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We're overworked, underpaid and without power; thanks capitalism!

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American capitalism's logical direction is feeding all profits to the super rich. Here's what's wrong:



If it's so bad why do people risk their lives for the opportunity to participate... and why don't leftists risk their lives to leave?



PkrBum wrote:If it's so bad why do people risk their lives for the opportunity to participate... and why don't leftists risk their lives to leave?

Are you referring to illegal aliens? They risk because the poorest conditions in America are better than where they're from. But of course, you knew that. It now appears that Bernie is ahead of Hillary. That means millions of leftists are part of the revolution that is aimed at the destruction of the "free" capitalism which has destroyed our middle class. But of course, you knew that too.

Q: Why don't you and the minority of Americans who constitute advocacy of the trickle down bullshit leave? Do you actually like the system in which 1/10th of 1% is earning some 90% of economic growth?



An american family making 33k a year is in the 1% worldwide. Your leftist strategy will lower our standard of living... not improve it. But the good news is that your socialism will solve the illegal immigration issue. Just like it did in east germany.



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:If it's so bad why do people risk their lives for the opportunity to participate... and why don't leftists risk their lives to leave?

Are you referring to illegal aliens?  They risk because the poorest conditions in America are better than where they're from.  But of course, you knew that.  It now appears that Bernie is ahead of Hillary.  That means millions of leftists are part of the revolution that is aimed at the destruction of the "free" capitalism which has destroyed our middle class.  But of course, you knew that too.  

Q:  Why don't you and the minority of Americans who constitute advocacy of the trickle down bullshit leave?  Do you actually like the system in which 1/10th of 1% is earning some 90% of economic growth?

Please show us your link to a reliable source (unlike Alternet or The Nation) for that information.

Also, as you know, the polices you seek have been being instituted by Lame Duck President Obama since the day he took office.  Tell us, how has that worked out?  The Middle Class has almost been eliminated under his watch and the very rich, have become even richer.

At the same time, more people living the poverty level, more on food stamps and any of the other 60 or so government programs to help the under privileged.
We're overworked, underpaid and without power; thanks capitalism! 814d49c6-9879-47ec-b626-b8887d1f087a_zpslebibqhz



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:If it's so bad why do people risk their lives for the opportunity to participate... and why don't leftists risk their lives to leave?

Are you referring to illegal aliens?  They risk because the poorest conditions in America are better than where they're from.  But of course, you knew that.  It now appears that Bernie is ahead of Hillary.  That means millions of leftists are part of the revolution that is aimed at the destruction of the "free" capitalism which has destroyed our middle class.  But of course, you knew that too.  

Q:  Why don't you and the minority of Americans who constitute advocacy of the trickle down bullshit leave?  Do you actually like the system in which 1/10th of 1% is earning some 90% of economic growth?

Please show us your link to a reliable source (unlike Alternet or The Nation) for that information.

Also, as you know, the polices you seek have been being instituted by Lame Duck President Obama since the day he took office.  Tell us, how has that worked out?  The Middle Class has almost been eliminated under his watch and the very rich, have become even richer.

At the same time, more people living the poverty level, more on food stamps and any of the other 60 or so government programs to help the under privileged.
We're overworked, underpaid and without power; thanks capitalism! 814d49c6-9879-47ec-b626-b8887d1f087a_zpslebibqhz

The sources you disapprove of are accurate. And I believe 100% in Bernie who claims the same statistics every day during his campaigning. You choose to believe Breitbart.

Once again, the source of information is meaningless in judging the efficacy of the data. Show me where the top 1% are making less than Alternet or Daily Kos claims!


Yes, I am overworked and underpaid, well these days overworked with no pay.



Wordslinger wrote:American capitalism's logical direction is feeding all profits to the super rich.  Here's what's wrong:

The vast, vast majority of people, as you well know, are paid precisely what they are worth. That's why I opted to be self employed and work on commission most all of my life.

As for being overworked, I've never felt "overworked" although again, the vast majority of my life I have happily worked far more than 40 hours a week and a minimum of three jobs at a time. All related. That resulted in incomes well into six figures for most of my life.

