Pensacola Discussion Forum
Bob wrote:Can you give us the Cliff Notes on it, teo.
To be honest, if I was gonna spend an hour and fifteen minutes on youtube, I would do it by watching ALL of the Muddy Waters performances when he was in Germany.
As it is, by last count I've already spent about 8000 hours of my life over the past ten years on youtube watching truther videos. Surely that's enough for any one human being. Have some mercy on me.
Last edited by TEOTWAWKI on 9/16/2015, 11:28 am; edited 1 time in total
Salinsky wrote:I hate to tell you this Bob, but it's probably the bird seeds that you're using to grow "grass" that's attracting the nasty varmints.
Last edited by Bob on 9/16/2015, 11:47 am; edited 3 times in total
Bob wrote:Salinsky wrote:I hate to tell you this Bob, but it's probably the bird seeds that you're using to grow "grass" that's attracting the nasty varmints.
Sadly I've arrived at the same conclusion, Sal. So the birdseed might have to go.
But even without the birdseed, I'm faced with a much more serious moral dilemma.
You see, it's not muslims or isis that I see as my real enemy. Or even Dick Cheney and the illuminatti. It's those god forsaken little miniature vampires that land on my skin and drink my blood.
So I'm willing to take just about any military action to waste those commie fuckers. Including a controlled demolition if that were feasible.
The dilemma arises because of the collateral damage. I don't wanna waste the birds and squirrels along with it because I consider them to be my friends and allies. And like in Vietnam when they used Agent Orange on the enemy, I don't want that insect poison to fuck me up either.
Now I know what the commander-in-chief must feel like. It's a real dilemma.
Anyway, I really do need to go out there now and water the plants. If I don't and they die on me, part of my soul will die along with them.
I little Israeli in your face joke.....
Last edited by Bob on 9/16/2015, 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total
Bob wrote:TEOTWAWKI wrote:
I little Israeli in your face joke.....
I like that one, teo. It pretty much sums up the whole screwball thing. lol
But the skeeters aren't something to laugh about. Not when they're sticking their snouts into your body and sucking out your blood. They make isis look like cub scouts. I'd actually prefer it if the skeeters would behead me and put me out of my misery.
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