters would rather vote Trump than HRC.

I’d personally rather see a trained rat in the WH than Trump but I also despise HRC for the lying, deceitful, wall-street loving ineffectual career politician that she is. Impossible situation at best…..

If HRC is so great why is the Dem side of the race so close – even with the massive favoritism shown her by the DNC and the crooked assignment of super delegates? This race has been rigged by the DNC and heavy money from the beginning and that is really inflaming Sanders side. If they feel she stole the election (and she has in collusion with the DNC) than it’s apparent Sanders supporters will have 3 options: don’t vote at all, write in Sanders anyway as a middle finger to HRC, or hold their nose and vote Trump.

I will take option #4 and vote for Hillary.

55Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 12:18 pm



gatorfan wrote: If they feel she stole the election (and she has in collusion with the DNC)


She has garnered 3.7 million more votes.

56Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 12:41 pm


If they feel she stole the election (and she has in collusion with the DNC)

Now this is the start of the election cycle the republicans made fun of how the Democrats could not even have a primary battle, and now the argument is that the elections were stolen......incredibly silly.

57Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 2:03 pm


2seaoat wrote:If they feel she stole the election (and she has in collusion with the DNC)

Now this is the start of the election cycle the republicans made fun of how the Democrats could not even have a primary battle, and now the argument is that the elections were stolen......incredibly silly.

It's painfully obvious neither you or Sal understand the DNC delegate and Superdelegate rules.. Nor how Sanders supporters see the issue. Keep your sunglasses on and ignore reality.

It really doesn't matter at this point, HRC will be the nominee (barring some unknown occurrence) and will become the President. I prefer her anyway over the Trumpster but it is entertaining to watch the Democrats in action over their chosen one and see the reaction of you low information voters who don't understand the whole of political machinations.......kind of reminds me of the Republican party self-immolation. ROFLMAO

58Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 2:40 pm


I completely understand how the super delegates work, and why they were put in the rules years ago. You do not get snookered or cheated when the game has rules. Of course the wisdom of our founding fathers with the two chambers with different terms to guarantee that we had elections every two years, but the stability of longer terms in the senate. Take the superdelegates out of the equation, Bernie lost. Again, it is just funny to me that my Republican Party just was hijacked by crazy, and the nation is at risk, yet the mob got what they wanted......too funny to attack the democratic convention and their rules.

59Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 3:35 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

gatorfan wrote:
2seaoat wrote:If they feel she stole the election (and she has in collusion with the DNC)

Now this is the start of the election cycle the republicans made fun of how the Democrats could not even have a primary battle, and now the argument is that the elections were stolen......incredibly silly.

It's painfully obvious neither you or Sal understand the DNC delegate and Superdelegate rules.. Nor how  Sanders supporters see the issue. Keep your sunglasses on and ignore reality.

It really doesn't matter at this point, HRC will be the nominee (barring some unknown occurrence) and will become the President. I prefer her anyway over the Trumpster but it is entertaining to watch the Democrats in action over their chosen one and see the reaction of you low information voters who don't understand the whole of political machinations.......kind of reminds me of the Republican party self-immolation. ROFLMAO

Clinton has won the by every measure.  How, exactly, do you feel the election was rigged?  Be specific.  She's winning handily on votes.  She's winning handily on pledged delegates.  What is it that was rigged here?

60Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 4:32 pm



I love the Democrat nomination process with their SUPER DELEGATES. The sad part is that the Democrat Voters have learned that the entire nomination process is rigged against them.

My guess is that the voters are going to demand changes. Those changes will come and then slowly but surely the Democrats will change their "rules" back to where the elite, and not the voters, pick their nominee.

Again this vividly demonstrates that the Democrat elite firmly believes they are superior to all others and that the lowly voter, pandered to by each pigeon hole, must be taken care of as they are all incapable of personal responsibility.

61Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 5:07 pm



Markle wrote:I love the Democrat nomination process with their SUPER DELEGATES.  The sad part is that the Democrat Voters have learned that the entire nomination process is rigged against them.

My guess is that the voters are going to demand changes.  Those changes will come and then slowly but surely the Democrats will change their "rules" back to where the elite, and not the voters, pick their nominee.

Again this vividly demonstrates that the Democrat elite firmly believes they are superior to all others and that the lowly voter, pandered to by each pigeon hole, must be taken care of as they are all incapable of personal responsibility.

That's quite rich coming from a supporter of the party that brought us Donald J. Trump.

Let's all remember waaaaay back to a few months ago, when Markle was assuring us that Trump would never, ever win the nomination.

