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Fed Announces Open Ended Stimulus to Boost Economy

6 posters

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Willard meltdown in five ... four ... three ... two ... one ...



sooo... you think this is a good idea? you like it? you think it will help john q. public?

have you ever wondered why the stock market has fully "recovered"?



Should I start looking for my government job now? After this there won't be many others.



PkrBum wrote:sooo... you think this is a good idea? you like it? you think it will help john q. public?

have you ever wondered why the stock market has fully "recovered"?

Can we survive more stimulus?...Thought the private sector was doing fine?...


What would you suggest? I am all ears, but if you comfortable in the nosebleed seats, and do not want to discuss options on the playing field?

Do you think it will be effective? probably not Congress has to change its deadlock and start creating real American jobs in Manufacturing with tax incentives from the increased revenues from taxes returning to Bill Clinton's tax rates.



2seaoat wrote:What would you suggest? I am all ears, but if you comfortable in the nosebleed seats, and do not want to discuss options on the playing field?

Do you think it will be effective? probably not Congress has to change its deadlock and start creating real American jobs in Manufacturing with tax incentives from the increased revenues from taxes returning to Bill Clinton's tax rates.

The COWH said....the private sector is doing fine...His words....Where does Apple do business?....Where does GE do business?....Yet they remain darlings of the liberals even though other companies are criticized for far less..It's not's the Failure Senate!...Done NOTHING!...May not agree with some of the House legislation but they passed something only to have it killed by Sen Harry Reid....



I don't see how the fed buying bonds is going to help anyone but the original bond holders.
I know that I don't have any bonds. Do you?



2seaoat wrote:What would you suggest? I am all ears, but if you comfortable in the nosebleed seats, and do not want to discuss options on the playing field?

Do you think it will be effective? probably not Congress has to change its deadlock and start creating real American jobs in Manufacturing with tax incentives from the increased revenues from taxes returning to Bill Clinton's tax rates.

lol... you think govt/congress creates jobs... that if only govt worked more smoothly we would be ok.

i don't really think there's much in the way of "ideas" we can share here. i think bad ideas fail... it doesn't matter how many congressmen vote for or approve of them.

what do i think will happen? i think the the monetary bubble will continue to grow. that the stock market will go up... that the price of gold will rise... that the products we buy will continue to shrink and the price rise... that the value of homes will remain about a third underwater (thank god the banks are ok tho... right)... that savings are attacked by this move... that it further erodes the dollar as a world unit and product... that... oh fuck it... who am i fooling that we are exchanging ideas.

thank you for your participation... please await markle's reply.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

The government is now living so far beyond it's means that it's past the point of ever being able to bring it under control. The overall economy is now so dependent on government spending that it's like a symbiotic relationship between the two. We cannot cut back on the government spending without throwing the economy into a recession. And so we just kick the can on down the road and keep piling on the debt.
It's now no longer a matter of IF we get to insolvency but only when.
Both political parties have sadly deluded themselves into believing that each's policies will grow the economy and increase government revenues as a result and that's what will turn it all around. But that's just more horseshit designed to keep us all in denial.



PkrBum wrote:sooo... you think this is a good idea? you like it? you think it will help john q. public?

Well, not as much as say passing the jobs bill would, but that's not looking too likely anytime soon. Barring that, an open-ended commitment that takes the labor market (and not just interest rates) into account is the best we could have hoped for.

Margin Call

Margin Call

QE3: Must. Create. New. Bubble.



2seaoat wrote:What would you suggest? I am all ears, but if you comfortable in the nosebleed seats, and do not want to discuss options on the playing field?

Do you think it will be effective? probably not Congress has to change its deadlock and start creating real American jobs in Manufacturing with tax incentives from the increased revenues from taxes returning to Bill Clinton's tax rates.

was it deadlock that sent all those BILLIONS into failed green jobs?

or was it just bad ideas and pipe dreams which is what this administration will be remembered for.

Margin Call

Margin Call

Bob wrote:The government is now living so far beyond it's means that it's past the point of ever being able to bring it under control. The overall economy is now so dependent on government spending that it's like a symbiotic relationship between the two. We cannot cut back on the government spending without throwing the economy into a recession. And so we just kick the can on down the road and keep piling on the debt.
It's now no longer a matter of IF we get to insolvency but only when.
Both political parties have sadly deluded themselves into believing that each's policies will grow the economy and increase government revenues as a result and that's what will turn it all around. But that's just more horseshit designed to keep us all in denial.

The Fed will monetize HALF of the deficit in 2013. BY the end of 2013, the aggregate of all Fed's actions will be equal to 24% of GDP.


lol... you think govt/congress creates jobs... that if only govt worked more smoothly we would be ok.

Actually, the answer to that is yes. If the government can take in enough revenue to balance its budget it is a good thing. If the government can improve its efficiencies and reduce its overall footprint, it is a good thing. If the government can invest resources in private sector job creation, it is a good thing. If balanced budgets, efficient government, and job creation all happen, you will see median incomes in this country begin to rise again.

