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Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson?

4 posters

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Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS557QHxZuKHK3gF1L5eBKdiBZxi0DnvgI7sF3kP4aiQaB0hHErZA

Are you?




The citizens are losing control of their country. With militarized police turning on citizens, we will see voter turnout less than fifty percent nationwide..........and who do we have to blame but ourselves. Our country is being stolen, and people cannot even vote. incredible! I bet the voter turnout in St. Louis County will be less than fifty percent.



Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTMsgWcmqnyKVBXztxlb5HIPnUxi4u63XwGCtNn2ifIadZsWpDX6g

Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRIMST1l_e6M6bpDe4QTfHSJ8f8xqiNwIF1sXGJF7GgLhTB64zI2A

Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRcfl4r0RLrO1W5myasTBevPQ8gUASK-2bZtYA6BewAOXQyGydb

Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQW_a9HcWGuuwA01JTnd8CWmHhejh790wnH35eIXv3aMOSMMkN1_w

They'll be to busy doing other things and they weren't offered WalMart gift cards to vote.





2seaoat wrote:The citizens are losing control of their country.  With militarized police turning on citizens, we will see voter turnout less than fifty percent nationwide..........and who do we have to blame but ourselves.  Our country is being stolen, and people cannot even vote.   incredible!   I bet the voter turnout in St. Louis County will be less than fifty percent.

The Founding Fathers would have voted regardless. Guess Democraps and yourself are scaredy cats. What are they scared of? They can throw Molotov cocktails at cops, but can't vote? Asinine.


The Founding Fathers would have voted regardless. Guess Democraps and yourself are scaredy cats. What are they scared of? They can throw Molotov cocktails at cops, but can't vote? Asinine.

I will have to go to google translate.



2seaoat wrote:The citizens are losing control of their country.  With militarized police turning on citizens, we will see voter turnout less than fifty percent nationwide..........and who do we have to blame but ourselves.  Our country is being stolen, and people cannot even vote.   incredible!   I bet the voter turnout in St. Louis County will be less than fifty percent.

WOW, that's a tough bet, a mid term with less than fifty percent turnout.  I am shocked...I am SHOCKED I SAY.

How are people being prevented from voting? This could be a good turnout though. Republicans are fired up and many Democrats are angry at semi-retired President Obama.



Happy with what's going on in Ferguson? You bet!! Militarized cops and rioting blacks -- the whole country's watching and it's about time racism in Amerika Inc became a top story again!



Racist rioters.



Markle wrote:
2seaoat wrote:The citizens are losing control of their country.  With militarized police turning on citizens, we will see voter turnout less than fifty percent nationwide..........and who do we have to blame but ourselves.  Our country is being stolen, and people cannot even vote.   incredible!   I bet the voter turnout in St. Louis County will be less than fifty percent.

WOW, that's a tough bet, a mid term with less than fifty percent turnout.  I am shocked...I am SHOCKED I SAY.

How are people being prevented from voting?  This could be a good turnout though.  Republicans are fired up and many Democrats are angry at semi-retired President Obama.

If you're black or Hispanic and don't drive ... you may not be able to vote, thanks to republican "ID" laws aimed at reducing the votes of minority folk.

If you're on one of those phony 1,000,000 fraudulent voter lists (which was exposed on TV last night), where a John Edward Barnes was listed because he voted in one state, while a Charles Edward Barnes was listed as the same guy voting in another state.  On camera, the voting commissioner for one state admitted that no investigations were being made and no one was being prosecuted.  In simple terms, it's just another effort by the racist, white male party of no to cut down the opposition.

It's good to know our enemies!!!

Last edited by Wordslinger on 11/3/2014, 9:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I couldn't stop myself)



Wordslinger wrote:Happy with what's going on in Ferguson? You bet!! Militarized cops and rioting blacks -- the whole country's watching and it's about time racism in Amerika Inc became a top story again!

You and charles manson have much in common. It's a tragic and misguided error to fan the flames of a race war.



PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Happy with what's going on in Ferguson?  You bet!!  Militarized cops and rioting blacks -- the whole country's watching and it's about time racism in Amerika Inc became a top story again!

You and charles manson have much in common. It's a tragic and misguided error to fan the flames of a race war.

I'll make it clear: I'm glad that racial oppression and the results thereof, are once again a top story in America. If you want to call that "fanning the flames" it's okay by me.



It's just another example of how Dems divide the country.



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Happy with what's going on in Ferguson?  You bet!!  Militarized cops and rioting blacks -- the whole country's watching and it's about time racism in Amerika Inc became a top story again!

You and charles manson have much in common. It's a tragic and misguided error to fan the flames of a race war.

I'll make it clear: I'm glad that racial oppression and the results thereof, are once again a top story in America. If you want to call that "fanning the flames" it's okay by me.

If you think more govt intervention to socially engineer your desired result is the answer... you're not dealing in reality.



Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSu3F0KzyXVIB6X4pnsepdClweGaCqAEJeBXeDGpj6jGT6VkcV0eg

So much for MLK's dream.





Wordslinger wrote:Happy with what's going on in Ferguson?  You bet!!  Militarized cops and rioting blacks -- the whole country's watching and it's about time racism in Amerika Inc became a top story again!

Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT4yJtaEFkq0LpSv7KDJ0v4ZNv-2ZtCesTdJWQH6PT_JIZtNOlwnw

Yeah... Martin Luther King Jr would be so proud of what you support and hope to accomplish. Maybe if they burn down the rest of the town and kill a few pale pieces of garbage cops it'll really gain you the attention you want.





Wordslinger wrote:Happy with what's going on in Ferguson?  You bet!!  Militarized cops and rioting blacks -- the whole country's watching and it's about time racism in Amerika Inc became a top story again!

Your hero and whose personal train you use as your signature and your cute effort to denigrate AMERICA.

Wordslinger also strongly believes in pigeon holing people along with his hero.

Still comfortable with what's going on in Ferguson? AdolphHitlerandSocialist_zps33c21341



Ain't it amazing how fast Herr Markle can produce Nazi photos? LOL

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