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Poll reveals most of GOP believes Obama a Muslim

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It just shows you how stupid most frightwingers are. And you have been carping about Obama and his alleged Muslim roots for the last 7 years... You would represent the guy wearing the beanie in this cartoon:

Poll reveals most of GOP believes Obama a Muslim Political-cartoon5





Vikingwoman wrote:LOL!

Stupid is as stupid does . . . . . .



Obamasucks wrote:

So what else is new? Most republicans are batshit crazy, for real. Frankly, why should we give a shit whether he's Christian or Muslim,or Jewish, or Catholic or .... it's all the same to me.



Mr. Obamasucks carping now about Obama being a Muslim is a day late and a dollar short... Obama cruised through 2 elections and ran away with over 300 electoral votes in 2012. He's not going anywhere until January of 2017, so he will be a bee in Mr. Sucks bonnet for 15 more months.

Rather than complain incessantly about our current president, Mr. Sucks should worry about how the GOP will secure the Whitehouse in 2016. That is not a given, looking at the array of clowns vying amongst themselves to be the GOP nominee.



What boy scout troop was he in here? I don't recognize the uniform...

Poll reveals most of GOP believes Obama a Muslim ?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Here's the problem I have with claims that Obama is a muslim.

Fact 1: Muslims hate queers

Fact 2: Obama has no problem with queers or elst he wouldn't support queer marriage.


Troop 420



Bob wrote:Here's the problem I have with claims that Obama is a muslim.

Fact 1: Muslims hate queers

Fact 2: Obama has no problem with queers or elst he wouldn't support queer marriage.

He didn't... until it was politically expedient.

Not that I'm saying he practices islam... tho he may favor muslims like most leftists today. Strange bunch.



Oh yeah there he is.......

Poll reveals most of GOP believes Obama a Muslim 14297410

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We meet most Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm at the St. John School cafeteria
42 Monroe St., Westminster, MD 21157



Poll reveals most of GOP believes Obama a Muslim Screen17



I don't know why Peedog even makes threads like this. All it does is lead to massive derision directed at him. He can't be so stupid that he actually believes that President Obama is a practicing Muslim, or a Muslim conspirator trying to destroy the United States. That kind of rhetoric was not designed to appeal to thinking people.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Salinsky wrote:Poll reveals most of GOP believes Obama a Muslim Screen17

I think that should settle this one. He aint no muslim.
Now whether or not he's what he himself claims to be, a "christian", that's a different question.
Lots and lots of people who've claimed to be christian are about as close to jesus as a wooden cross and some nails. I'm just saying.
So let's don't pretend he's a christian either. Only Billy Graham himself knew if he was the real deal and only Obama knows too.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

And Billy Graham and Obama aren't the only ones that applies to. There are some who post on this forum who I have serious doubts about. lol



Bob wrote:And Billy Graham and Obama aren't the only ones that applies to.  There are some who post on this forum who I have serious doubts about.  lol

If they display intense hatred toward any of their fellow man; if they are warlike and intolerant of certain peoples, beliefs, and classes of humanity--you can bet your doubts are affirmed.



by Bob Today at 3:38 pm
Here's the problem I have with claims that Obama is a muslim.

Fact 1: Muslims hate queers

Fact 2: Obama has no problem with queers or elst he wouldn't support queer marriage.

Bob Muslims have a practice of deception which allows them to lie to an infidel like you or I to get what they want.



Here ya go indifels


Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Obamasucks wrote:by Bob Today at 3:38 pm
Here's the problem I have with claims that Obama is a muslim.

Fact 1: Muslims hate queers

Fact 2: Obama has no problem with queers or elst he wouldn't support queer marriage.

Bob Muslims have a practice of deception which allows them to lie to an infidel like you or I to get what they want.

I understand what you're trying to make of this, obamasucks.
But if obama REALLY was a muslim, "what they want" as you aptly put it is not helping queers. You don't help queers and still be a muslim. The religion itself hates queers and so does it's god. So obama couldn't be helping queers be queers and still be a true believer muslim. It don't work that way.



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:I don't know why Peedog even makes threads like this. All it does is lead to massive derision directed at him. He can't be so stupid that he actually believes that President Obama is a practicing Muslim, or a Muslim conspirator trying to destroy the United States. That kind of rhetoric was not designed to appeal to thinking people.

I'll tell you why War Hero keeps it going -- he suffers from PTSD and a severe inferiority challenge. He isn't trying to convince anyone to join his political or religious point of view. He bathes in the angry reactions he gets, it's his candy -- he could care less about republicans or democrats or who wins the White House -- it's all the same to him. What he sucks up like a hungry leech is when we acknowledge his presence by burying his logic or comments. Reality!



Bob wrote:Here's the problem I have with claims that Obama is a muslim.

Fact 1:  Muslims hate queers

Fact 2:  Obama has no problem with queers or elst he wouldn't support queer marriage.

Before semi-retired President Obama was for gay marriage, he was strongly opposed to gay marriage. More proof that he is a man without character.



Markle wrote:
Bob wrote:Here's the problem I have with claims that Obama is a muslim.

Fact 1:  Muslims hate queers

Fact 2:  Obama has no problem with queers or elst he wouldn't support queer marriage.

Before semi-retired President Obama was for gay marriage, he was strongly opposed to gay marriage.  More proof that he is a man without character.

And you think Trump does? LOL



Poll reveals most of GOP believes Obama a Muslim Fc6082f4e6



Dear Semi-sane "I know NOSSING! Markle, listening to you disparage Obama's character, is like handling rattlesnakes and believing Jesus is going to save your sorry ass. Can you spell Stupid?



What matters is what Obama learned and experienced at Columbia. My classmates hated America. They spoke with glee about one day ”taking the system down.” They blamed America for “unfairness, racism, inequality, and lack of social justice.”

Recognize those words?

My classmates proudly called themselves socialists, communists, and Marxists. Even though almost all of them came from wealthy families (or perhaps because of it), they hated the rich and despised business owners. They talked about how the “white power structure” had to be dismantled, business owners bankrupted, and capitalism destroyed. Everything in their minds was based on “social justice.”

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