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Liberals lie and don't care about.....

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the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.



For you, ignorance is bliss......



PACEDOG#1 wrote:the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.

How very Christian of you! Yessirree sir, if you're a good representative of Our Lord Jesus, he must have been one arrogant, ignorant, aggressively cruel and repugnant kind of guy.

With your hatred for anyone not like yourself bubbling just below the surface, I've got more chance of going to Heaven than you do!



Pacedog, sweetie pie, if you wonder why American voters hate the republicans even more than they hate Obama, just look in the mirror.

Thank you for reinforcing my dislike for Right Wing Christian Conservatives.

It's good to know your enemies!



Wordslinger wrote:Pacedog, sweetie pie, if you wonder why American voters hate the republicans even more than they hate Obama, just look in the mirror.

Thank you for reinforcing my dislike for Right Wing Christian Conservatives.

It's good to know your enemies!

And your messiah! Wordslinger, you keep forgetting your signature. You should be proud of your beliefs.

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Hitlers-train-Amerika_zpseebd91bd



Liberal Consciousness

Americans most commonly think of liberalism in a political context, but liberal principles have a much larger and wider application. Liberal principles reflect a worldview that emanates from the very roots of modern consciousness, and affect our basic assumptions about religion and economics, as well as politics. The liberal worldview springs from a primal source in the human longing for freedom and dignity. The depth and scope of its effect means that liberal principles cannot permanently be suppressed. They reflect a deeply human yearning.

I have argued elsewhere that a liberal perspective underlies most of what Americans treasure in modern society. [1] The liberties protected by our constitution, the economic freedom of entrepreneurship and association, and the religious freedoms of expression all derive their energy and owe their genesis to liberal ideas. Not the liberal that is differentiated from conservative, but the set of liberal principles differentiated from feudalism. The foundations of liberalism emerged during the Renaissance as a response to the constraints of feudal power. Profound changes in human consciousness and philosophy followed, and these changes altered the way people in the West perceived the world. Liberalism defined a new consciousness, which is our worldview.

In his book, A Theory of Everything, Ken Wilber [2] puts forth a grand framework for studying and understanding the individual and collective aspects of the human being. The development of organisms, individuals, and societies generally moves toward higher levels of consciousness. Wilber demonstrates that there is wide, general agreement on this notion from scientists and researchers across most disciplines of study. But the development is not a straight line; it unfolds in waves or lines, and includes different states and types of consciousness. [3] Although development is a messy, fluid, overlapping, intermeshing affair, it is nonetheless real.

According to Wilber, the essence of the feudal, Middle-Ages type of consciousness is domination by powerful people, gods, and archetypes; empire, honor, and glory; the early sense of self as separate from the tribe, yet not fully differentiated; righteous order, rigid social hierarchy, and literal belief systems. [4] Material progress is won mostly by conquest. [5] Religious experience is mediated. Different aspects are stronger in different locations at different times, but the general trend of society and consciousness takes this form. Honor, order, duty, obedience, allegiance—these were the psychic currencies of feudal consciousness, and they went hand-in-hand with a feudal church-state partnership and the economy of conquest. This medieval consciousness dominated the Western world throughout that historical period.

Using his model, Wilber argues that a major development occurred in western consciousness with the Renaissance. Europeans began to differentiate aspects of being. For example, with the birth of modernity art, morals and science became differentiated. [6] Politics, economics, and religion separated into their own spheres. We began to see ourselves in the differentiated categories of state, self, and society. [7]

Renaissance philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) laid the foundation of modern liberal philosophy: reliance on reason and the pre-eminent importance of individual experience. “I think, therefore I am,” he said. Although Descartes was overly mechanistic in his view of nature and the universe, these two ideas—reason and the individual—developed as pillars of modern liberal consciousness.

Modern liberal consciousness developed an increased awareness of the self, and the individual’s ability to know via experience. Thus, an individual’s own experience and empirical sensibility became a more trusted guide to reality than the blind trust placed in king, clergy or nobleman to dictate reality on the individual’s behalf. The Reformation was strongly influenced by this insight. Free enterprise provided the economic basis of the individual’s right to decide for himself, and liberal democracy enabled the individual expression of political will which would eventually overthrow the feudal system, the aristocracy, and later fascism and communism.

