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Syria. Whose side are we really on?

5 posters

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It seems like Russia is going to really hurt ISIS and we don't want him to . . .

Last edited by Wordslinger on 11/27/2015, 8:25 am; edited 1 time in total



"Whose" ... not "Who's"



Wordslinger wrote:It seems like Russia is going to really hurt ISIS and we don't want him to . . .

Yes indeed, semi-retired President Obama has certainly gotten us into pickle.

Being incapable of making a decision, procrastination is a decision by itself.  Not a good decision but a decision.  You consciously make a decision to allow someone else, someone not necessarily acting your best interest to make the decision.

Here we have, by consensus, a weak, impotent President.  He was warned, by all his advisers that leaving a vacuum in Iraq would lead to disaster with the vacuum being filled by ISIS.  Which is what happened.  Now ISIS has a Caliphate in the Middle East.  President Obama drew a red line in the sand threatening Assad, and then backing down when Assad blatantly crossed President Obama's now pink line.  President Obama said that Assad MUST Russia is using their military strength keep Assad in power and will negotiate with ISIS.

We are on the brink of WW-III.  At this point it is certainly no probable but is in the realm of possibility.  

Then President Obama goes on TV after ISIS takes down a Russian jet airliner and actually tells us that ISIS is CONTAINED and being defeated.  Less than 24 hours later ISIS launches a major, coordinated attack on Paris.

President Obama THEN goes on TV AGAIN, to tell us that we're just safe as can be, snug as bugs in a rug!  

At the same time, we are put on a WORLDWIDE TRAVEL ALERT.

DOES ANYONE think we or the world are safe?

2seaoat concerns himself with...himself.  However many others are killed by terrorists...that's their problem, shouldn't have been in that location.

One word describes this situation:  SNAFU



Markle wrote:One word describes this situation:  SNAFU

The SNAFU began on March 20, 2003. There were alternatives to invading Iraq. Saddam Hussein was NEVER a threat to the United States. He had nothing to do with the attacks of September 11, 2001, where President Bush was caught sleeping. Bush quadrupled that mistake by invading the wrong country. How many Iraqis were involved in 9/11? NONE. Al Qaeda didn't get into Iraq until AFTER Dumbya's poorly-conceived invasion. George W. Bush lit the fuse for it all!



Markle wrote:One word describes this situation:  SNAFU

The SNAFU began on March 20, 2003. There were alternatives to invading Iraq. Saddam Hussein was NEVER a threat to the United States. He had nothing to do with the attacks of September 11, 2001, where President Bush was caught sleeping. Bush quadrupled that mistake by invading the wrong country. How many Iraqis were involved in 9/11? NONE. Al Qaeda didn't get into Iraq until AFTER Dumbya's poorly-conceived invasion. George W. Bush lit the fuse for it all!

Syria.  Whose side are we really on? Nothing%20plus%20nothing_zpsp5o32y9v



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:It seems like Russia is going to really hurt ISIS and we don't want him to . . .

Yes indeed, semi-retired President Obama has certainly gotten us into pickle.

Being incapable of making a decision, procrastination is a decision by itself.  Not a good decision but a decision.  You consciously make a decision to allow someone else, someone not necessarily acting your best interest to make the decision.

Here we have, by consensus, a weak, impotent President.  He was warned, by all his advisers that leaving a vacuum in Iraq would lead to disaster with the vacuum being filled by ISIS.  Which is what happened.  Now ISIS has a Caliphate in the Middle East.  President Obama drew a red line in the sand threatening Assad, and then backing down when Assad blatantly crossed President Obama's now pink line.  President Obama said that Assad MUST Russia is using their military strength keep Assad in power and will negotiate with ISIS.

We are on the brink of WW-III.  At this point it is certainly no probable but is in the realm of possibility.  

Then President Obama goes on TV after ISIS takes down a Russian jet airliner and actually tells us that ISIS is CONTAINED and being defeated.  Less than 24 hours later ISIS launches a major, coordinated attack on Paris.

President Obama THEN goes on TV AGAIN, to tell us that we're just safe as can be, snug as bugs in a rug!  

At the same time, we are put on a WORLDWIDE TRAVEL ALERT.

DOES ANYONE think we or the world are safe?

