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Clinton is the Nominee ...

Hospital Bob
boards of FL
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26Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/8/2016, 6:34 pm



Telstar wrote:The republican party can still challenge Trump at the convention can't they? Is  it too late to dump Trump and push Bush? Let's not forget that Hillary will not be the only one to make history. Unless Trump chooses Bush as his running mate, a win for him in November will mark an end to the Nixon/Bush/ GOP streak that goes all the way back to 1928. That's the last time a republican took the White House without a Nixon or a Bush on the ticket. You can look it up.

The only place I'd like to "push Bush" (great alliteration, BTW) is off a cliff.

27Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/8/2016, 7:29 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
Telstar wrote:The republican party can still challenge Trump at the convention can't they? Is  it too late to dump Trump and push Bush? Let's not forget that Hillary will not be the only one to make history. Unless Trump chooses Bush as his running mate, a win for him in November will mark an end to the Nixon/Bush/ GOP streak that goes all the way back to 1928. That's the last time a republican took the White House without a Nixon or a Bush on the ticket. You can look it up.

The only place I'd like to "push Bush" (great alliteration, BTW) is off a cliff.

Of course you would but after all you're not a republican, are you? I thought not so it's unlikely that you helped to push a Bush into the White House five times in the last thirty six years. Obviously the republican voters did.

28Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 7:06 am



Sal: Whether I vote for Clinton now depends on whom she chooses as a running mate. If anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump. And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

29Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 7:50 am



Wordslinger wrote:Sal:  Whether I vote for Clinton now depends on whom she chooses as a running mate.  If anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump.  And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

Hahahaha ...

Stamp your feet a little harder ...

... that unicorn is almost yours.

30Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 8:15 am



Salinsky wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Sal:  Whether I vote for Clinton now depends on whom she chooses as a running mate.  If anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump.  And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

Hahahaha ...

Stamp your feet a little harder ...

... that unicorn is almost yours.

Ouch! How persuasive you are ... now focus kiddo: If half of Bernie's supporters feel like me and E.Warren isn't on the ticket, Trump will win. Reality.

31Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 8:18 am



Sal: You might find this of interest:

32Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 8:19 am



Wordslinger wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Sal:  Whether I vote for Clinton now depends on whom she chooses as a running mate.  If anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump.  And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

Hahahaha ...

Stamp your feet a little harder ...

... that unicorn is almost yours.

Ouch!  How persuasive you are ... now focus kiddo:  If half of Bernie's supporters feel like me and E.Warren isn't on the ticket, Trump will win.  Reality.

Deadenders are big on threats but have trouble making it to the polls.

Color me unimpressed.

33Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 8:22 am



Salinsky wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Sal:  Whether I vote for Clinton now depends on whom she chooses as a running mate.  If anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump.  And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

Hahahaha ...

Stamp your feet a little harder ...

... that unicorn is almost yours.

Ouch!  How persuasive you are ... now focus kiddo:  If half of Bernie's supporters feel like me and E.Warren isn't on the ticket, Trump will win.  Reality.

Deadenders are big on threats but have trouble making it to the polls.

Color me unimpressed.

Unimpressed ...that's exactly how many of us Bernie supporters feel about Mrs. Bill Clinton ...

34Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 10:51 am



Wordslinger wrote: Mrs. Bill Clinton ...

Ah, a tell.

Nice, bro.

35Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 11:36 am

boards of FL

boards of FL

Wordslinger wrote:If anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump.  And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

Not everyone enjoys white privilege, so for some there are real world consequences on the line if Trump gets elected. For some, it is important that their vote counts.

36Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 12:03 pm


if anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump. And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but you do not speak for Bernie's supporters.

37Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 1:27 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If Bernie's supporters switch to Trump,  that would prove beyond any doubt that the capitalism vs socialism debate in this country has no actual meaning or importance for the populace anymore.  It would mean that tens of thousands of talking head hours between the rachel maddows and the sean hannitys and all their clones was much ado about absolutely nothing.

That Hillary character in office will be a WHOLE LOTS more like Bernie would be than that Trump character would be.  

Not only that,  but if Trump wins and the House and Senate remain Republican,  that combination would be the last thing Bernie supporters would ever want to have happen.

38Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 1:34 pm


I honestly have not found one Trump supporter outside the folks I talked to this spring in the Pensacola area who were trump supporters. I know many of my Republican friends who came to my anniversary party ridiculed what a buffoon that Trump was......not one will vote for Hillary, but they made it clear they are not voting for Trump. I also have never heard a Bernie supporter saying they will vote for Trump.....that just does not make any sense on any level. It is something built on fantasy.

39Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 1:52 pm



2seaoat wrote:I honestly have not found one Trump supporter outside the folks I talked to this spring in the Pensacola area who were trump supporters.  I know many of my Republican friends who came to my anniversary party ridiculed what a buffoon that Trump was......not one will vote for Hillary, but they made it clear they are not voting for Trump.  I also have never heard a Bernie supporter saying they will vote for Trump.....that just does not make any sense on any level.  It is something built on fantasy.

I have read some comments on several sites indicating that Bernie supporters would cast the "ultimate protest vote" for Trump. My response to that is "just stay home." But I realize that many of these posters are really trolls. I can't imagine voting for Trump. I can barely stand to look at him.

40Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 1:58 pm


Actually there is a percentage of Sanders who detest HRC for their own reasons and who have said they will vote for Trump. In general Sanders supporters lean more Independent than they do Democrat. I’ve seen some indicators that perhaps 20% of soon to be former Sanders supporters would vote Trump over HRC. An exit poll in WV indicated about half of Sanders supporters would rather vote Trump than HRC.

I’d personally rather see a trained rat in the WH than Trump but I also despise HRC for the lying, deceitful, wall-street loving ineffectual career politician that she is. Impossible situation at best…..

If HRC is so great why is the Dem side of the race so close – even with the massive favoritism shown her by the DNC and the crooked assignment of super delegates? This race has been rigged by the DNC and heavy money from the beginning and that is really inflaming Sanders side. If they feel she stole the election (and she has in collusion with the DNC) than it’s apparent Sanders supporters will have 3 options: don’t vote at all, write in Sanders anyway as a middle finger to HRC, or hold their nose and vote Trump.

41Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:02 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:I honestly have not found one Trump supporter outside the folks I talked to this spring in the Pensacola area who were trump supporters.

Here's how that sentence reads. You have not found one Trump supporter outside the Pensacola area who is a Trump supporter.

That sentence is bizarre on two different levels.

Firstly, a Trump supporter who is not a Trump supporter. That is oxymoronic on it's face.

Secondly, if Trump supporters are only found in the Pensacola area, how in the name of sense did Trump win primaries all across the country? lol

42Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:04 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

gatorfan wrote:If HRC is so great why is the Dem side of the race so close – even with the massive favoritism shown her by the DNC and the crooked assignment of super delegates?

The race wasn't close.  Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 4 million.  The popular vote breakdown was Clinton 57% vs Sanders 43%.  We don't really refer to a contest won by a 14 percentage point margin as being "close", do we, analysis-boy?

43Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:07 pm


boards of FL wrote:
gatorfan wrote:If HRC is so great why is the Dem side of the race so close – even with the massive favoritism shown her by the DNC and the crooked assignment of super delegates?

The race wasn't close.  Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 4 million.  The popular vote breakdown was Clinton 57% vs Sanders 43%.  We don't really refer to a contest won by a 14 percentage point margin as being "close", do we, analysis-boy?

Define it anyway you want punk boy. I could care less about your inflated opinion of yourself either.

44Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:07 pm



Here's the thing about "presumptive nominee" Clinton:

"Thanks to The Associated Press, I was awake well past midnight on Wednesday morning watching a series of non-events come to a grateful conclusion. I wanted to see the speeches, especially Bernie's, which came after 1:00 am; they were the one thing the "news" media couldn't screw up. How did Tuesday's primaries become non-events? Because The Associated Press on Monday night, straight out of the blue, declared Secretary Clinton to be the presumptive Democratic nominee for president.

Wait, what? Yeah, they did that. They polled a bunch of Democratic Party elites -- "superdelegates" -- and decided Clinton had enough delegates to call it a day. The margin? One delegate. Five primaries and a caucus that would have decided the race fair and square 24 hours later got tossed into the dustbin because the AP wanted the hot take, the big scoop, and in doing so broke a cardinal rule of journalism: They became the story instead of reporting the story.