In the individual the new consciousness was fueled by the rediscovery of reason. Science and art moved forward with a focus on creativity, questioning, and searching. The self became more individual and less group-oriented—less loyal, dependent, and dutiful, seeking expression in different ways; science and experience were found to be particularly adept at empowering such expression. People trusted what they could see, study, and reason for themselves, rather than obediently accepting what they were told to believe. Natural laws could be learned, mastered and manipulated. The original vanguard of the Renaissance flowed into the larger culture. [8] Out of it came a new way of thinking and perceiving the world—what I call modern liberal consciousness.

The new liberal consciousness became the basis for a new way of life, a new way of relating to the world, and a whole new set of challenges, problems, and opportunities. Descartes, Newton, Copernicus and other scientists changed our perception of the world. The dynamic interplay between society and consciousness created substantial changes for both. The religious, economic and political structures were challenged, as were the limits imposed on personal education, knowledge, creativity, and brilliance. Modern consciousness emerged as an engagement with reason, law, individual achievement, and self-authority—the very essence of liberal ideas and principles.

Americans will do well in our current political debate to keep in mind the difference between modern liberal consciousness and pre-modern feudal consciousness. He first engenders democracy, the second various contemporary forms of feudal power. These are not idle contemplations; what we imagine collectively is what we will manifest.

(I'm sure I already posted this here; what happened to my post?)



Markle wrote:
And your messiah!  Wordslinger, you keep forgetting your signature.  You should be proud of your beliefs.

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Hitlers-train-Amerika_zpseebd91bd

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Socrat14



One of you liberals have refuted what was stated



Google "..list of Republican lies..." and you get 7,660,000 results. Here are a smattering of the search results:

The Top 13 Lies In Modern Republican Convention History

The 19 Worst GOP/Tea Party Benghazi Lies

Study: PolitiFact says Republicans lie more

The Ten Biggest Republican Lies



(Just another lie: Republicans claim the impeachment talk was cooked up by the Democrats.)

Crushing The GOP Lie: Here Is a List of Republican Incumbents Who Support Impeachment

While it was obvious to us at PoliticusUSA where the Boehner lawsuit was heading as soon as he began waving his lawsuit yellow flag of appeasement at the Tea Party, top Republicans denied it. Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) denied it. Pundits explained that the lawsuit was actually a way to avoid impeachment. Wasn’t that kind of Boehner? Too bad his lawsuit has no merit.

But the truth usually comes out, and when dealing with Republicans, the truth is often revealed by taking the logic behind their biggest fails from the past and applying it to today (former Speaker Gingrich ringing any bells?). Even as they deny reality and the political pundits bury thier heads in the sand and play “both sides do it,” reality will speak for itself.

Reality says:

A) The logical conclusion of suing the President is impeachment proceedings. This is how they started it when they worked to impeach Clinton; they got a court case going as the sticky trap and then waited to catch their fly. (Former President Bill Clinton walked right into their plan by lying in a deposition.)

B) Republicans can’t run on their records and they can’t discuss the merits of the only activities they have spent time and money on over the past two years – trying to repeal Obamacare and trying to invent an Obama scandal that would stick. They haven’t been doing the people’s work, so they are stuck going negative.

C) Boehner’s lawsuit was a get out the vote (and a yellow coward flag of appeasement) tactic aimed at the same Tea Party that just took out Cantor. But the base wants impeachment of the President that Republicans have been telling them for years is not legitimate (you’d be mad too if you believed that the President was a Muslim Kenyan Socialist Communist Nazi hell bent on taking over the U.S.).

D) They won’t rule it out. This is the old shell game trick where Republicans sell moderate GOP mask, but underneath is a Bircher rebranded as a Tea Party corporate puppet for the top 2%. In other words, the same old attempt to distract from their policies that only benefit the top 2%.

And now we have E. E is for evidence. E is a roundup, courtesy of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, of Republican candidates and incumbents pushing for impeachment.