Last time I checked most Americans want these good things. Now in the late eighties and early nineties I was given tax credits to hire employees who had been unemployed or on welfare. I remember hiring one employee who was formerly on welfare. She was a single mother, and she had no skills and it took us over a half year for her to gain those skills and be productive. The next 6 months her skills improved drastically, and she enrolled in school. She left my business because she had a better opportunity in another community, and about five years ago she called me to thank me and bring me up to date. Her children were going to college, and she was now in management and had a great career.

It all started when congress gave me a 50% credit on every dollar I paid an employee who was coming off welfare. This was a dollar for dollar credit.....and yes, I was making hiring decisions based on the same. I found out it was not by accident that some of these folks were on welfare. They had slipped through the system and simply did not have requisite job skills, and in many cases things you take for granted like clear communication skills, grammar, and simple math were a challenge. However, I found something out.......if you invest the time and care, most of these employees were trainable....not always an easy task, but I can honestly say our success rate was about 75%.

I have advocated on these forums that America needs targeted job tax credits where in manufacturing jobs which are returned to America, we give a three year 75% tax credit to the employer. Now do we go into debt to fund these credits. No. We raise taxes to cover these costs. Those new jobs and factories will increase GDP and the multipliers will be a cash cow for America. You think government has no purpose. You certainly have never been a main street business person, and I doubt you have ever hired anybody in your life. You think I am going to be concerned about a 4% increase in my are clueless. I am concerned on financing expansion and would love to get a three year tax credit employee which grows my business. This is not rocket science, but when the wealth of this nation is being stolen by special interests who do not give a damn about that mother or her children, do not give a damn about my piddly business, or do not give a damn about the median income of Americans.....well then we have parrots like yourself who chirp nonsense, and quite frankly neither have business experience or even have a clue what job creators are really thinking.



Bob wrote:The government is now living so far beyond it's means that it's past the point of ever being able to bring it under control. The overall economy is now so dependent on government spending that it's like a symbiotic relationship between the two. We cannot cut back on the government spending without throwing the economy into a recession. And so we just kick the can on down the road and keep piling on the debt.
It's now no longer a matter of IF we get to insolvency but only when.
Both political parties have sadly deluded themselves into believing that each's policies will grow the economy and increase government revenues as a result and that's what will turn it all around. But that's just more horseshit designed to keep us all in denial.

Not true,Bob. We need to change our priorities.



2seaoat wrote:lol... you think govt/congress creates jobs... that if only govt worked more smoothly we would be ok.

Actually, the answer to that is yes. If the government can take in enough revenue to balance its budget it is a good thing. If the government can improve its efficiencies and reduce its overall footprint, it is a good thing. If the government can invest resources in private sector job creation, it is a good thing. If balanced budgets, efficient government, and job creation all happen, you will see median incomes in this country begin to rise again.

Last time I checked most Americans want these good things. Now in the late eighties and early nineties I was given tax credits to hire employees who had been unemployed or on welfare. I remember hiring one employee who was formerly on welfare. She was a single mother, and she had no skills and it took us over a half year for her to gain those skills and be productive. The next 6 months her skills improved drastically, and she enrolled in school. She left my business because she had a better opportunity in another community, and about five years ago she called me to thank me and bring me up to date. Her children were going to college, and she was now in management and had a great career.

It all started when congress gave me a 50% credit on every dollar I paid an employee who was coming off welfare. This was a dollar for dollar credit.....and yes, I was making hiring decisions based on the same. I found out it was not by accident that some of these folks were on welfare. They had slipped through the system and simply did not have requisite job skills, and in many cases things you take for granted like clear communication skills, grammar, and simple math were a challenge. However, I found something out.......if you invest the time and care, most of these employees were trainable....not always an easy task, but I can honestly say our success rate was about 75%.

I have advocated on these forums that America needs targeted job tax credits where in manufacturing jobs which are returned to America, we give a three year 75% tax credit to the employer. Now do we go into debt to fund these credits. No. We raise taxes to cover these costs. Those new jobs and factories will increase GDP and the multipliers will be a cash cow for America. You think government has no purpose. You certainly have never been a main street business person, and I doubt you have ever hired anybody in your life. You think I am going to be concerned about a 4% increase in my are clueless. I am concerned on financing expansion and would love to get a three year tax credit employee which grows my business. This is not rocket science, but when the wealth of this nation is being stolen by special interests who do not give a damn about that mother or her children, do not give a damn about my piddly business, or do not give a damn about the median income of Americans.....well then we have parrots like yourself who chirp nonsense, and quite frankly neither have business experience or even have a clue what job creators are really thinking.

We already have that,Seaoat.We've been doing that for years at my job where the govt. is paying 100% of the people's salaries.Businesses are using it up and then not hiring many of the people because they are too high maintenance.



Fed Announces Open Ended Stimulus to Boost Economy Th?id=I.5027809682785703&pid=1

Wow!!!!! An open ended stimulus.

Does that mean they can just keep spending and we shouldn't worry how much the national debt piles up?

That's really progressive and enlightened. I'll tell you what... I have this contact here for you to sign. Don't worry you can read it after I mail you your signed copy.



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