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GOP candidates

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26GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 12:56 pm



Bob wrote:
He no longer has any national name recognition (he would have back then) so he may not be able to break through this huge pack of crazies.  But I'm hoping that somehow he can.

In reality, he's in it to be Jeb's running mate because he can deliver Ohio maybe.

27GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 1:38 pm



"...Here are four policies the former Lehman Brothers executive has supported that prove he is just as conservative, or even more conservative, than his Republican challengers:

Enacted sweeping tax cuts that devastated Ohio’s poor: While Kasich has said that his Christian faith calls him to help the poor and try to lift them up, the massive tax cuts he enacted in Ohio have had detrimental effects for low-income Ohioans. The tax plan he championed effectively slashed taxes for the wealthiest and increased them for the state’s poor and middle class. In total, Kasich cut taxes in Ohio by more than $3 billion including several income tax cuts and an income tax cut for small businesses. But the small business tax cut mostly benefited a few high-income business entities — not those that hire people and generate economic activity — and did little to help the majority of people.

Signed a budget that included restrictive anti-choice measures: In 2013, Kasich signed a budget that included a number of anti-women’s health provisions including language that ultimately defunded Planned Parenthood, redirected funding to right-wing “crisis pregnancy centers,” threatened to shut down abortion clinics, and stripped funding from rape crisis centers that provide women with vital information about abortion services. Polling at the time he signed the restrictions showed that the majority of Ohio voters didn’t support the provisions limiting women’s reproductive rights.

Dealt a blow to labor by supporting pro-business legislation: Early in his governorship in 2011, Kasich supported a bill to limit the collective bargaining rights of public-sector unions. Voters ultimately repealed the bill with 62 percent of people voting against it, a slap to Kasich who had championed the legislation as a cost-cutting measure. But then this year, finally making good on his promise, he rescinded two executive orders which made two kinds of independent, self-employed contractors – home health care contractors and in-home child care contractors — eligible for collective bargaining with the state even though they are not employed by the state.

Pushed through charter school reform while ignoring failing schools: Ohio has about 123,000 kids attending nearly 400 charter schools, but the privately-run, publicly-funded schools have been performing terribly and have been criticized by education leaders across the country. Research has found that students in Ohio’s charter schools learn less than those in traditional public schools and sponsors of the state’s charter schools have come under scrutiny for using the position as a money-grab. Kasich proposed a series of fixes earlier this year, but things have only gotten worse as the year has progressed. This week, the Ohio Education Department official responsible for school choice and charter schools resigned after admitting that he gave help to charter schools to make them look better in state evaluations..."

But in a few areas, Kasich stands out from the ultra-conservative pack. The governor has employed moral and religious rhetoric to explain why he feels it’s important for the government to help the poor. For example, Kasich opted to expand Medicaid after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, justifying his decision by referring to his Christian faith. “If you go through the Old and New testaments, there’s one thing that’s very clear,” he said at the time. “You’ve got to help people that are downtrodden and poor, and I just think that that’s part of our culture. You’ve got to help people that can’t help themselves.” He repeated a similar line at a closed-door Koch brother conference, drawing disapproval from other conservatives in attendance."

28GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 1:40 pm



Thinkprogress = soros

29GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 2:10 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Kasich officially announced just this morning. We haven't even heard from him yet and we already know his whole story. Damn we're smart out here. lol

30GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 2:14 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Why don't we just declare right now that whoever the democrat politician is to be the winner. It would save about a billion dollars to spend on something worthwhile (which would be anything except this election) so it would probably be worth it. And frankly, my honest opinion is it doesn't matter a rat's patootie which one of the bozos becomes the next head bozo. We will always be governed by one establishment lackey or another so who cares.

31GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 2:48 pm



Bob wrote:Why don't we just declare right now that whoever the democrat politician is to be the winner.   It would save about a billion dollars to spend on something worthwhile (which would be anything except this election) so it would probably be worth it.  And frankly,  my honest opinion is it doesn't matter a rat's patootie which one of the bozos becomes the next head bozo.  We will always be governed by one establishment lackey or another so who cares.

I care, Bob, or I wouldn't be wasting time looking up background on your candidate du jour. We have a candidate who is not "just another establishment lackey". That candidate is Bernie Sanders.

32GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 2:53 pm



Hey Bernie might be okay.....

The only dirt on Bernie Sanders from a progressive viewpoint is that he is considerably to the right of Hillary Clinton on gun control, which he is hesitant to talk about.
In 1993 he voted AGAINST the Brady Act, and in 2005 he voted with Republicans to shield gun manufacturers from the same type of lawsuits that forced big tobacco to pay large sums for manufacturing a product that kills. To many progressives this is an unforgivable lapse in judgement that Sanders has yet to apologize for, leading some to withhold their support even though they agree with him on everything else.

33GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 2:58 pm



Whoops ole Bernie isn't polling to a socialist.

Between now and the 2016 political conventions, there will be discussion about the qualifications of presidential candidates -- their education, age, religion, race, and so on. If your party nominated a generally well-qualified person for president who happened to be ______, would you vote for that person?

The six groups getting the highest rates of "yes" responses were:

Catholic (93%)
A woman (92%)
Black (92%)
Hispanic (91%)
Jewish (91%)
Mormon (81%)

The five groups getting the lowest rates of "yes" responses were:

Gay or lesbian (74%)
An evangelical Christian (73%)
Muslim (60%)
An atheist (58%)
A socialist (47%)

That's right, "socialist" came in with the least support. If you're a diehard Sanders supporter, the proper takeaway should be that this is very bad news. Merely having the "socialist" label means that you instantly lose at least of 53% of the vote, and that's before accounting for your political party, specific platform, qualifications, etc. (Keep in mind the 53% saying "no" contains a reasonable fraction of Democrats, and the existence of some fraction of Republicans in the 47% "yes" who would be voting for a GOP president.)

34GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/21/2015, 3:50 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Gay or lesbian (74%)
An evangelical Christian (73%)

So queers and christians are now about equal in popularity. That just makes my day. Thanks for sharing this. lol

35GOP candidates  - Page 2 Empty Re: GOP candidates 7/22/2015, 12:48 am



Last time I checked Catholic's were still considered Christians.

*****NULL FACE*****


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