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John Boehner says Ted Cruz is "Lucifer in the flesh". But then he stops pulling punches and REALLY says what he thinks of Cruz. lol

Hospital Bob
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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

"I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone. But I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch than Ted Cruz".



No one who works w/ Cruz likes him. Even his college roommate hated him. That should tell you something.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

But with Boehner and Cruz it seems to be a he said/he said thing.
Cruz has responded and says he never even knew Boehner and only met him a couple of times and even then he didn't tell him anything.

But then Rep Peter King was asked to comment and he said he agrees with Boehner 100% and "to call Cruz Lucifer is an insult to Lucifer".

He revealed that the reason he and Boehner and so many others in the Congress despise Cruz is because he shut the government down.


Don't matter who it is Bob, if someone is going to protect my social security, medicare and marijuana they have my vote. Hell I'd vote for markle if he could promise this.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

ppaca wrote:Don't matter who it is Bob, if someone is going to protect my social security, medicare and marijuana they have my vote. Hell I'd vote for markle if he could promise this.

We've all heard about the "one issue voters", ppaca. The ones whose only litmus test for voting is the candidate is agin abortion, for example.

But you have gone them one better. And I'm in lockstep agreement with you on it.
You and I are "three issue voters". SS, Medicare and Marijuana". lol

p.s. but now Sal will post to tell us how we're "the worst generation ever". lol



I asked The Satanic Temple to weigh in — after all, they have a vested interest in this matter — and spokesperson Lucien Greaves told me this:

"Boehner’s comment is illustrative of how well past time it is to adjust our mythologies to reflect our realities. Cruz’s failures of reason, compassion, decency, and humanity are products of his Christian pandering, if not an actual Christian faith. It grows tedious when pedophile priests and loathsome politicians are conveniently dismissed as Satanic, even as they spew biblical verse and prostrate themselves before the cross, recruiting the Christian faithful. Satanists will have nothing to do with any of them."

You know things are bad in the Republican Party when even Satanists are saying you’re too extreme for us.
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Bob wrote:
ppaca wrote:Don't matter who it is Bob, if someone is going to protect my social security, medicare and marijuana they have my vote. Hell I'd vote for markle if he could promise this.

We've all heard about the "one issue voters",  ppaca.  The ones whose only litmus test for voting is the candidate is agin abortion,  for example.

But you have gone them one better.  And I'm in lockstep agreement with you on it.
You and I are "three issue voters".  SS,  Medicare and Marijuana".  lol

p.s.  but now Sal will post to tell us how we're "the worst generation ever".  lol

You're right Bob we are the worst generation ever, pigs not good enough to stay on earth, non caring slobs, me, me, me it's all about me. You know what? I don't give a shit.


I am still laughing my asz off that Cruz thinks Hoosiers are going to vote for him.....he is so utterly clueless and without character that I cannot wait for his senate campaign when they toss him. How do worms like this get elected to the senate.....Butchmeup......Cruz......and

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I freely admit it,  ppaca.  At the end of the day (that's another phrase being used ad nauseum by media and political celebrities),  I'm just a whore who will prostitute himself to the highest bidder.  And in this case it's whoever in power or influence is protecting the SS and the Two M's.  lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I wish somebody else listened to talk radio besides me. Because what I just heard on talk radio is more entertaining that anything on the cable news programming.
It was Mark Levin. He got so pissed off when Congressman Pete King (republican) said "I agree with John Boehner about Ted Cruz. Except if Lucifer is compared to Ted Cruz, it's unfair to Lucifer". lol

Omigod did this firebrand Levin tear into King. Never heard such a beatdown before. Not even when done by the actual wrastlers. lol



Bob wrote:I wish somebody else listened to talk radio besides me.  Because what I just heard on talk radio is more entertaining that anything on the cable news programming.
It was Mark Levin.  He got so pissed off when Congressman Pete King (republican) said "I agree with John Boehner about Ted Cruz.  Except if Lucifer is compared to Ted Cruz,  it's unfair to Lucifer".  lol

Omigod did this firebrand Levin tear into King.  Never heard such a beatdown before.  Not even when done by the actual wrastlers.  lol

You're not the only one who listens to talk radio, Bob.

It's very popular amongst morons.

Go to Free Republic or a similar site and knock yourself out drooling all over your fellow imbeciles.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

If the Dude abides,  then the ironies abound.

