2seaoat wrote:Only in unicornville does less money in your pocket equal prosperity... lol.
Only in unicornville does somebody not realize that our GDP is driven by consumer spending, and with Medicare for all each American could average a five thousand dollar savings even though taxes will go up, because the net savings will be the near elimination of premiums.
Increases in minimum wage will make more consumer demand and growth of GDP. Investments in infrastructure will increase private sector jobs and grow the economy. Bernie's words are not new. They are simply true, and have nothing to do with unicornville which is where thousands die and a third of our national debt was run up the flag pole making special interests wealthy and further increasing wealth inequality in America.....nope the Bernie revolution is because people understand the simple truth in Bernie's message.
The long term liability TODAY for all parts of the current Medicare programs exceeds $27 TRILLION and for Social Security nears $15 TRILLION.
Who does that money come from? No, we don't have that many wealthy people. And, as you know, corporations have to take the money from their customers.