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Bad News for Semi Sane Markle -- Judge comes down on Ferguson!

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Poor Markle -- a judge comes down on Ferguson's criminal assault on black citizens via warrants to raise city coffers.



Just glad I'm not a homeowner in that town!   (and I don't say that because of the police department)

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!" ....

....... and Mister Rogers says: "Can you say 'white flight?'

"Won't you be my neighbor!"



Wordslinger wrote:Poor Markle -- a judge comes down on Ferguson's criminal assault on black citizens via warrants to raise city coffers.

I bet Jamyla Bolden's parents feel better already because of this!


There should be strict limits on what an arresting agency can keep for their budgets. It should never be more than 10% of the fine collected even on local charges. The money should be applied to the state costs for jails, courts, and prisons. None should go to the general fund of local governments and only 10% to any budget of the arresting agency. I need a raise.....stop citizens and produce a surplus.....done. It is time to stop the corruption of making non violent crime a cash cow, and it is time to cut the criminal justice system budgets by at least 25% over the next ten to fifteen years. Total unproductive rabbit holes where their insatiable need for revenue is counter productive as citizens are being kept from private sector jobs which actually produce wealth and grow is time to get people off the government teat.



2seaoat wrote:There should be strict limits on what an arresting agency can keep for their budgets.  It should never be more than 10% of the fine collected even on local charges.  The money should be applied to the state costs for jails, courts, and prisons.  None should go to the general fund of local governments and only 10% to any budget of the arresting agency.  I need a raise.....stop citizens and produce a surplus.....done.   It is time to stop the corruption of making non violent crime a cash cow, and it is time to cut the criminal justice system budgets by at least 25% over the next ten to fifteen years.   Total unproductive rabbit holes where their insatiable need for revenue is counter productoive as citizens are being kept from private sector jobs which actually produce wealth and grow is time to get people off the government teat.

Actually ... (I used to live in Missouri, KC area) and I know for a fact there used to be.   I was alderman of a small town up there for four years & we had limitations imposed by the State on how much of our budget could be from fines.   I knew of another small town in the area that had their three-officer department finally decertified by the State (they had been running a speed trap for a long time and had repeatedly failed to come into compliance with that particular budget rule)

I don't imagine that rule has changed.

Edit:  A little quick googling reveals the Missouri legislature is addressing this very issue ... they are changing the rule form 30% to 20% (and 12.5% for municipalities in the St Louis County)

So to say cities and police departments in Missouri were ever funding themselves mostly from fines is just .....incorrect.

Yet another progressive talking point debunked.

Last edited by EmeraldGhost on 8/25/2015, 2:36 pm; edited 1 time in total



Ferguson's budget relies heavily on public safety and court fines that have skyrocketed in recent years. A review of Ferguson’s financial statements indicates that court fine collections now account for one-fifth of total operating revenue. The St. Louis suburb of about 21,000 residents took in more than $2.5 million in municipal court revenue last fiscal year, representing an 80 percent increase from only two years prior, when fines netted about $1.4 million.

Cut the criminal justice system budgets, limit fines collected to only 10% and shut down the standing army that our forefathers warned us about. We have created a monster since 911.



2seaoat wrote:
Cut the criminal justice system budgets, ....

Yeah ... that's really gonna help the innocent children there. Like Jamyla Bolden. Rolling Eyes


Yeah ... that's really gonna help the innocent children there. Like Jamyla Bolden.

It will help America. We have thrown precious resources down the rabbit hole of increased state and local budgets to expand the criminal justice system to go after non violent criminals. Enough. Focus on violent crime and shut the standing army down who is preying on non violent citizens to feed the monster. America has never been more in trouble with the abuses of police and the drain from our productive private sectors. More money poured down this mistake has not brought security to America, but utter chaos. We need to invest in productivity not government teat suckers.



Wordslinger wrote:Poor Markle -- a judge comes down on Ferguson's criminal assault on black citizens via warrants to raise city coffers.

Certainly not bad news for me. Disastrous news for the innocent and honest citizens of Ferguson. They might as well pack up and find a LESS CRIME TOLLERANT LOCATION.

(Reuters) - A new municipal judge in Ferguson, Missouri, on Monday ordered sweeping changes to court practices in response to a scathing Justice Department report following the shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown a year ago.

Municipal Court Judge Donald McCullin, appointed in June, ordered that all arrest warrants issued in the city before Dec. 31, 2014 be withdrawn.

Defendants will receive new court dates along with options for disposing of their cases, such as payment plans or community service. Fines may be commuted for indigent people.

Read more:

No surprised that my Socialist/Communist good friend Wordslinger believes that crime is a good thing and if you have no money, well then it's societies fault so just turn them loose on the law abiding citizen.


The outstanding warrants in Furgeson actually exceeded the population of the City.......this criminal enterprise had to be shut down. Yet, some here think they are going to defend this corrupt predatory system.....sorry the justice department saw the truth.



2seaoat wrote:The outstanding warrants in Furgeson actually exceeded the population of the City.......this criminal enterprise had to be shut down.   Yet, some here think they are going to defend this corrupt predatory system.....sorry the justice department saw the truth.

How's that working out for the crime rate in Ferguson and St. Louis?

Please post your source and link to your claim that the number of outstanding warrants since January 2015 exceeds the population of Ferguson.

That population you cite. Was that before or after all the riots?

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