Now think about this.  If Cruz is "Lucifer in the flesh",  then Boehner is "The Establishment in the flesh".
HOWEVER.  the "establishment" has been on an anti-Trump tear with seemingly the message anybody but Trump.
So how does that reconcile with Boehner then trumping (no pun intended) the anti-Trump forces by comparing Trump's chief opponent to Lucifer and a son of a bitch.  lol

Another observation.  Again I wish I wasn't the only one here who listens to AM talk radio because you have to be a listener to appreciate what I'm going to say.

What I have observed is,  that no matter who it is,  Limbaugh,  Hannity,  Levin, Carl Gallups, or Luke McCoy,  each and every one of them delivers the commercials with all the same zeal and emotion and sincerity they employ when they're delivering their profound right-wing political commentary.

In other words,  what this makes them look like is total phonies.  Evangelists who use the same emotion to pitch a paid advertiser as they do to express their reverence for all things Reagan.  lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Salinsky wrote:
Bob wrote:I wish somebody else listened to talk radio besides me.  Because what I just heard on talk radio is more entertaining that anything on the cable news programming.
It was Mark Levin.  He got so pissed off when Congressman Pete King (republican) said "I agree with John Boehner about Ted Cruz.  Except if Lucifer is compared to Ted Cruz,  it's unfair to Lucifer".  lol

Omigod did this firebrand Levin tear into King.  Never heard such a beatdown before.  Not even when done by the actual wrastlers.  lol

You're not the only one who listens to talk radio, Bob.

It's very popular amongst morons.

Go to Free Republic or a similar site and knock yourself out drooling all over your fellow imbeciles.

I went to the free republic once. That's just amateur political evangelists.
The top AM talk hosts are the pros.
It's like comparing a bunch of weekend golfers to the Masters champions.



Bob wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Bob wrote:I wish somebody else listened to talk radio besides me.  Because what I just heard on talk radio is more entertaining that anything on the cable news programming.
It was Mark Levin.  He got so pissed off when Congressman Pete King (republican) said "I agree with John Boehner about Ted Cruz.  Except if Lucifer is compared to Ted Cruz,  it's unfair to Lucifer".  lol

Omigod did this firebrand Levin tear into King.  Never heard such a beatdown before.  Not even when done by the actual wrastlers.  lol

You're not the only one who listens to talk radio, Bob.

It's very popular amongst morons.

Go to Free Republic or a similar site and knock yourself out drooling all over your fellow imbeciles.

I went to the free republic once.  That's just amateur political evangelists.
The top AM talk hosts are the pros.
It's like comparing a bunch of weekend golfers to the Masters champions.

You can't hang there either?


Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

But as far as "morons" and "imbeciles", sticks and stones and words and all that. lol

By the way, here's another irony. We just saw Sal use the same tactic as Trump would use. Next Sal will be calling me Lyin Bob and Crooked Bob and saying my hands are small. lol

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Salinsky wrote:
Bob wrote:
Salinsky wrote:
Bob wrote:I wish somebody else listened to talk radio besides me.  Because what I just heard on talk radio is more entertaining that anything on the cable news programming.
It was Mark Levin.  He got so pissed off when Congressman Pete King (republican) said "I agree with John Boehner about Ted Cruz.  Except if Lucifer is compared to Ted Cruz,  it's unfair to Lucifer".  lol

Omigod did this firebrand Levin tear into King.  Never heard such a beatdown before.  Not even when done by the actual wrastlers.  lol

You're not the only one who listens to talk radio, Bob.

It's very popular amongst morons.

Go to Free Republic or a similar site and knock yourself out drooling all over your fellow imbeciles.

I went to the free republic once.  That's just amateur political evangelists.
The top AM talk hosts are the pros.
It's like comparing a bunch of weekend golfers to the Masters champions.

You can't hang there either?


I said I "went there". I didn't say "I went there to post".
I went there that one time because Markle's post linked us to it.
Bored the shit out of me. It came across as either a bunch of ex-marines or pretend ex-marines who want perpetual combat and war. And who say democrats and liberals are all "worse than Lucifer". lol


Salinsky wrote:
Bob wrote:I wish somebody else listened to talk radio besides me.  Because what I just heard on talk radio is more entertaining that anything on the cable news programming.
It was Mark Levin.  He got so pissed off when Congressman Pete King (republican) said "I agree with John Boehner about Ted Cruz.  Except if Lucifer is compared to Ted Cruz,  it's unfair to Lucifer".  lol

Omigod did this firebrand Levin tear into King.  Never heard such a beatdown before.  Not even when done by the actual wrastlers.  lol

You're not the only one who listens to talk radio, Bob.

