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BLS Employment Situation: 214,000 jobs added to the economy in October. Unemployment rate falls to 5.8%.

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BLS Employment Situation: 214,000 jobs added to the economy in October.  Unemployment rate falls to 5.8%. LNS14000000_149852_1415378371315



Why Wages Refuse To Rise: Presenting The Waiter And Bartender Jobs Surge - 1 in 5 jobs added in October was a waiter or a bartender



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Why Wages Refuse To Rise: Presenting The Waiter And Bartender Jobs Surge - 1 in 5 jobs added in October was a waiter or a bartender

Now that the Republicans have taken the Senate, this will change, right? I won't hold my breath.....



It's the job of the POTUS to create jobs, not the Congress.

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