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In addition to being a murdering racist, Dylann Roof donated to Republican candidates

Hospital Bob
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if you are a Christian then you must surely fight abortion which kills more than 50 % of black babies ?



2seaoat wrote:Try first posts on the PNJ riled the rednecks when I spoke of dog whistles ten years ago.....but I spoke of my experience in North Birmingham Alabama among people I loved and respected....pure hate, fear, and prejudice.  My brother and I kept swimming when the black kids jumped into the pool in North Birmingham, and I will remember until the day I will die all the white people getting out of the pool and the hateful stares toward my brother and I....I also remember beloved cousin telling me she did not want to "catch anything" as the reason she had exited the pool.....she was 12.......No, I have lived my life fighting injustice, and I have not made people happy at times.....I could have chose a scardy cat life where I went with the flow....I am not built that way.....I got banned from my country club because I stood up at the annual meeting and said it was insane to spend five million squaring off the tee boxes.....I get peer pressure.....the silent treatment......the whisper.....but righteous choice are never easy....they are often painful.....after five years of being banned because I stood up and wrote a letter to the board of directors pointing out the insanity of poor choices, they just sent my a letter asking me to come back.....basically admitting I was right as there membership went from 238 to 110 because everything I said was correct......I listened to people say quiet.....just let it go....go with the flow......oh and Bob when that Lesbian couple were being terrorized by a neighbor, and others turned there heads, it was me who took the bastard on, going to the police who would do nothing, but when I went to his boss who was somebody who knew me, I neutered the bastard and those kind women no longer were terrorized.....yea....I am a pain in the asz....I am arrogant, and like a preacher who thinks he has it all figured out, I believe we all have choices between good and evil.....I choose good, and I make no apologies to those who tacitly support evil.

So in your're NOT a "scardy cat" or whatever because you spoke at a COUNTRY CLUB?

WOW...I am truly impressed, overwhelmed you might say at your bravery and courage!

In addition to being a murdering racist, Dylann Roof donated to Republican candidates - Page 2 AnimatedLaughterPink



no seaoat I was talking to you. You used a man,s employer to punish him and his family because he wasn,t like you. You are a hideious person that would blackmail others and destroy them finacially. Roof used a gun you use connections to destroy people. You are indeed a snake in the grass.


I see something wrong here:

I neutered the bastard and those kind women no longer were terrorized.....yea....I am a pain in the asz....I am arrogant, and like a preacher who thinks he has it all figured out, I believe we all have choices between good and evil.....I choose good, and I make no apologies to those who tacitly support evil.

THOSE KIND OF WOMEN? Isn't that a little bigoted?



2seaoat wrote:I believe in Christian doctrine and make no apologies.  However, I fall far short of those who have achieved God's grace.   I am a sinner and who has lead an imperfect life, but I have always....always fought injustice, prejudice and hate.


In addition to being a murdering racist, Dylann Roof donated to Republican candidates - Page 2 Superman_zpsler8ndx9

Last edited by Markle on 6/22/2015, 11:40 pm; edited 1 time in total



For all the people that post here. Be advised seaoat is not beneath slander and inflated accusations to destroy you. He thinks it's his right to hit below the belt when he can't control others with his warped rhetoric . He will start off reporting you to the police then try to hurt your employment. He's a nosey busy body that uses whatever tools at hand to control people he deems unworthy. He may even report you to the mental health people. That's. How the NAZIS started ridding themselves of undesirables. BE WARNED.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Seaoat is just another internet gadfly like me and you and everyone else here.  We're no threat to anybody.  

What distinguishes Seaoat,  however,  is a total fixation and obsession with racism.
It's really very much like the fixation and obsession right-wingers have with Obama.
Neither he nor they appear to even be capable of having any thought or any idea of any kind which does not involve their respective obsessions/fixations.



I was just rephrasing what I gathered from his "heroic" post defending some lesbians that were helpless without a man to defend them.


If you think throwing a dead cat over her fence with a note that all bitches die....coming into her yard and cutting their flowers, making overt sexual comments how dykes should die.....we went to the police and they said there was not enough proof of any criminality, and there was no such thing as protection for sexual orientation.....yep, I solved the more bully bites the dust....the harrassment stopped, and I could give a chit if people do not approve, it stopped, and they eventually moved from this neighbor, but the one lady began drinking, and it got worse when she was let go at the college she taught....again before sexual orientation prejudice as this former christian college did not approve......and when her significant other came home one night she found her hanging in the garage.....yep.....poor little bastard who terrorized those who were weaker because they loved each other.....I could have just beat him to a pulp, but then I would be the bully, and the police would prosecute me.....they came to me for protection and I gave it to them, but I was too late to save a friend who had lived a lifetime of hate and judgment.

So in your're NOT a "scardy cat" or whatever because you spoke at a COUNTRY CLUB?

WOW...I am truly impressed, overwhelmed you might say at your bravery and courage!