It's very popular amongst morons.

Go to Free Republic or a similar site and knock yourself out drooling all over your fellow imbeciles.

Actually I'm another moron who listens to talk radio, as I've told Bob several times now but he keeps forgetting.   WEBY and all its jerks, yelling Mark Levin, nutty Glen Beck, arrogant Dennis Prager, and a couple of others (almost never Rush; can't stand his voice) are the ones whose schedules coincide with times I'm getting dressed or whatever in the bathroom where the radio resides, so I'll tune in AM stuff for a little while before I have to flee back to NPR.  
I listen to find out how that particular segment of America thinks.   It's pretty awful stuff and some days I have to turn it off faster than others, but lately I of course love it when these guys trash Trump.  
Only trouble is, most of the ones who trash Trump glorify Cruz, and I swear I really don't know which would be the lesser of the two evils, but as expressed elsewhere I'm thinking Trump.   Still a terrifying prospect.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Sorry, Linda, I forgot you listen too. So there's now two of us. lol


Bob wrote:Sorry,  Linda,  I forgot you listen too.  So there's now two of us.  lol

Yep, at least two, and prolly others reluctant to admit it.  

The one statistic I find vaguely comforting, if I can believe it -- and I'm not sure I can because it comes from the mouth of Mike Bates at WEBY -- is that only 15% of Americans listen to talk radio.  

Of course, they undoubtedly don't know about the likes of you and me, now do they, Bob?   Smile


I listen to talk radio every time I am in the car. The difference is that I listen to progressive radio where they actually break down issues, review bills, and talk about policy. I used to listen to Limbaugh in the 90s when I was a die hard Republican and his criticism of President Clinton was mostly correct, but increasingly he became shrill and a mouth piece for special interests. The Chicago area has a number of progressive radio programs which are very informative, and Steph Miller, Thom Hartman, Goldman, Neil, and used to be schultz gave a balancing perspective on issues. I was in Birmingham and I could not even get MSNBC on the cable......I cannot believe the folks in these markets do not even have the choice to listen to issue oriented radio or TV and a monopoly over the entire South will never allow actual thought in those markets. If Bernie wants a revolution, it should start by buying am radio stations throughout the south, and put some alternative programing on which makes people begin to think. The propaganda machine is not by accident, and the special interests feed on a steady diet of dog whistle racism melded with Neocon and special interest is a formula which creates the paradox of an entire region leading the nation in poverty and despair voting against their economic interests. So Bob, some of us choose to use our time not melting brain cells listening to propaganda, and I particularly like Norman Goldman who reviews federal cases, and Thom Hartman who is the smartest man on radio.....a real Mensa member whose show drills down on legislation and issues with a refreshing perspective.


2seaoat wrote:So Bob, some of us choose to use our time not melting brain cells listening to propaganda, and I particularly like Norman Goldman who reviews federal cases, and Thom Hartman who is the smartest man on radio.....a real Mensa member whose show drills down on legislation and issues with a refreshing perspective.

Yes, Bob, never forget that Sea is way above you on the virtue scale, and thus not a moron at all, as are you and I for listening to differing opinions.

Personally I would also like very much to listen to progressive talk radio but, as Sea himself indicates, it doesn't exist in the south.   Guess where we live?

And don't tell me to listen to it on the computer.  My time to listen to talk radio, as previously indicated, is relegated to bathroom/dressing time, where the simple AM-FM receiver resides, or in my car where I also don't enjoy premium radio access.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

RealLindaL wrote: 

The one statistic I find vaguely comforting, if I can believe it -- and I'm not sure I can because it comes from the mouth of Mike Bates at WEBY -- is that only 15% of Americans listen to talk radio.  

And added good news is WEBY has far lower Arbitron ratings than even the average AM talk.


Bob wrote:
RealLindaL wrote: 

The one statistic I find vaguely comforting, if I can believe it -- and I'm not sure I can because it comes from the mouth of Mike Bates at WEBY -- is that only 15% of Americans listen to talk radio.  

And added good news is WEBY has far lower Arbitron ratings than even the average AM talk.

Yeah, and that's despite all the B.S. bragging from Gallups about how his show is listened to all around the world.  He is such a sad piece of work  -- and also a dangerous one, even if it's only among a  handful of local listeners, because he uses his "reverend" title to sell hatred to those who are fools enough to admire him. 

Actually I think he could sell ice cubes to the devil.   Oh wait......

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