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Ferguson's a giant IED . .

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26Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 5:05 pm



Seven witnesses day the same BOF

27Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 5:10 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Seven witnesses day the same BOF


One of your witnesses says Brown was staggering to stay upright when the fatal shot was fired.

He also says that Wilson is a stone-cold murderer.

28Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 5:34 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

PACEDOG#1 wrote:Seven witnesses day the same BOF

Who? As far as I know from what I have read - which I will admit I haven't read much about this story lately - witness all say that there was a struggle at the car, Brown tried to flee, the officer fired on Brown as he fled, Brown stopped, turned, put his hands up, and then the officer proceeded to execute him in broad daylight.

29Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 5:39 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
I haven't presented any theories.

You've said that Brown assaulted Wilson.

That's a theory that is contradicted by some witnesses.

Others say Brown was simply trying to escape.

FT's theory is more believable than the bullshit story Wilson has spun.

No theory.
Brown committed a strong armed robbery.
Brown had Marijuana in his system.
The officer, according to reports not theory, was assaulted by Brown while in his car.
Brown grabbed for the officer's gun, according to reports. The gun fired twice.
Assaulting an officer is a felony.
Some witnesses stated Brown was shot in the back.
Some witnesses said Brown's hands were up.
Some witnesses say they were not up.
Brown was shot and killed.
Some say he was charging the officer.
Some say he was not.

You're full of it, sister. And there you go again, providing "facts" with no substantiation.

30Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 5:56 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
I haven't presented any theories.

You've said that Brown assaulted Wilson.

That's a theory that is contradicted by some witnesses.

Others say Brown was simply trying to escape.

FT's theory is more believable than the bullshit story Wilson has spun.

No theory.
Brown committed a strong armed robbery.
Brown had Marijuana in his system.
The officer, according to reports not theory, was assaulted by Brown while in his car.
Brown grabbed for the officer's gun, according to reports. The gun fired twice.
Assaulting an officer is a felony.
Some witnesses stated Brown was shot in the back.
Some witnesses said Brown's hands were up.
Some witnesses say they were not up.
Brown was shot and killed.
Some say he was charging the officer.
Some say he was not.

Both autopsies have shown that he was NOT shot in the back.

31Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 6:21 pm



Markle wrote:

Both autopsies have shown that he was NOT shot in the back.

You're clueless.

32Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 6:23 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
I haven't presented any theories.

You've said that Brown assaulted Wilson.

That's a theory that is contradicted by some witnesses.

Others say Brown was simply trying to escape.

FT's theory is more believable than the bullshit story Wilson has spun.

No theory.
Brown committed a strong armed robbery.
Brown had Marijuana in his system.
The officer, according to reports not theory, was assaulted by Brown while in his car.
Brown grabbed for the officer's gun, according to reports. The gun fired twice.
Assaulting an officer is a felony.
Some witnesses stated Brown was shot in the back.
Some witnesses said Brown's hands were up.
Some witnesses say they were not up.
Brown was shot and killed.
Some say he was charging the officer.
Some say he was not.

You're full of it, sister.  And there you go again, providing "facts" with no substantiation.

Ever reliable DailyKOS.

Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 DailyKOSWeinerPresseraFake-1

Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Daily-kos-silent-fng-night

Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 DailyKosFetusParasite

33Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 6:28 pm



Sal wrote:
Markle wrote:

Both autopsies have shown that he was NOT shot in the back.

You're clueless.

FACT, not your wistful thinking.

Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Socratestoo

34Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 6:41 pm


Please tell us where the glancing shot under Michael's armpit came from. Was the doctor who performed the autopsy able to say it was from a shot in the back, or a shot from the front?

Please explain with an alleged perp wounded and fifty feet away what reasonable fear the officer had that the public was at risk or he was at risk when he had a hand gun, and could easily go back into his vehicle and get the shot gun. Again, the officer had zero knowledge of any crime this kid committed other than not getting on the fricking sidewalk fast enough.

35Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:07 pm



Hmmm...enough of the "harmless" marijuana in Mr. Brown's system to cause hallucinations. HOW CAN THAT BE? Listing to the Progressives here, it is HARMLESS!

