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The truth about terror and terrorist attacks against America

5 posters

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350 Americans have died all over the globe at the hand of various terrorist since 2001, and about 400 who died in America. 750 in approximately 15 years, or fifty Americans a year die from a terrorist all over the world. About one American dies every week from some type of terrorist attack over the last 15 years.

During that same period over 400k Americans died from gun violence in America about 500 times the frequency......yet we spent 5 trillion dollars to fight terrorism......does anybody see how profitable it is to sell irrational fear to scared people. Is it by accident that terrorist use these techniques? Israel does not have scardy cats when they deal with terrorism and they are swift and certain. Why have we become so scared. Is it because the babyboom generation has become old and frail, or are the propaganda techniques more sophisticated?



Aw cool, sling around a bunch of BS and see what sticks.....Guns...bad   terrorists....not so it.


Nope, I have some hunters staying on my property tonight. Guns are value neutral. The stat that people die from guns is value neutral. The stat that Americans die from terrorist is value neutral. My comparison of the two makes no value statement. I like my guns. I do not like terrorists. I simply am always concerned about gun safety which my father taught me since I was five and I cherish the last time I hunted with him at 10 before he died. No, one American a week has caused this nation to cower to terrorists. The terrorist want to terrify weak nations. They want them to squander their resources and send their children into places where terrorism is easy. A dumb dog could avoid the ambush, but fearful people......oh they yell......all in when manipulated by propaganda. Courageous Americans have to stand tall. This is not time to be weak and small.



I am not afraid of terrorists I just don't want them in Milton...


My neighbors in Milton are not scardy cats. Move to Arizona and live in a gated community. America's fears are visible and irrational. One American a week all over the world dies from cowardly terrorists. There will be more if we react and invade and kill more is time for brave Americans to take a stand. Cowards cannot win the day.....a group booooooooooo will have them scurry under the blankets with the warm glow of a night light.



2seaoat wrote:My neighbors in Milton are not scardy cats.  Move to  Arizona and live in a gated community.  America's fears are visible and irrational.  One American a week all over the world dies from cowardly terrorists.  There will be more  if we react and invade and kill more is time for brave Americans to take a stand.  Cowards cannot win the day.....a group booooooooooo will have them scurry under the blankets with the warm glow of a night light.

Ever been in a shootin war? throw coward around like you know what it is....having a tactical advantage and intel is not being a coward...


Ever been in a shootin war? throw coward around like you know what it is....having a tactical advantage and intel is not being a coward...

So you think courage is defined by military engagement. No courage is defined as: the ability to do something that frightens one.

strength in the face of pain or grief.

Courage (also called bravery and bravado) is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.

If you think courage is defined by war, I hope you never have to visit the 21st floor of Northwestern hospital, or see sick children, or see folks overcoming fears just to make the nut for the month to keep their family in a home. No T, you have preverse sense of Macho which is a poker tell. If you have been abused by Muslims, blacks and Jews, and have a lifetime of the same your fears may be rational, but really.....military service has nothing to do with the lack of courage and fear when dealing with diversity.



2seaoat wrote:Ever been in a shootin war? throw coward around like you know what it is....having a tactical advantage and intel is not being a coward...

So you think courage is defined by military engagement.  No courage is defined as:   the ability to do something that frightens one.

strength in the face of pain or grief.

Courage (also called bravery and bravado) is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation.

If you think courage is defined by war, I hope you never have to visit the 21st floor of Northwestern hospital, or see sick children, or see folks overcoming fears just to make the nut for the month to keep their family in a home.  No T, you have preverse sense of Macho which is a poker tell.  If you have been abused by Muslims, blacks and Jews, and have a lifetime of the same your fears may be rational, but really.....military service has nothing to do with the lack of courage and fear when dealing with diversity.

I think people who do their duty when an enemies trying to kill them in a war have a pretty good measure of whether they have courage....

your liberal sappy reductionism of definitions are so typical...and wrong.


No, doing one's duty is not an exclusive domain of somebody who has volunteered for the military. In the end you tell us you regret what you did in the service, yet on the other hand you relish the idea that what you were doing somehow bestowed courage upon you. If it did, it has long since abandoned you leaving irrational fear of things which will not hurt you. I guess you are just playing tonight because your Sybil reenactment of your experience in Viet Nam is interesting, but not relevant to the fears you have displayed this evening, nor the movement by other fearful people to propagate the very war you say you despise. We all have choices......go with the herd as they stamped in fear of the irrational, or take a stand for what is right.....that choice has nothing to do with your service......but it should because you have been an elegant defender of the futility of war.



I actually do have a vantage point on  my line  of reasoning about allowing these "refugees" into America. I have seen and experienced having people ether not committed to your war or ready and willing to aid the enemy against you. 1972: We were on a support mission for marines at forward fire bases on the DMZ. Days before the flood of attacks from the North, South Vietnamese troops ran away and left the marines alone to defend those positions. We got to know those marines as we helped them every way we could. They repelled wave after wave of savage attacks with the help of our cannons. We actually put together a last hope rescue party of sailors pulling out old Thompson submachine guns, M1 rifles 1911s and whatever else we could find that would shoot. We waited for a lull in the attacks to hit the beach...the lull never came...we fired thousands of rds of 5" shells then reloaded quickly from an ammo ship and went back to the gunline only to have our marine spotter begin calling our fire closer and closer to their position...we fired 10 rounds and I could hear those rounds we just fired explode over the marines radio...he continued marching in  fire until our rounds blew the marines and their attackers to bits. That was courage by our marines....that was vile duplicity by the very people we were there to I don't want any duplicitous Muslims with a mission from Allah over here..none. Keep them over there in that hell hole Mohammad and his tortured twisted teachings left them in.