If someone demands a 40 hour week and whines that they can't afford a nice car or house or a wife, that's a personal decision.




Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:If it's so bad why do people risk their lives for the opportunity to participate... and why don't leftists risk their lives to leave?

Are you referring to illegal aliens?  They risk because the poorest conditions in America are better than where they're from.  But of course, you knew that.  It now appears that Bernie is ahead of Hillary.  That means millions of leftists are part of the revolution that is aimed at the destruction of the "free" capitalism which has destroyed our middle class.  But of course, you knew that too.  

Q:  Why don't you and the minority of Americans who constitute advocacy of the trickle down bullshit leave?  Do you actually like the system in which 1/10th of 1% is earning some 90% of economic growth?

Please show us your link to a reliable source (unlike Alternet or The Nation) for that information.

Also, as you know, the polices you seek have been being instituted by Lame Duck President Obama since the day he took office.  Tell us, how has that worked out?  The Middle Class has almost been eliminated under his watch and the very rich, have become even richer.

At the same time, more people living the poverty level, more on food stamps and any of the other 60 or so government programs to help the under privileged.
We're overworked, underpaid and without power; thanks capitalism! 814d49c6-9879-47ec-b626-b8887d1f087a_zpslebibqhz

The sources you disapprove of are accurate.  And I believe 100% in Bernie who claims the same statistics every day during his campaigning.  You choose to believe Breitbart.

Once again, the source of information is meaningless in judging the efficacy of the data.  Show me where the top 1% are making less than Alternet or Daily Kos claims!    

Where do they claim the information originated?  As you know, the devil is in the details.  Step up, or, if you typically have NOTHING, just say so.



ppaca wrote:Yes, I am overworked and underpaid, well these days overworked with no pay.

How were you overworked and underpaid. You made the choice to take that job.

You were/are paid precisely what you work is worth. Just as a brain surgeon, Peyton Manning or your local history teacher is paid exactly what their work is worth in the market place.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:American capitalism's logical direction is feeding all profits to the super rich.  Here's what's wrong:

The vast, vast majority of people, as you well know, are paid precisely what they are worth.  That's why I opted to be self employed and work on commission most all of my life.

As for being overworked, I've never felt "overworked" although again, the vast majority of my life I have happily worked far more than 40 hours a week and a minimum of three jobs at a time.  All related.  That resulted in incomes well into six figures for most of my life.

If someone demands a 40 hour week and whines that they can't afford a nice car or house or a wife, that's a personal decision.

Yeah, sure. Maybe we can all get jobs selling real estate for big bucks. But what if you're a retired soldier and the only jobs you can find pay $10 to $12 an hour. And you have three kids, and your wife works at Subway, and it's more than hard to keep up with the mortgage and fuel bills ... too bad shithead. You should just be like Markle ...



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:American capitalism's logical direction is feeding all profits to the super rich.  Here's what's wrong:

The vast, vast majority of people, as you well know, are paid precisely what they are worth.  That's why I opted to be self employed and work on commission most all of my life.

As for being overworked, I've never felt "overworked" although again, the vast majority of my life I have happily worked far more than 40 hours a week and a minimum of three jobs at a time.  All related.  That resulted in incomes well into six figures for most of my life.

If someone demands a 40 hour week and whines that they can't afford a nice car or house or a wife, that's a personal decision.

Yeah, sure.  Maybe we can all get jobs selling real estate for big bucks.  But what if you're a retired soldier and the only jobs you can find pay $10 to $12 an hour.  And you have three kids, and your wife works at Subway, and it's more than hard to keep up with the mortgage and fuel bills ... too bad shithead.   You should just be like Markle ...  

The vast majority of people who go into real estate, are failures, they do not make big bucks.

Sounds like personal responsibility doesn't it? If he's a veteran, he can get an education or learn a high paying trade. His wife could have been doing the same, nights and evenings.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:American capitalism's logical direction is feeding all profits to the super rich.  Here's what's wrong:

The vast, vast majority of people, as you well know, are paid precisely what they are worth.  That's why I opted to be self employed and work on commission most all of my life.

As for being overworked, I've never felt "overworked" although again, the vast majority of my life I have happily worked far more than 40 hours a week and a minimum of three jobs at a time.  All related.  That resulted in incomes well into six figures for most of my life.