BREAKING: Michael Brown’s Toxicology Report is Exactly What Race Baiters Did NOT Want to Hear


Eyewitness testimony has already confirmed that Brown did not have his hands up when he was shot, and the recently released county autopsy report indicates the same. In addition, forensic tests proved that Michael Brown’s blood was present on Wilson’s gun, uniform, and interior car door panel, corroborating his statement that the two struggled for control of Wilson’s gun in the car.

Now the toxicology report has been released, and it, too, puts another nail in the coffin of the liberal narrative surrounding the Brown shooting, according to The Washington Post.

“Jurors have also seen the St. Louis County autopsy report, including toxicology test results for Brown that show he had tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana, in his system,” the paper reported on Thursday.

“The Post’s sources said the levels in Brown’s body may have been high enough to trigger hallucinations,” it continued.

It’s only speculation, of course, but hallucinations could account for some of Brown’s reportedly irrational behavior that day, including his attempt to take a gun away from a trained police officer.


Read more:

36Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:22 pm


Mr. many people in your life have you been around who are stoned on pot?  How many people in your lifetime have you seen who were stoned who were brawling?

I listened to the lady who did the autopsy talk about the drug screens, and there is zero doubt that Michael was high on THC.  So exactly why would a race baiter be concerned that Michael was high?

37Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:36 pm



Ferguson, Mo., police officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown fought for control of the officer’s gun, and Wilson fatally shot the unarmed teenager after he moved toward the officer as they faced off in the street, according to interviews, news accounts and the full report of the St. Louis County autopsy of Brown’s body.

Because Wilson is white and Brown was black, the case has ignited intense debate over how police interact with African American men. But more than a half-dozen unnamed black witnesses have provided testimony to a St. Louis County grand jury that largely supports Wilson’s account of events of Aug. 9, according to several people familiar with the investigation who spoke with The Washington Post.

Some of the physical evidence — including blood spatter analysis, shell casings and ballistics tests — also supports Wilson’s account of the shooting, The Post’s sources said, which casts Brown as an aggressor who threatened the officer’s life. The sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because they are prohibited from publicly discussing the case.

38Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:42 pm



2seaoat wrote:Mr. many people in your life have you been around who are stoned on pot?  How many people in your lifetime have you seen who were stoned who were brawling?

I listened to the lady who did the autopsy talk about the drug screens, and there is zero doubt that Michael was high on THC.  So exactly why would a race baiter be concerned that Michael was high?

University o Washington

Marijuana and Aggression
Does smoking marijuana cause aggression?

Marijuana usually has a sedating effect on most users, making it much less likely to cause violence in users than other substances such as alcohol and stimulants (e.g., amphetamines and cocaine).

However, sometimes when marijuana is used it can cause fear, anxiety, panic or paranoia, which can result in an aggressive outburst. For most people, once the effects of the drug wear off, their behavior gradually improves.

Some studies have found support for an association between marijuana use and various types of violence, including relationship or interpersonal violence (Moore TM & Stuart GL, 2005). However, no definitive correlation between marijuana use and violence in adults has been establish; the correlation appears to be stronger in adolescents (Copeland J, Rooke S, Swift W, 2013). Violence in anyone, including marijuana users, often has a multicausal explanation, with numerous factors impacting behavior, such as increased life stress, aggressive personality traits, multidrug use, or a history of violent behavior (Macdonald S, et al., 2008). Marijuana is also part of the global illegal drug market, which may increase the chances of violence occurring in some social interactions.

Additionally, when people are withdrawing from marijuana they can become irritable, which can lead to abusive or aggressive behavior among people with a history of aggression (Smith PH et al., 2013). Studies have not found an association between withdrawal symptoms and aggression among those without a previous history of aggression.

- See more at:

39Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:49 pm


However, no definitive correlation between marijuana use and violence in adults has been establish;

Can you say the same thing for Alcohol? However, I argue that a person wearing any nike footwear has a higher correlation with violence than a person using pot.

Therefore, did the autopsy report what type of shoe Michael was wearing, and whether the shoe was properly fit?