The "news" media's reaction to that declaration was like tossing a live hand grenade into a hedge filled with chickadees: lots of squawking and flapping and smoke and a ringing in the ears from the explosion. All the AP had to do was wait a day. They didn't, and it was a mess. Beyond the impact on the presidential side, there are the down-ticket races to consider. The AP's little wingding certainly depressed voter turnout across the board -- exactly 354 people voted in the North Dakota Democratic caucus on Tuesday -- and that depressed turnout affected down-ticket races all over the country..."



This reminds me a lot of Fox News in 2000...calling the presidency for Bush...and all the shenanigans in Florida, like the "Brooks Brothers riots", threatening and assaulting poll workers...until the SCOTUS stepped in (one time only). That was election theft, and the media were complicit.

45Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:13 pm



Wordslinger wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Sal:  Whether I vote for Clinton now depends on whom she chooses as a running mate.  If anyone other than Bernie or Elizabeth Warren, I stay home or vote for Trump.  And from what I read, I represent more than 50% of Bernie's supporters.

Hahahaha ...

Stamp your feet a little harder ...

... that unicorn is almost yours.

Ouch!  How persuasive you are ... now focus kiddo:  If half of Bernie's supporters feel like me and E.Warren isn't on the ticket, Trump will win.  Reality.

I wish I could find in the archives (perhaps a year ago) all of Sal's posts showing he was a very ardent Bernie fan..... I am trying to understand the flip-flop.

46Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:15 pm


The folks who were enthusiastic about Trump were Hickory Hammock folks who stopped and talked to me while I was working. Invited me to their church and were proud of Trump. I have not heard one person in Illinois playing poker or talking to life long fellow Republicans who support or will vote for Trump. People in Illinois are not so quick to hate Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks because they have a diverse population compared to the panhandle.

47Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:23 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

gatorfan wrote:
boards of FL wrote:
gatorfan wrote:If HRC is so great why is the Dem side of the race so close – even with the massive favoritism shown her by the DNC and the crooked assignment of super delegates?

The race wasn't close.  Clinton won the popular vote by nearly 4 million.  The popular vote breakdown was Clinton 57% vs Sanders 43%.  We don't really refer to a contest won by a 14 percentage point margin as being "close", do we, analysis-boy?

Define it anyway you want punk boy. I could care less about your inflated opinion of yourself either.

That's right, Hambone. Stand corrected.

48Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:40 pm




I wish I could find in the archives (perhaps a year ago) all of Sal's posts showing he was a very ardent Bernie fan..... I am trying to understand the flip-flop.

I don't think you'll find that.

My opinion was that we had two good but flawed candidates in the Democratic primary.

I waited until about two weeks before FLA's primary before making my choice.

You see, I am a one issue voter, and that issue is not opening the seventh seal and ushering in the apocalypse by allowing any of the Republicans from the clown car to have the keys to the Oval Office.

My choice was based solely on my determination of which candidate would be stronger in the general election.

I'm not persuaded by national polling that shows otherwise, because I do not think that Sanders has been properly vetted and the Republicans would have a field day with his socialist policy positions.

On the other hand, Hillary has had everything and the kitchen sink thrown at her, and she's still standing.

My opinion of the Sanders campaign was greatly diminished first by the behavior of his dead-ender, Bernie-or-bust supporters, and then by the increasingly cynical, self-serving, and petty behavior of the candidate himself.

49Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 2:41 pm



2seaoat wrote:The folks who were enthusiastic about Trump were Hickory Hammock folks who stopped and talked to me while I was working.  Invited me to their church and were proud of Trump.    I have not heard one person in Illinois playing poker or talking to life long fellow Republicans who support or will vote for Trump.  People in Illinois are not so quick to hate Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks because they have a diverse population compared to the panhandle.

Trump's supporters are largely working-class, poorly educated, white men.

50Clinton is the Nominee ... - Page 2 Empty Re: Clinton is the Nominee ... 6/9/2016, 3:16 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

2seaoat wrote:The folks who were enthusiastic about Trump were Hickory Hammock folks who stopped and talked to me while I was working.  Invited me to their church and were proud of Trump.    I have not heard one person in Illinois playing poker or talking to life long fellow Republicans who support or will vote for Trump.  People in Illinois are not so quick to hate Muslims, Mexicans, and blacks because they have a diverse population compared to the panhandle.

There's just no question about it, Trump's supporters are confined to the Florida panhandle.
And Florida panhandle residents are the only people in America who hate muslims, mexicans and blacks. And nobody does that in Illinois.


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