E) Evidence of the GOP drum beat for impeachment and the reprehensible, egregious lies being told about this President’s “impeachable offenses” (“both sides do it” appeasers please note that even when George W. Bush deserved to be impeached, there were only a handful of elected Democrats who dared to voice that opinion in public). This is not partisan bickering. Both sides do not do this:

Republican Candidates Support Impeachment

Marilinda Garcia (NH-02): President Obama “has Many, Many Impeachable Offenses.” “When asked if she would vote to impeach President Obama Garcia said, “I would..He has many, many impeachable offenses it seems to me in terms of his disregard for our Constitution alone.” [New Boston Republican Committee Debate, 2/06/14]

Gary Lambert (NH-02): Would Not Close Door on Supporting Impeaching President Obama. “You heard me how I feel about winning, so first I gotta see whether or not that would work, whether or not we could win. Then I‘ll evaluate it at that time…I’m with you on this but we gotta keep our eye on the ball.” [New Boston Republican Committee Debate, 2/06/14]

Ryan Zinke (MT-AL) Pledged to Support Impeaching President Obama. “During the debate, held May 27, tea party activist and fellow House candidate Drew Turiano asked Zinke whether he would support efforts to impeach Obama [...]‘And then I do believe we can put the president on the run. He’s had six years of doing his will to this country, and I believe that’s intentional dismantling of American power both domestically and abroad,’ said Zinke. ‘So is impeachment in the cards? Let’s hope we have the votes.’ Turiano, not completely satisfied with Zinke’s response, replied, ‘Is that a yes or a no?’ ‘Yes,’ said Zinke.” [Huffington Post, 6/02/14]

Republican Incumbents Push Impeachment

Rep. Steve Scalise “Refused to Rule Out a Drive to Impeach President Barack Obama.” “The third ranking Republican official in the House refused to rule out a drive to impeach President Barack Obama during an interview with Fox News Sunday.” [MSNBC, 7/27/14]

Rep. Jeff Denham: Would Not Discount Impeachment. In August 2013, Denham said: “If our Commander in Chief that was reelected in this country decides to break the Constitution it is a challenge to hold him accountable. And he’s done it several times now.” When asked if he would support impeachment, Denham said: “Impeachment is a, is a very serious issue. I think that you have to prove that the leader of the free world has done something that is so far against American beliefs that, and this trust that he’s been sworn into that you remove him. You know I think that him trying to move beyond these phony scandals is something that opens the door for us to investigate further. IRS targeting people, targeting individuals, targeting political organizations is a huge issue that we’re going to hold him account on. But the biggest issue for me thus far in this presidency has been Benghazi [...]So depending on how far these investigations go we could get into a scenario where the president has broken the law.” [North Valley Tea Party Club, 8/14/13]

Rep. Kerry Bentivolio: It Would be “Dream Come True” to Impeach President Obama. “Rep. Kerry Bentivolio, R-Mich., Monday said it would be a ‘dream come true’ to write a bill to impeach President Obama after constituents asked what he is doing to stop the president from ‘doing everything that he’s doing against [the] Constitution.’ ‘If I could write that bill and submit it, it would be a dream come true,’ Bentivolio said at the Birmingham Bloomfield Republican Club Meeting. ‘I feel your pain. I stood twelve feet away from [the president] and listened to him. I couldn’t stand being there, but because he is president I have to respect the office. That’s my job, as a congressman. I respect the office.’ Bentivolio, a former Santa Claus impersonator and reindeer farmer, went on to say that he has already asked various lawyers and scholars to advise him on ‘how [he] could impeach the president of the United States.'” [ABC News, 8/21/13]

Rep. Steve King: House will Impeach President Obama if He Acts on Immigration Reform. “Rep. Steve King (R-IA) believes the House of Representatives will immediately begin impeachment proceedings if President Barack Obama unilaterally grants work permits and amnesty to millions more illegal immigrants by the ‘end of summer’ [...]‘From my standpoint, if the president [enacts more executive actions], we need to bring impeachment hearings immediately before the House of Representatives,’ King said. ‘That’s my position and that’s my prediction.'” [Breitbart, 7/26/14]

Rep. Jason Chaffetz: Impeaching President Obama a Possibility. “Rep. Jason Chaffetz says President Barack Obama’s handling of the government’s response to the Benghazi terrorist attack could be an impeachable offense and vows to continue digging at the “lies of highest magnitude” from the White House. ‘It’s certainly a possibility,” the Utah Republican said Monday when asked about impeachment. ‘That’s not the goal but given the continued lies perpetrated by this administration, I don’t know where it’s going to go. … I’m not taking it off the table. I’m not out there touting that but I think this gets to the highest levels of our government and integrity and honesty are paramount.'” [Salt Lake Tribune, 5/13/13]