2seaoat concerns himself with...himself.  However many others are killed by terrorists...that's their problem, shouldn't have been in that location.

One word describes this situation:  SNAFU

Syria.  Whose side are we really on? Nothing%20plus%20nothing_zpsp5o32y9v[/quote]



Syria.  Whose side are we really on? E2454354-4d44-4ac6-9b35-84e4be224b5b



EmeraldGhost wrote:"Whose" ... not "Who's"  

My bad ... thanks.



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:It seems like Russia is going to really hurt ISIS and we don't want him to . . .

Yes indeed, semi-retired President Obama has certainly gotten us into pickle.

Being incapable of making a decision, procrastination is a decision by itself.  Not a good decision but a decision.  You consciously make a decision to allow someone else, someone not necessarily acting your best interest to make the decision.

Here we have, by consensus, a weak, impotent President.  He was warned, by all his advisers that leaving a vacuum in Iraq would lead to disaster with the vacuum being filled by ISIS.  Which is what happened.  Now ISIS has a Caliphate in the Middle East.  President Obama drew a red line in the sand threatening Assad, and then backing down when Assad blatantly crossed President Obama's now pink line.  President Obama said that Assad MUST Russia is using their military strength keep Assad in power and will negotiate with ISIS.

We are on the brink of WW-III.  At this point it is certainly no probable but is in the realm of possibility.  

Then President Obama goes on TV after ISIS takes down a Russian jet airliner and actually tells us that ISIS is CONTAINED and being defeated.  Less than 24 hours later ISIS launches a major, coordinated attack on Paris.

President Obama THEN goes on TV AGAIN, to tell us that we're just safe as can be, snug as bugs in a rug!  

At the same time, we are put on a WORLDWIDE TRAVEL ALERT.

DOES ANYONE think we or the world are safe?

2seaoat concerns himself with...himself.  However many others are killed by terrorists...that's their problem, shouldn't have been in that location.

One word describes this situation:  SNAFU

The issue of this thread isn't about who is to blame the most for the dreadful situation with which we are now confronted, but questions our current, apparently whacko strategy regarding Syria.  With Obamasucks gone, Markle is now tasked with leading the charge of the anti-Obama crowd in this forum -- which fully explains why he attempts to use every new comment as an opportunity to virulently attack Obama.  Ask yourself, did Markle's response enlighten anyone regarding our current strategy and tactics in Syria?  

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

wordslinger and markle,

"The Long Road to Hell - America in Iraq".  1PM central.

I pity the fool who doesn't watch this?  If I had to choose only one thing I could have happen for the rest of my life,  it would be to get an opportunity to watch this television program (that is if I hadn't already watched it a few days ago).  It is by far,  and with no close second,  THE greatest piece of human intellectual property ever conceived. 
Or to put it in the language of Donald Trump,  it's hUUUUUUUUge.



Bob wrote:wordslinger and markle,

"The Long Road to Hell - America in Iraq".  1PM central.

I pity the fool who doesn't watch this?  If I had to choose only one thing I could have happen for the rest of my life,  it would be to get an opportunity to watch this television program (that is if I hadn't already watched it a few days ago).  It is by far,  and with no close second,  THE greatest piece of human intellectual property ever conceived. 
Or to put it in the language of Donald Trump,  it's hUUUUUUUUge.

As I showed you on another of your threads, you'd be a fool if you did watch this hit piece by a Bush hater and proven plagiarist. Suspended several times by one of the lowest rated cable news networks.



Markle wrote:
Bob wrote:wordslinger and markle,

"The Long Road to Hell - America in Iraq".  1PM central.

I pity the fool who doesn't watch this?  If I had to choose only one thing I could have happen for the rest of my life,  it would be to get an opportunity to watch this television program (that is if I hadn't already watched it a few days ago).  It is by far,  and with no close second,  THE greatest piece of human intellectual property ever conceived. 
Or to put it in the language of Donald Trump,  it's hUUUUUUUUge.

As I showed you on another of your threads, you'd be a fool if you did watch this hit piece by a Bush hater and proven plagiarist.  Suspended  several times by one of the lowest rated cable news networks.

The fact that semi-demented poster Markle dislikes the CNN piece should serve as proof that it is actually truthful and enlightening! Razz

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