Muslims are not the enemy. Making them the enemy is exactly what the terrorist and their backers want.



2seaoat wrote:Muslims are not the enemy.  Making them the enemy is exactly what the terrorist and their backers want.

Go figure.

The truth about terror and terrorist attacks against America List%20of%20Muslim%20attacks_zpsar1cszsm



by 2seaoat Yesterday at 4:39
350 Americans have died all over the globe at the hand of various terrorist since 2001, and about 400 who died in America. 750 in approximately 15 years, or fifty Americans a year die from a terrorist all over the world. About one American dies every week from some type of terrorist attack over the last 15 years.

During that same period over 400k Americans died from gun violence in America about 500 times the frequency......yet we spent 5 trillion dollars to fight terrorism......does anybody see how profitable it is to sell irrational fear to scared people. Is it by accident that terrorist use these techniques? Israel does not have scardy cats when they deal with terrorism and they are swift and certain. Why have we become so scared. Is it because the babyboom generation has become old and frail, or are the propaganda techniques more sophisticated?
You left out the 4500+ who died in Iraq and the near 3000 in Astan. That skews your data old man. They all died fighting terrorists. Of course, you don't understand those costs because you haven't been in military yourself or even know Someobe who died. You're happy there are less men around to steal your women folk.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Shit only a handful were killed at Pearl Harbor.  Why in hell would that goddamn scaredy cat Roosevelt start a war over it.  What a cowardly scaredy cat he must have been.



Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Muslims are not the enemy.  Making them the enemy is exactly what the terrorist and their backers want.

Go figure.

The truth about terror and terrorist attacks against America List%20of%20Muslim%20attacks_zpsar1cszsm

Take heed folks, Semi-sane "I know NOSSING! Markle knows that ALL Muslims are your deadly enemy. And Up is Down, and Dry is Wet ... etc. etc. etc. etc.


Pearl Harbor was a nation state attacking America with Military assets. We responded by declaring war on a defined nation state with a defined territory and military assets. To compare Pearl Harbor to one American dying a week over fifteen years is absurd. Terrorism where not state sponsored, is an idea that America is killing innocents and lone wolfs, multinational cells, and well defined cells located in former nation states have a goal to hurt America.

Now are these terrorists simply spontaneous......sometimes, but a large part of the Al Queda and ISIS organization was founded and funded by Saudi Arabia. In addition the nation state of Israel supported the same in the Syrian civil war to advance their goal of destroying the Syrian nation State. So where is the nation to declare war against in Bob's Pearl Harbor comparison. There is non. Where are the military assets? Well most of them are ours scattered over the middle we are fighting an idea.

Sadly Pace thinks our wrongful invasion of Iraq should be counted as deaths caused by terrorism. Those deaths were the result of a wrongful invasion of a nation state which had nothing to do with terrorism. The invasion of Afghanastan to chase real terrorist was turned into an occupation of a nation which caused its citizen to resist to our presence. No Pearl Harbor and one American dying a week from terrorist are not comparable.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I was just kidding,  seaoat.  I'm not ascared of the "common criminals".  I was at Gallery Night last night and realized this is the last place there will ever be any terrorism because no raghead terrorists ever heard of Pensacola.  That's why I like living here.
BUT,  if I was living in Manhattan I'd be a 24/7 scaredy cat.


I would agree that Urban areas are easier for terrorist acts. However, to live our lives in fear is to fall prey to the terrorists. F our lives free with modern values, and let them choke in their evil, and if we can assist in choking them great......but not with massive military actions, rather with good police work as is the case with any common criminals, and with comprehensive intelligence.



Illinois, dc, sf, and ny should take them all. And why stop at 10k?


Illinois is full of immigrants. Vibrant immigrant communities who greatly contribute to our country. I am surprised that Michigan let a Texan in.....but then again.......they have compassion for refugees.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Again,  if Obama wants to be a poster boy for anti-xenophobia,  what better way to convince the country than to take one of these Syrian families into the White House.
Do you reckon he's too scaredy cat?



2seaoat wrote:Illinois is full of immigrants. Vibrant immigrant communities who greatly contribute to our country. I am surprised that Michigan let a Texan in.....but then again.......they have compassion for refugees.

I'm no refugee. I'll always be a Texan and still own property there... as I do the pensacola area. There might be a few hundred people that live within five miles of me up here. I'm enjoying a different pace and place... but may not stay here forever. Hell... I probably won't be here all winter... lol.


I love the islands....I do not love being snowbound for three months.......going back south this winter.



Bob wrote:Again,  if Obama wants to be a poster boy for anti-xenophobia,  what better way to convince the country than to take one of these Syrian families into the White House.

Do you reckon he's too scaredy cat?

Secret service would be a scaredy cat.

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