Rep. Michele Bachmann: Option of Impeaching President Obama Should Not be Dismissed. “Bachmann stopped short of saying that Obama should be impeached, but when asked, said that option shouldn’t be dismissed. ‘As I have been home in my district, the 6th District of Minnesota, there isn’t a weekend that hasn’t gone by that someone says to me, ‘Michele, what in the world are you all waiting for in Congress? Why aren’t you impeaching the president? He’s been making unconstitutional actions since he came into office,’ Bachmann said.” [Politico, 5/16/13]

Rep. Blake Farenthold: House has Votes to Impeach President Obama. “Rep. Blake Farenthold thinks the House of Representatives has the votes to impeach President Barack Obama in response to an inquiry about the authenticity of the president’s birth certificate, but said at a town hall meeting he doesn’t think it would be the best approach. ‘A question I get a lot, ‘If everybody is so unhappy with the president, why don’t you impeach him?’ Farenthold, a Texas Republican, said at a town hall meeting Saturday according to a video posted on YouTube. ‘I’ll give you a real frank answer about that, if we were to impeach the president tomorrow, we would probably get the votes in the House of Representatives to do it.'” [Politico, 8/12/13]

Rep. Steve Stockman: “I’m Considering Filing Articles of Impeachment Against Barack Obama.” “Mr.Stockman said Mr. Obama has repeatedly broken his oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and in response, he’s seriously mulling legal action. ‘I’m considering filing Articles of Impeachment against Barack Obama,’ he wrote on his website, as reported by The Blaze.” [Washington Times, 1/30/14]

Rep. Jack Kingston: Congress Will Start Looking at Impeaching President Obama “Very Seriously.” “Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) declined to comment this week when asked whether he supports impeaching President Barack Obama, but in a radio interview two weeks ago, he said it was a very serious possibility [...] ‘Not a day goes by when people don’t talk to us about impeachment. I don’t know what rises to that level yet, but I know that there’s a mounting frustration that a lot of people are getting to and I think Congress is going to start looking at it very seriously.'” [Huffington Post, 7/16/14]

Rep. Randy Weber: “The President Deserves to be Impeached.” “‘The president deserves to be impeached, plain and simple,’ Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) said at an event hosted by the Heritage Foundation.” [The Hill, 7/15/14]

Rep. Joe Barton: Impeaching President Obama “Debatable.” “Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), who voted to impeach President Bill Clinton in 1998, said that doing the same for Obama was ‘debatable.’ ‘I think it’s debatable. I certainly think the president has gone out of his way to not enforce some of the laws that the Congress thinks he should be enforcing,’ Barton said.” [The Hill, 7/15/14]

Rep. Michael Burgess: Impeaching President Obama “Needs to Happen.” “Impeaching President Barack Obama ‘needs to happen,’ Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) told a local tea party group, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported Tuesday. Burgess spoke, the paper said, in response to an attendee’s suggestion that the GOP-controlled House use impeachment to stop Obama from ‘pushing his agenda.’ ‘It needs to happen, and I agree with you it would tie things up,’ Burgess reportedly responded. ‘No question about that.'” [Politico, 8/09/11]

Rep. Ted Yoho: House Should Threaten to Impeach President Obama. “Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) told colleagues that the House should pass legislation with new steps to secure the border, and tell Obama if he didn’t implement it, they would impeach him. ‘He either enforces the laws on the books—as he was hired and elected to do—or he leaves Congress no option. This is not our choice, this is the President’s choice and I would advise him to uphold the law on the books,’ Yoho said in a written statement after the meeting.” [Breitbart, 7/25/14]

Rep. Paul Broun Backed Impeaching President Obama. “Rep. Paul Broun, a GOP candidate for U.S. Senate in Georgia, indicated during a tea party-sponsored candidate forum this weekend that he would support the impeachment of President Obama. Candidates at the Gilmer County GOP forum, including Broun, were asked by a questioner: ‘Clinton was impeached for perjury. Obama has perjured himself on multiple occasions. Would you support impeachment if presented for a vote?’ Broun, along with two other candidates, Derrick Grayson and Eugene Yu raised their hands, according to video of the event obtained by ABC News (watch video above). Neither Rep. Phil Gingrey nor Rep. Jack Kingston attended the forum.” [ABC News, 2/03/14]