Hahahahahahahaha ....

62Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 5:09 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

Here again, how is the primary rigged? Clinton won handily on votes and handily on pledged - not super, but pledged - delegates. In other words, the person who won on votes and pledged delegates won the primary.

How is that "rigged"?

63Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 6:16 pm


boards of FL wrote:Here again, how is the primary rigged?  Clinton won handily on votes and handily on pledged - not super, but pledged - delegates.  In other words, the person who won on votes and pledged delegates won the primary.

How is that "rigged"?

Boards, they won't answer that question because they can't, since Hillary's having won the nomination handily with or without the super delegates makes those delegates nothing more than a rather powerless footnote, and the cry of "rigged" laughable at best.

64Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 6:43 pm



RealLindaL wrote:
boards of FL wrote:Here again, how is the primary rigged?  Clinton won handily on votes and handily on pledged - not super, but pledged - delegates.  In other words, the person who won on votes and pledged delegates won the primary.

How is that "rigged"?

Boards, they won't answer that question because they can't, since Hillary's having won the nomination handily with or without the super delegates makes those delegates nothing more than a rather powerless footnote, and the cry of "rigged" laughable at best.

Can I use far leftist or far rightist sources? I take it you all like a significant margin that acts upon a political agenda?

65Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 6:59 pm


Can I use far leftist or far rightist sources? I take it you all like a significant margin that acts upon a political agenda?

PK.....that is what political parties do.....act on a political agenda. Can we get a thread which is semi intelligent in its criticism of Hillary. I mean there are so many issues which are valid criticisms, but using innuendo to suggest that the primary was rigged and is just so stupid. There is no hope that the general election will even address will be name calling, innuendo, and stupidity, when there is plenty of room for substantive differences on issues with something that seems utterly absent in these unfounded innuendo threads......facts.

66Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 7:08 pm



Stay tuned comrade. Bernie will be escorted off the stage... and the new democratic message will be delivered. I don't think there will be near the response you think. What he promised is an old tired mantra. We aren't as dumb as you.

67Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 8:33 pm



Salinsky wrote:

I wish I could find in the archives (perhaps a year ago) all of Sal's posts showing he was a very ardent Bernie fan..... I am trying to understand the flip-flop.

I don't think you'll find that.

My opinion was that we had two good but flawed candidates in the Democratic primary.

I waited until about two weeks before FLA's primary before making my choice.

You see, I am a one issue voter, and that issue is not opening the seventh seal and ushering in the apocalypse by allowing any of the Republicans from the clown car to have the keys to the Oval Office.

My choice was based solely on my determination of which candidate would be stronger in the general election.

I'm not persuaded by national polling that shows otherwise, because I do not think that Sanders has been properly vetted and the Republicans would have a field day with his socialist policy positions.

On the other hand, Hillary has had everything and the kitchen sink thrown at her, and she's still standing.

My opinion of the Sanders campaign was greatly diminished first by the behavior of his dead-ender, Bernie-or-bust supporters, and then by the increasingly cynical, self-serving, and petty behavior of the candidate himself.

Well, Sal, you know what they say about opinions. I am insulted by your characterization of Bernie supporters...and please show me examples of the behavior you're describing from Sanders.

68Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/10/2016, 11:27 pm



Salinsky wrote:
Markle wrote:I love the Democrat nomination process with their SUPER DELEGATES.  The sad part is that the Democrat Voters have learned that the entire nomination process is rigged against them.

My guess is that the voters are going to demand changes.  Those changes will come and then slowly but surely the Democrats will change their "rules" back to where the elite, and not the voters, pick their nominee.

Again this vividly demonstrates that the Democrat elite firmly believes they are superior to all others and that the lowly voter, pandered to by each pigeon hole, must be taken care of as they are all incapable of personal responsibility.

That's quite rich coming from a supporter of the party that brought us Donald J. Trump.

Let's all remember waaaaay back to a few months ago, when Markle was assuring us that Trump would never, ever win the nomination.

Hahahahahahahaha ....

Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 69d74526-818e-455c-b628-ad5ce7381bb2

69Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/11/2016, 8:23 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

So just to clarify, neither gatorfan nor Markle can explain their theory of how the election was rigged?   Words escape them? Are we running away? Are they simply parrots who consume right wing talking points but don't understand the underlying information well enough so as to explain it in their own words? PkrBum has a term for this: Useful Idiots.

Run, Forrest!  Run!

Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 882b6288c1059c548c18334b11b7d5fd

70Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/11/2016, 9:18 am



boards of FL wrote:So just to clarify, neither gatorfan nor Markle can explain their theory of how the election was rigged?   Words escape them?  Are we running away?  Are they simply parrots who consume right wing talking points but don't understand the underlying information well enough so as to explain it in their own words?  PkrBum has a term for this:  Useful Idiots.

Run, Forrest!  Run!

Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 882b6288c1059c548c18334b11b7d5fd

1: Wasserman Shultz does all she can to schedule debates at times no one will be watching. 2: Super delegates selected long before actual campaign and all of them were Hillary supporters. 3: Working on orders from Shultz, state party heads arrange to make it difficult for independent cross over votes to be scored -- this is absolutely true for California. 4: Long before Bernie entered the campaign, Hilllary was "annointed" by the elitists who run the democratic party. There's more, much more that clearly indicates the current rules for primary campaigns have to be changed: no more super delegates. No more back-room decisions by fat, wealthy cats and their crones that decide who the winning candidate will be. The system is badly flawed and the outcome was definitely rigged. Wasserman-Shultz did all she could to favor HRC, and needs to be removed as chairman of the NDC.


71Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/11/2016, 9:20 am



Markle wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Markle wrote:I love the Democrat nomination process with their SUPER DELEGATES.  The sad part is that the Democrat Voters have learned that the entire nomination process is rigged against them.

My guess is that the voters are going to demand changes.  Those changes will come and then slowly but surely the Democrats will change their "rules" back to where the elite, and not the voters, pick their nominee.

Again this vividly demonstrates that the Democrat elite firmly believes they are superior to all others and that the lowly voter, pandered to by each pigeon hole, must be taken care of as they are all incapable of personal responsibility.

That's quite rich coming from a supporter of the party that brought us Donald J. Trump.

Let's all remember waaaaay back to a few months ago, when Markle was assuring us that Trump would never, ever win the nomination.

Hahahahahahahaha ....

Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 69d74526-818e-455c-b628-ad5ce7381bb2

Just who, pray tell, is your cartoon character supposed to be?

72Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/11/2016, 3:36 pm



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Markle wrote:I love the Democrat nomination process with their SUPER DELEGATES.  The sad part is that the Democrat Voters have learned that the entire nomination process is rigged against them.

My guess is that the voters are going to demand changes.  Those changes will come and then slowly but surely the Democrats will change their "rules" back to where the elite, and not the voters, pick their nominee.

Again this vividly demonstrates that the Democrat elite firmly believes they are superior to all others and that the lowly voter, pandered to by each pigeon hole, must be taken care of as they are all incapable of personal responsibility.

That's quite rich coming from a supporter of the party that brought us Donald J. Trump.

Let's all remember waaaaay back to a few months ago, when Markle was assuring us that Trump would never, ever win the nomination.

Hahahahahahahaha ....

Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 69d74526-818e-455c-b628-ad5ce7381bb2

Just who, pray tell, is your cartoon character supposed to be?

It was a given that my Progressive good friends here would not decipher such a "COMPLEX" puzzle. Allow me to help you and thank you so much for asking. That does exhibit a degree of honesty the others lack.

Get it now?

Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 F8c7eae8-4b50-42d3-81e3-7aa328bb7488_zpsew9uox3y

73Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/11/2016, 4:19 pm



Yes, but you used your little cartoon in response to me, and I lied about nothing.

Did you or did you not assure us only a few short months ago that Trump would never, ever be the GOP's nominee?

Here's a hint ... you did.

Which makes your little cartoon a self-portrait.



The attached article says it very well ...

75Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 3 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/11/2016, 10:53 pm



boards of FL wrote:Here again, how is the primary rigged?  Clinton won handily on votes and handily on pledged - not super, but pledged - delegates.  In other words, the person who won on votes and pledged delegates won the primary.

How is that "rigged"?

Recent Headlines:

*Inspector General's Report discredits Hillary Clinton and viewed by many being basis for indictment.

*Turns out Sanders won Kentucky but 5000 of his votes were removed.

*Nevada Democratic Party caught on video cheating to give Clinton more delegates.

Cheating in Clinton's favor discovered in Delaware, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. *

. *Democratic voters supporting Sanders removed from roles in Pennsylvania, evidencing likely plan to rig election

Over 30% of New York Democrats are removed from roles and researchers suspect Hillary Clinton and NGP Van of involvement.

Evidence of election-flipping surfaces in New York election. *126,000 Democratic voters illegally removed from roles in Brooklyn, preventing them from voting a ballot for their hometown boy Bernie Sanders.

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