I was honored to be allowed to join this prestigious club, and I was honored to be banned, and now invited back......if you have never belonged to a prestigious club where every moment membership is judged, it is a no no to speak honestly against peer pressure and you must speak appropriately, dress appropriately, and please make no waves.......I kinda like Groucho's approach where he said he would not belong to a club who would have him as a member.  I was called the Sinclair man because I gave a rat's tail about dress code and would wear dark green slacks, a collared green shirt, a green hat, and would always put a small towel in my back pocket......can I do your windows maam........they took up pools to buy me new clothes......but pissing off the rich and powerful made me quite the popular person, as I remained true to myself and never got lost in peer pressure, I have fought three street thugs with less resistance than can be found among those who belong to a prestigious country club......of course.....I do not think we had one realtor as a of course you would not understand.


I was just rephrasing what I gathered from his "heroic" post defending some lesbians that were helpless without a man to defend them.

They came to me because I have special talents.  I stopped the man, but I could not stop society from judging them.  Kind gentle ladies with their beautiful flowered back yard being terrorized by a little dweeb scardy cat....he folded like the pussy he was.



Slop storm warning to all those living in Illinois seaoats head is about to explode slop may be hurled as far as far as Indiana . It is a terribly corrosive and persistent substance much like vomit only in far greater quantity. Take shelter when you hear something like a wet fart or explosive diarrhea echoing across the land.


a total fixation and obsession with racism.

Finally Bob we can agree on something.   I have had to do battle with the same for the last thirty years, and people come to me for my skill set to fight the same.  I make no apologies.  You are either for justice and fight evil, or you tacitly approve.  We know where you stand.  People know where I stand.   For 10 years on the PNJ and here I have been attacked, people have wanted to come and beat me least you have not grabbed your judge and come after me at some fake address.....whew.....I might have soiled my panties.


Slop storm warning to all those living in Illinois seaoats head is about to explode

Glad to have you back least you give a good fight, and I miss you when you are gone.....and you always go when deep down you know you are defending hate, prejudice, and fear......and when I remind you and run, and Bob shows much more courage.....he may have burglar bars on his doors, and carry a gun, and drive a Prius.....but he has never ran away, because he understands justice and injustice.  Welcome back....I love you both and would not want to debate anybody else because for ten years we have had some whoppers....and in the process I know I will never meet either of you before my exit, but I need your anger and dressing me is the best medicine....some may not understand what I do here.....some do....but both of you will always remain dear despite my words.



Yeech I think you got some slop on me.


Yeech I think you got some slop on me.

You always come back for more.  Secretly, you love my slop.



You have called me a nazi a racist and a pedophile and yet you call me a fan of yours seaoat. Just another deluded false accusation. You have all the worst characteristics of a corrupt politician. Maybe the worst of all is believing people secretly love you.


You have called me a nazi a racist and a pedophile and yet you call me a fan of yours seaoat. Just another deluded false accusation. You have all the worst characteristics of a corrupt politician. Maybe the worst of all is believing people secretly love you.

Just pisses you off when I am right......and I am right.....nothing deluded as I told you that you would be back...and each time I have been right....until I piss you off again......and the anti boards folk have come out of the woodwork lately thinking some of us who disagree with his basketball predictions are somehow attacking Boards......nah....he is pretty much smarter than most of us and right on most issues, and just because he is wrong about basketball, you still will have to debate him on the merits, and guess run away from others have ran away from Sal......I just piss everybody off and have no delusion about my purpose.



Just like a corrupt politician. You run to your base when you get in over your head. Yeah kiss up to boards and Sal. I leave the forum from time to time because I don't like being on a forum that is So warped and slanted and has a childish progressive punk controlling it. Now would be a good time for you to PM boards and have him ban me again for whatever.


Boards is more pissed off at me than he ever has been with you.....because I was right and he is rarely wrong.....he called me an and I both know I am not an idiot, but a basketball genius which he fails to acknowledge, and kneel at the alter of Seaoat's basketball you just say boneheaded stuff to evoke a response, and he calls you an idiot when you post that stuff, and we both know over the years that you are not an idiot, just wrong.....I am he is more pissed at me.....and I do have a tendency to be a very poor winner.......but heck.....I am an equal opportunity pisser offing  jerk......why would I change when I only have so much time to have this much fun?



ppaca wrote:I see something wrong here:

I neutered the bastard and those kind women no longer were terrorized.....yea....I am a pain in the asz....I am arrogant, and like a preacher who thinks he has it all figured out, I believe we all have choices between good and evil.....I choose good, and I make no apologies to those who tacitly support evil.

THOSE KIND OF WOMEN? Isn't that a little bigoted?

Easy mistake, you misread the sentence:

when that Lesbian couple were being terrorized by a neighbor, and others turned there heads, it was me who took the bastard on, going to the police who would do nothing, but when I went to his boss who was somebody who knew me, I neutered the bastard and those kind women no longer were terrorized..

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