Rep. Louie Gohmert Pushed Impeachment of President Obama. “Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) on Tuesday amped his recent impeachment rhetoric by claiming that President Barack Obama was ‘getting close to a high crime and misdemeanor’ [...]Gohmert also repeated his recent warning that if Republicans force the U.S. to default on its debt by refusing to raise the debt ceiling then it ‘would be an impeachable offense by the president.'” [Raw Story, 10/15/13]

Rep. Lou Barletta: House Probably has Votes to Impeach President Obama.“Rep. Lou Barletta says the House ‘probably‘ has the votes to impeach President Barack Obama. ‘He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances,’ the Pennsylvania Republican said of Obama on the Gary Sutton radio show on Monday. ‘The problem is, what do you do? For those that say impeach him for breaking the laws or bypassing the laws — could that pass in the House? It probably could. Is the majority of the American people in favor of impeaching the president? I’m not sure.'” [Politico, 6/17/14]

Yeah. It’s not off the table. Impeachment is on, just like the debt ceiling debacle was on and just like Republicans shut down the government.

The GOP has no control over the crazy. Their lawsuit is an embarrassment of desperation based on nothing but the paranoid and hopeful rants of sore losers who can’t win a national election and whose last president gave the opposition party actual cause for impeachment talk.

Republicans are out of control and need to be put in a time out until they can stop throwing temper tantrums and instead operate as loyal opposition and functioning checks and balances.



Markle wrote:
And your messiah!  Wordslinger, you keep forgetting your signature.  You should be proud of your beliefs.

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Hitlers-train-Amerika_zpseebd91bd

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Socrat14

Desperate to use my artwork I see. There was no slur, Wordslinger used the name of Adolph Hitler's personal train, the Amerika" for many years. So how can using his own signature, a slur?



Liberals have double standards



Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
And your messiah!  Wordslinger, you keep forgetting your signature.  You should be proud of your beliefs.

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Hitlers-train-Amerika_zpseebd91bd

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Socrat14

Desperate to use my artwork I see.  There was no slur, Wordslinger used the name of Adolph Hitler's personal train, the Amerika" for many years.  So how can using his own signature, a slur?




PACEDOG#1 wrote:the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.

Show us where liberals are working to curtail the votes of blacks or Hispanics or the poor, or young women ... LOL



Wordslinger wrote:
Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
And your messiah!  Wordslinger, you keep forgetting your signature.  You should be proud of your beliefs.

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Hitlers-train-Amerika_zpseebd91bd

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Socrat14

Desperate to use my artwork I see.  There was no slur, Wordslinger used the name of Adolph Hitler's personal train, the Amerika" for many years.  So how can using his own signature, a slur?


Dorks will continue to be dorks......

Edited: That statement was not meant for you, Wordslinger...



Markle wrote:
Markle wrote:
And your messiah!  Wordslinger, you keep forgetting your signature.  You should be proud of your beliefs.

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Hitlers-train-Amerika_zpseebd91bd

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Socrat14

Desperate to use my artwork I see.  There was no slur, Wordslinger used the name of Adolph Hitler's personal train, the Amerika" for many years.  So how can using his own signature, a slur?

It's not your artwork.



To be fair... he says "screw amerika inc"... and it's clever especially because of the nazi reference.



PkrBum wrote:To be fair... he says "screw amerika inc"... and it's clever especially because of the nazi reference.

Thanks, I appreciate the support. Take note that I was using the signoff "Screw Amerika Inc." long before Herr Markle googled Amerika and found the pic of a Nazi train. And so it goes ...



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:To be fair... he says "screw amerika inc"... and it's clever especially because of the nazi reference.

Thanks, I appreciate the support. Take note that I was using the signoff "Screw Amerika Inc." long before Herr Markle googled Amerika and found the pic of a Nazi train. And so it goes ...

Again... it wasn't markle. I remembered reading that long ago. I had assumed you knew... but mentioned it in passing.



by Wordslinger on 10/24/2014, 2:49 pm
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.