If someone demands a 40 hour week and whines that they can't afford a nice car or house or a wife, that's a personal decision.

Yeah, sure.  Maybe we can all get jobs selling real estate for big bucks.  But what if you're a retired soldier and the only jobs you can find pay $10 to $12 an hour.  And you have three kids, and your wife works at Subway, and it's more than hard to keep up with the mortgage and fuel bills ... too bad shithead.   You should just be like Markle ...  

The vast majority of people who go into real estate, are failures, they do not make big bucks.

Sounds like personal responsibility doesn't it?  If he's a veteran, he can get an education or learn a high paying trade.  His wife could have been doing the same, nights and evenings.

Fact: Even having completed a college education, thousands of graduates find themselves struggling to raise a family with two underpaid jobs. The economy is rigged against the average American, and America knows it.

Down with Amerika Inc.! Corporate control of our government through corrupt campaign financing. Go Bernie, Go!!



That family you describe is in the top few percentage standard of living globally. Where's the social justice in that comrade?



PkrBum wrote:That family you describe is in the top few percentage standard of living globally. Where's the social justice in that comrade?

It doesn't matter what you earn if your COST OF LIVING eats it up, DUMBASS.



Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:That family you describe is in the top few percentage standard of living globally. Where's the social justice in that comrade?

It doesn't matter what you earn if your COST OF LIVING eats it up, DUMBASS.

Lol... shall we call that "standard of living"? Or is there another invented leftist term that allows you to ignore facts?


Markle wrote:
ppaca wrote:Yes, I am overworked and underpaid, well these days overworked with no pay.

How were you overworked and underpaid.  You made the choice to take that job.

You were/are paid precisely what you work is worth.  Just as a brain surgeon, Peyton Manning or your local history teacher is paid exactly what their work is worth in the market place.

You know that was meant to be satire.



PkrBum wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:That family you describe is in the top few percentage standard of living globally. Where's the social justice in that comrade?

It doesn't matter what you earn if your COST OF LIVING eats it up, DUMBASS.

Lol... shall we call that "standard of living"? Or is there another invented leftist term that allows you to ignore facts?

BASIC BUSINESS TERMINOLOGY...again, where did you get your business degree?

Cost of Living

DEFINITION of 'Cost of Living'
The amount of money needed to sustain a certain level of living, including basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare. Cost of living is often used when comparing how expensive it is to live in one city versus another.

Cost of living can be a significant factor in personal wealth accumulation because a smaller salary can go further in a city where it doesn't cost a lot to get by, while a large salary can seem insufficient in an expensive city. According to Mercer's 2009 Cost of Living Survey, cities with a high cost of living as of 2009 included Tokyo, Osaka, Moscow, Geneva, Hong Kong, Zürich, Copenhagen and New York City. Other American cities with a high cost of living as of 2009 included Honolulu, Los Angeles, Washington, DC, and San Francisco.

Read more: Cost of Living Definition | Investopedia
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Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:American capitalism's logical direction is feeding all profits to the super rich.  Here's what's wrong:

The vast, vast majority of people, as you well know, are paid precisely what they are worth.  That's why I opted to be self employed and work on commission most all of my life.

As for being overworked, I've never felt "overworked" although again, the vast majority of my life I have happily worked far more than 40 hours a week and a minimum of three jobs at a time.  All related.  That resulted in incomes well into six figures for most of my life.

If someone demands a 40 hour week and whines that they can't afford a nice car or house or a wife, that's a personal decision.

Yeah, sure.  Maybe we can all get jobs selling real estate for big bucks.  But what if you're a retired soldier and the only jobs you can find pay $10 to $12 an hour.  And you have three kids, and your wife works at Subway, and it's more than hard to keep up with the mortgage and fuel bills ... too bad shithead.   You should just be like Markle ...  

The vast majority of people who go into real estate, are failures, they do not make big bucks.

Sounds like personal responsibility doesn't it?  If he's a veteran, he can get an education or learn a high paying trade.  His wife could have been doing the same, nights and evenings.

