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If You Missed It

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1If You Missed It Empty If You Missed It 2/14/2016, 2:42 pm



2If You Missed It Empty Re: If You Missed It 2/14/2016, 4:59 pm



Here's a comment from the site:


The types of people that oppose the legalization of cannabis for adults:

1. The Bible-thumper: Those who have never read Genesis 1:11, 1:29, 9:3, and Ecclesiasticus 38:4 or just ignore them.

2. The Authoritarian: Those that think that people have the right to tell another peaceable person what they can or cannot put on or in their own body under threat of physical and monetary punishment.

3. The Sheep: Those who just do as they are told without question and think the government knows what's best for them. Remember, slavery was legal. The Holocaust was legal. Segregation was legal. Never use the state as a metric of ethics.

4. The Over Protective Parent: Those who don't want it in the hands of children, yet they probably have alcohol and prescription drugs in the fridge or cupboard, not realizing that those can kill their children and cannabis cannot.

5. The Ignorant: Those who think that it can kill you even though it has an ED50:LD50 of between 1:20,000-1:40,000; and those who think it has no medicinal value even though we have things like Marinol and U.S. Patent #6630507. Those that think smoking cannabis is the only way to ingest it and those that think it kills brain cells.

6. The Idiot: Those who aren't intelligent enough to realize that something that can't kill you (cannabis) is unequivocally less dangerous than something that can kill you (alcohol, caffeine, cocaine, crack, heroin, meth, nicotine, prescription drugs). It is a safer alternative to lethal, recreational chemicals.

7. The A**hole: Those who don't want to admit that they have been wrong all these years and/or have punished someone for it.

8. The Pig: Those who enjoy depriving humans of their life, liberty, happiness, loved ones and possessions over non-violent, victim-less acts such as possessing an all-natural and 100% non-lethal plant. Also, anyone who benefits from asset forfeiture. Cops, judges, prosecutors.

9. The Greedy: Those who stand to lose money if it was legalized nationally. Cops, judges, prosecutors, cartels, the private prison system, oil companies, Big Pharma, lumber industries, alcohol companies, tobacco companies, etc.

10. The Hypocrites: Those who think it makes you dumb, yet they will never be as intelligent as Carl Sagan; those who think it makes you lazy, yet will never be as physically adept as Micheal Phelps; and those who think it makes people worthless, yet will never be as talented as their favorite musician. Also, people who drink alcohol and say that drugs are bad, not realizing that alcohol is a drug.

11. The Nosy: Those who want it to stay illegal because they don't like the smell of it. Even though by that logic we should outlaw cooking meat because vegans don't like the smell of burning flesh. They probably think we should outlaw farts and water treatment plants, too.

12. The Straight edge: The arrogant people who think that because they don't want or like something, no one else should be allowed.

13. The Gateway theorists: Those that think it is a gateway drug. If that's true, Willie Nelson has some explaining to do. Also, curiosity is the only gateway drug.

14. The "it causes crime" people: Cannabis doesn't cause crime, prohibition does. Example: Alcohol prohibition and Al Capone.

15. The "what message does it send to the kids?" people: It sends them the message to not ingest lethal recreational chemicals. It sends the message that intelligent people know that cannabis is far less dangerous than any man-made chemical.
BONUS: How to talk to your kids about drugs; 1. Don't do drugs. 2. Don't do drugs. 3. If you are going to use drugs, choose the only one that can't kill you from overdose.

Cannabis doesn't kill people, people kill people; which, ironically, makes it unequivocally less dangerous than the evil, soulless, sub-human sloppy pools of maggot ridden dog excrement who support and enforce it's prohibition; and those that support the enforcers that have failed miserably at their endeavor to eradicate it from our country.

Note: If you don't oppose the legalization of cannabis, none of these apply to you. Also, I didn't write this for your arrogant ass. I copied and pasted it to a notepad after I wrote it a long time ago.


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