How very Christian of you! Yessirree sir, if you're a good representative of Our Lord Jesus, he must have been one arrogant, ignorant, aggressively cruel and repugnant kind of guy.

With your hatred for anyone not like yourself bubbling just below the surface, I've got more chance of going to Heaven than you do!
Has nothing to so with
But everything to do with
How much Dems are hypocrites



PACEDOG#1 wrote:by Wordslinger on 10/24/2014, 2:49 pm
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.

How very Christian of you! Yessirree sir, if you're a good representative of Our Lord Jesus, he must have been one arrogant, ignorant, aggressively cruel and repugnant kind of guy.

With your hatred for anyone not like yourself bubbling just below the surface, I've got more chance of going to Heaven than you do!
Has nothing to so with
But everything to do with

How much Dems are hypocrites

I think you need to stop hating, too. Start with President Obama. Come on, you can do it--and that will only be the starting place. God doesn't cotton toward your hypocrisy either.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....."



PACEDOG#1 wrote:by Wordslinger on 10/24/2014, 2:49 pm
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.

How very Christian of you! Yessirree sir, if you're a good representative of Our Lord Jesus, he must have been one arrogant, ignorant, aggressively cruel and repugnant kind of guy.

With your hatred for anyone not like yourself bubbling just below the surface, I've got more chance of going to Heaven than you do!
Has nothing to so with
But everything to do with

How much Dems are hypocrites

I think you need to stop hating, too. Start with President Obama. Come on, you can do it--and that will only be the starting place. God doesn't cotton toward your hypocrisy either.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....."

I have never seen you say anything to FT about her Bush hate?



Joanimaroni wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:by Wordslinger on 10/24/2014, 2:49 pm
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.

How very Christian of you! Yessirree sir, if you're a good representative of Our Lord Jesus, he must have been one arrogant, ignorant, aggressively cruel and repugnant kind of guy.

With your hatred for anyone not like yourself bubbling just below the surface, I've got more chance of going to Heaven than you do!
Has nothing to so with
But everything to do with

How much Dems are hypocrites

I think you need to stop hating, too. Start with President Obama. Come on, you can do it--and that will only be the starting place. God doesn't cotton toward your hypocrisy either.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....."

I have never seen you say anything to FT about her Bush hate?

You should educate yourself on the history of the Bush family. It might open your eyes, but I doubt you will even research it, because you don't want to know...even when the evidence is right in front of you, in the form stolen elections, 9/11, and two misbegotten wars based on lies. Go ahead and wallow in your right-wing fantasy if anyone could stop you.



I also have plenty of Bush-hate.... But you will never see me wallowing in self-righteousness while pointing a finger at those to whom I am opposed.

I tell people I have more faults than an earthquake zone. However, God is not done with me yet.....



Floridatexan wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:by Wordslinger on 10/24/2014, 2:49 pm
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

the common man. Their spending habits on the political elite show them to be no different than the Republicans. You democrats are actually worse than the republicans. You act like you fight for the common man and then you support policies that screw that same common man. You are either ignorant, or you are filthy dirty. I'll let you choose which one.

Sound off, about your filthy/ignorance state in this thread for us.

How very Christian of you! Yessirree sir, if you're a good representative of Our Lord Jesus, he must have been one arrogant, ignorant, aggressively cruel and repugnant kind of guy.

With your hatred for anyone not like yourself bubbling just below the surface, I've got more chance of going to Heaven than you do!
Has nothing to so with
But everything to do with

How much Dems are hypocrites

I think you need to stop hating, too. Start with President Obama. Come on, you can do it--and that will only be the starting place. God doesn't cotton toward your hypocrisy either.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....."

I have never seen you say anything to FT about her Bush hate?

You should educate yourself on the history of the Bush family.  It might open your eyes, but I doubt you will even research it, because you don't want to know...even when the evidence is right in front of you, in the form stolen elections, 9/11, and two misbegotten wars based on lies.  Go ahead and wallow in your right-wing fantasy if anyone could stop you.  

Liberals lie and don't care about..... Th?id=HN.607992220681505705&pid=15

And your blood stained Nobel Champion Of Peace who bombs sovereign nations, without Congress's or the American peoples approval, as he builds bridges of understanding with the mutilated bodies of innocents should be considered what?????..... Community service?



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