Fact:  Even having completed a college education, thousands of graduates find themselves struggling to raise a family with two underpaid jobs.  The economy is rigged against the average American, and America knows it.  

Down with Amerika Inc.!  Corporate control of our government through corrupt campaign financing.   Go Bernie, Go!!

Thank you! Quite true in all respects. And the result of Lame Duck President Obama having been in office the past seven years.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:American capitalism's logical direction is feeding all profits to the super rich.  Here's what's wrong:

The vast, vast majority of people, as you well know, are paid precisely what they are worth.  That's why I opted to be self employed and work on commission most all of my life.

As for being overworked, I've never felt "overworked" although again, the vast majority of my life I have happily worked far more than 40 hours a week and a minimum of three jobs at a time.  All related.  That resulted in incomes well into six figures for most of my life.

If someone demands a 40 hour week and whines that they can't afford a nice car or house or a wife, that's a personal decision.

Yeah, sure.  Maybe we can all get jobs selling real estate for big bucks.  But what if you're a retired soldier and the only jobs you can find pay $10 to $12 an hour.  And you have three kids, and your wife works at Subway, and it's more than hard to keep up with the mortgage and fuel bills ... too bad shithead.   You should just be like Markle ...  

The vast majority of people who go into real estate, are failures, they do not make big bucks.

Sounds like personal responsibility doesn't it?  If he's a veteran, he can get an education or learn a high paying trade.  His wife could have been doing the same, nights and evenings.

Fact:  Even having completed a college education, thousands of graduates find themselves struggling to raise a family with two underpaid jobs.  The economy is rigged against the average American, and America knows it.  

Down with Amerika Inc.!  Corporate control of our government through corrupt campaign financing.   Go Bernie, Go!!

Thank you!  Quite true in all respects.  And the result of Lame Duck President Obama having been in office the past seven years.

Really? And you think the republicans offer a solution? Trump says wages are too high! And he wants to cut taxes for the rich and powerful.

Go Bernie, Go!!



Why does the govt need more money? I'm sure you love the command economy... but that's not going to grow the economy measurably or create private jobs. In fact... bernie pulling more taxes and saddling us with more obligations will only slow down growth. Only in unicornville does less money in your pocket equal prosperity... lol.



PkrBum wrote:Why does the govt need more money? I'm sure you love the command economy... but that's not going to grow the economy measurably or create private jobs. In fact... bernie pulling more taxes and saddling us with more obligations will only slow down growth. Only in unicornville does less money in your pocket equal prosperity... lol.

The conservative answers are: Lower the minimum wage. Get rid of Obamacare. Eliminate taxes on the ultra rich and big corporations. End legalized abortion. Increase military spending. Push fracking and the Keystone pipeline. Get rid of environmental regulations. Put prayer back in schools. Eliminate over the counter female contraceptive devices. Etc. Etc.

You have to be kidding!



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Why does the govt need more money? I'm sure you love the command economy... but that's not going to grow the economy measurably or create private jobs. In fact... bernie pulling more taxes and saddling us with more obligations will only slow down growth. Only in unicornville does less money in your pocket equal prosperity... lol.

The conservative answers are:  Lower the minimum wage.  Get rid of Obamacare.  Eliminate taxes on the ultra rich and big corporations.  End legalized abortion.  Increase military spending.  Push fracking and the Keystone pipeline.  Get rid of environmental regulations.  Put prayer back in schools.  Eliminate over the counter female contraceptive devices. Etc. Etc.

You have to be kidding!

Now you're just talking gibberish!


Only in unicornville does less money in your pocket equal prosperity... lol.

Only in unicornville does somebody not realize that our GDP is driven by consumer spending, and with Medicare for all each American could average a five thousand dollar savings even though taxes will go up, because the net savings will be the near elimination of premiums.

Increases in minimum wage will make more consumer demand and growth of GDP. Investments in infrastructure will increase private sector jobs and grow the economy. Bernie's words are not new. They are simply true, and have nothing to do with unicornville which is where thousands die and a third of our national debt was run up the flag pole making special interests wealthy and further increasing wealth inequality in America.....nope the Bernie revolution is because people understand the simple truth in Bernie's message.

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