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Forget About Chicago/Illinois Politics--The Latest Corruption Scandals are in Alabama!

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Three powerful men, three Alabama scandals

The governor faces impeachment over a sex scandal... Except, the Speaker of the House, who would bring up said impeachment, himself faces 23 felony charges and goes on trial shortly. Then, the Chief Justice is also under fire.


And that is just the tip of the iceberg. From my years of living in Alabama I can tell you these people have a totally unbelievable perspective that is not in line w/ the rest of society not to mention they don't live what they preach.


Vikingwoman wrote:And that is just the tip of the iceberg. From my years of living in Alabama I can tell you these people have a totally unbelievable perspective that is not in line w/ the rest of society not to mention they don't live what they preach.

I don't think it's possible to find a politician that does....

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