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American Sniper

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1American Sniper Empty American Sniper 6/23/2015, 7:08 pm


Just watched the movie and saw Bradley Cooper picking off people in a room by himself. Another soldier comes in asks how many he got and he says "6 really 8". Now how does the Navy confirm kills when it's you telling them?

2American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/23/2015, 8:12 pm



Yep and you would have a Better way I am sure

3American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/23/2015, 8:29 pm



It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

4American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/23/2015, 9:01 pm



KarlRove wrote:It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

What do you know about integrity, poser boy?

5American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 12:20 am


KarlRove wrote:It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

So now we know for a fact that he never had 160 kills. All of it has been bullshit.

6American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 12:22 am



Vikingwoman wrote:
KarlRove wrote:It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

So now we know for a fact that he never had 160 kills. All of it has been bullshit.

Actually, more were claimed. I think in his book it was mentioned to be over 200. The Navy reduced it to the 160+.

I'm sure someone like you might want an ear from each kill placed on a necklace, huh?

7American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 12:36 am



Well I don't know if it counts but he said he sniped a bunch of looters in New Orleans...

8American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 1:58 am



Vikingwoman wrote:
KarlRove wrote:It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

So now we know for a fact that he never had 160 kills. All of it has been bullshit.

You're pathetic. Just pathetic.

I hope you get down on your knees nightly and thank God for men like Kyle who are willing and able to do the things you find impossible to keep you free.

Snipers work in pairs. There is the shooter and the spotter. The spotter has his own special telescope and instruments to measure distance and wind direction. The spotter learns to estimate the wind speed. The spotter relays the information to the shooter who makes the necessary adjustments to his scope and, when ready, makes the shot. One shot, one kill. So there is someone to confirm the kill.

9American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 9:06 am



Vikingwoman wrote:Just watched the movie and saw Bradley Cooper picking off people in a room by himself. Another soldier comes in asks how many he got and he says "6 really 8". Now how does the Navy confirm kills when it's you telling them?

The same way hillary claims that she complied with federal law and turned over all state related emails.

10American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 10:13 pm


Markle wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
KarlRove wrote:It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

So now we know for a fact that he never had 160 kills. All of it has been bullshit.

You're pathetic.  Just pathetic.

I hope you get down on your knees nightly and thank God for men like Kyle who are willing and able to do the things you find impossible to keep you free.

Snipers work in pairs.  There is the shooter and the spotter.  The spotter has his own special telescope and instruments to measure distance and wind direction.  The spotter learns to estimate the wind speed.  The spotter relays the information to the shooter who makes the necessary adjustments to his scope and, when ready, makes the shot.  One shot, one kill.  So there is someone to confirm the kill.

There was no spotter in the movie and furthermore I didn't see him so much as a hero as he was safe in a room picking off people. The guys who went out in the open were the real friggin hero's! And for your further info. we shouldn't have even been over there sticking our damn noses in other countries business. Had nothing to do w/ keeping us free,imbecile!

11American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 10:17 pm


TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well I don't know if it counts but he said he sniped a bunch of  looters in New Orleans...

Yeah and he punched Jesse Ventura out and then killed two would be robbers in Tx. there is no record of and had the police call the Pentagon because that number was on had DL and they said he was a war hero. LOL! The guy was a pathological liar.

12American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/24/2015, 10:20 pm



Vikingwoman wrote:
Markle wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
KarlRove wrote:It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

So now we know for a fact that he never had 160 kills. All of it has been bullshit.

You're pathetic.  Just pathetic.

I hope you get down on your knees nightly and thank God for men like Kyle who are willing and able to do the things you find impossible to keep you free.

Snipers work in pairs.  There is the shooter and the spotter.  The spotter has his own special telescope and instruments to measure distance and wind direction.  The spotter learns to estimate the wind speed.  The spotter relays the information to the shooter who makes the necessary adjustments to his scope and, when ready, makes the shot.  One shot, one kill.  So there is someone to confirm the kill.

There was no spotter in the movie and furthermore I didn't see him so much as a hero as he was safe in a room picking off people. The guys who went out in the open were the real friggin hero's! And for your further info. we shouldn't have even been over there sticking our damn noses in other countries business. Had nothing to do w/ keeping us free,imbecile!

13American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/25/2015, 8:51 am



Just recently saw the movie.  Couldn't help but thinking all the way through it how pointless it all was.

Yet Obama wants to send more troops in?  Rolling Eyes

Obama sending 450 more troops to Iraq

(As to the movie itself .... well, I guess it would have been better if I didn't already know the story)


14American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/25/2015, 9:12 am


It was pointless.  100k Civilian deaths and more since the ISIS uprising.  However, the 450 mean nothing when it represents less than 1/2 percent of the multination invasion force.....We have more CIA deployed than that number.

15American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/25/2015, 9:14 am



2seaoat wrote:  ... However, the 450 mean nothing ....

Tell that to the service-members and their families.

16American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/25/2015, 9:25 am


Tell that to the service-members and their families.

That is what the Military does and what the family and the military member signed up for when the volunteered to serve this country.  That is like the sanitation worker bitching about picking up garbage.  The solution is simple.......significantly cut the military and create a strategic plan for gearing back up when America is threatened, but the current military is nothing more than a jobs program, and a paycheck for the MIC.....this problem can be solved with huge cuts in military spending over the next decade.  Our forefathers clearly warned us of the dangers of a standing army.

17American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/25/2015, 10:12 pm



Markle wrote:
Vikingwoman wrote:
KarlRove wrote:It's called integrity. Ever heard of it?

So now we know for a fact that he never had 160 kills. All of it has been bullshit.

You're pathetic.  Just pathetic.

I hope you get down on your knees nightly and thank God for men like Kyle who are willing and able to do the things you find impossible to keep you free.

Snipers work in pairs.  There is the shooter and the spotter.  The spotter has his own special telescope and instruments to measure distance and wind direction.  The spotter learns to estimate the wind speed.  The spotter relays the information to the shooter who makes the necessary adjustments to his scope and, when ready, makes the shot.  One shot, one kill.  So there is someone to confirm the kill.

Why do you continually deny the truth about our phony war in Iraq? Most of the men Killer Kyle terminated were Iraqi patriots -- freedom fighters if you will -- who were resisting foreign invaders who were illegally occupying their country. It is unlikely, very unlikely that any of Killer Kyle's victims would have ever been a threat to you or me or anyone living in the USA. God can go screw himself if he's been helping us fight wars that have accomplished nothing other than wasting a lot of blood and money unnecessarily.

18American Sniper Empty Re: American Sniper 6/26/2015, 7:16 am



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