Headline racebaiters cringe that Michael was wearing Nike gym shoes.

40Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:52 pm


Violent Crime Down Since Colorado Legalized Marijuana

Real world stats on the impact of high people on crime.

41Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:53 pm



2seaoat wrote:However, no definitive correlation between marijuana use and violence in adults has been establish;

Can you say the same thing for Alcohol?  However, I argue that a person wearing any nike footwear has a higher correlation with violence than a person using pot.

Therefore, did the autopsy report what type of shoe Michael was wearing, and whether the shoe was properly fit?

Headline racebaiters cringe that Michael was wearing Nike gym shoes.

Brown had aggressive tendacies with the store clerk during the strong armed robbery.

Some studies have found support for an association between marijuana use and various types of violence, including relationship or interpersonal violence (Moore TM & Stuart GL, 2005). However, no definitive correlation between marijuana use and violence in adults has been establish; the correlation appears to be stronger in adolescents (Copeland J, Rooke S, Swift W, 2013). Violence in anyone, including marijuana users, often has a multicausal explanation, with numerous factors impacting behavior, such as increased life stress, aggressive personality traits, multidrug use, or a history of violent behavior (Macdonald S, et al., 2008). Marijuana is also part of the global illegal drug market, which may increase the chances of violence occurring in some social interactions.

Last edited by Joanimaroni on 10/24/2014, 7:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

42Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:56 pm


“I used to make a joke that the highest people during a drug raid were the cops,” Ryan said.

Instead of being high on marijuana, he explained, the cops are high on adrenaline, which is why officers often do things they later regret. It doesn’t help that law enforcement are also addicted to the “drug war dollars” they receive from enforcing federal marijuana laws, he noted.

43Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 7:59 pm


Brown had aggressive tendacies with the store clerk during the strong armed robbery.

Describe those.......

44Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 8:03 pm



2seaoat wrote:Brown had aggressive tendacies with the store clerk during the strong armed robbery.

Describe those.......

Watch the video. BTW did he steal those shoes you were talking about.

45Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 8:04 pm


Michael Brown was an adult who was recognized as an adult. He was 18. Please read the definition of adolescent. He certainly still may have been a kid, but under those studies to call a person an adolescent it requires that they not be of legal age. Again, there is zero correlation with pot smoking and adult violence. The real world stats coming out of Colorado are stunning.

So again....please connect the dots.

46Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 8:08 pm


Watch the video. BTW did he steal those shoes you were talking about.

I am telling you if you approached me while I was walking on the street with Nikes on, I would cross the street and apply for a conceal and carry. Now if you were high, I would share a twinkie.

I watched the video. I did not see one violent strike by a lumbering giant. Now if he was taking Fritos with his cigars......he was definitely high.

47Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 8:13 pm



2seaoat wrote:Michael Brown was an adult who was recognized as an adult.  He was 18.  Please read the definition of adolescent.  He certainly still may have been a kid, but under those studies to call a person an adolescent it requires that they not be of legal age.   Again, there is zero correlation with pot smoking and adult violence.   The real world stats coming out of Colorado are stunning.

So again....please connect the dots.

Read it again.

However, no definitive correlation between marijuana use and violence in adults has been establish; the correlation appears to be stronger in adolescents (Copeland J, Rooke S, Swift W, 2013). Violence in anyone, including marijuana users, often has a multicausal explanation, with numerous factors impacting behavior, such as increased life stress, aggressive personality traits, multidrug use, or a history of violent behavior

No where does it say marijuana users are always laid back passive individuals, just like Seaoat thinks.

48Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 8:17 pm



49Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 10:07 pm



I believe I read an initial report that said a shot from behind may have grazed the "suspect". That may have been the reason he decided to give himself up...just before his death.

50Ferguson's a giant IED . .  - Page 2 Empty Re: Ferguson's a giant IED . . 10/24/2014, 11:23 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
I believe I read an initial report that said a shot from behind may have grazed the "suspect".  That may have been the reason he decided to give himself up...just before his death.

Post it. This is another red herring by you. In the Martin Zimmerman case you did the same thing. You stated you searched everywhere trying to find something to prove Zimmerman was not defending himself.

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